-------------------------------------- FOX-GIRL TEST BUILD -- 4th August 2023 2023 (Patreon test build) Version V0.5.7.8 MAJOR: - Added "Route A11". Nothing too dramatic here but theoretically you should be able to encounter all remaining cursed items, the fox-girl and the werewolf-girl. The cursed items need some work still. This entire route will get some work on it, too. Access is near the Canoe in the Village. The map also has fog. - New TF linked to a cursed item. It's in the chests in RouteA11. - New mini-animated-scene involving the player's bust at sizes above 2, cat-girls will often interact with this. If you take damage, you can gain a curse "skill" that can trigger it too. - Curse "Skills". They aren't too dramatic right now. One lets you remove the seals the fox-girl places on you, one can appear when you have large tits and take damage, the other occurs after that one fox-girl scene against elites and just applies corruption. Corruptions have limited uses and those uses reduce by 1 after each map. "Draining Kiss" is also sort of a curse. Now I'm typing this, it might drain those uses faster than it should and affect Draining Kiss, I'll fix that in the patches. MINOR: - Rework of some characters' tits when they're unclothed (ram-girl in her ending, fox-girl) including sprites for elite fox-girl and when she's unclothed. - Since everything in Endless should be in RouteA11, I took away the +15 hp/resistance bonus in Endless and put a +10 on RouteA11. - Fox-girl's attacks getting slight changes. "Spike Seal" is now called "Empower", gives Flinch and has Recovery. Resonance now has Echo instead of Recovery. Slight adjustment to loot pools for those who have fox-features to account for Spike Seal and Resonance now being stronger. This is also a buff to elite fox-girl as elite fox-girl benefits from Echo. - Some refactoring with how possession, hypnosis and milk debuffs are checked. The game should now be more generous in where you're allowed to move under Possession and more correctly show when an enemy is denied an attack from Hypnosis. - Yet more very subtle graphical fixes, effects, little bugfixes. Everything from fixing the lighting effect on shrines during possession to skillpreview properly showing Sweep/Piton's moves to better touchscreen feedback on when it left clicks or right clicks to the selectors bouncing a bit to a couple of extra rock tiles... FOX-GIRL TEST BUILD -- 8th July 2023 (Patreon test build) Version V0.5.7.7 MAJOR: - The environment is now heavily destructible. Right now there aren't a lot of abilities strong enough to destroy, PICKAXE has been added and is currently the best at that but you'll get more chances to destroy stuff later on. The fox-girl's shrine's state is tied to if the fox-girl can use her abilities + there's now a special effect that helps show shrine-related shenangians. - The game is now officially out on android and I'm removing the EXPERIMENTAL tag, as in, a number of things that were possible on PC but weren't on android have been fixed. You can hide the UI with multiple finger-touches and you can see what moves do by tapping them on the hotbar. MINOR: - Fixed various bugs, such as with fox-girl mysteriously gaining a dick or ghosts being really bad at hitting jumping characterss. - Updated possession art for the player's sprite. Improved the look of the player's third chest size (when not constrained by clothes) - Improved the visuals for skills when you view them on the reward page or in your inventory, it shows you which squares they can hit. Needs just a bit more work. Also, updated the visuals to show what debuffs they inflict and to better show their damage. Also, the UI better shows what happens when you use a Heavy attack mid-air, UI shows spike seal's buff... Some other minor UI fixes to make the game smoother. - Made the "mini scenes" easier to view and also added a "Struggle" mechanic. No, it's not a Quick Time Event or a "break out quick or you lose" mechanic, it just lets you spam click to end scenes sooner (and is required to break out of looping scenes) - The methods for gaining Ram-girl's and Fox-girl's corruption have changed slightly to be more appropriate (fox through possession, ram through the skill she gives you) FOX-GIRL TEST BUILD -- 21 June 2023 (Patreon test build) Version V0.5.7.6 MAJOR: - Fox-girl has another "cutscene". Has an alt version if the content isn't filtered. - New enemy, "Ghost Fox", behaves like the fox-fire from before but is an actual enemy instead. It has some immunities and weaknesses. - Improvements to enemy behavior. Enemies are now capable of infighting or otherwise targetting each other. MINOR: - Fox-girl got the ram-girl treatment in that her elite version has something extra if the content isn't filtered. - Torch is buffed, now AoE hits all enemies for... 0 damage? Also, it isn't consumed when damaging bushes. - Updated possession debuff art! - Decorative? fox statues around fox shrines. (may not be decorative) - New skill, "Ghost Bell", does the same thing Fox-girl can do with summoning ghosts. Also has an 'echo' modifier. - You can acquire the "fox-girl class" by losing to the Fox-girl. No unique ending yet. -------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY UPDATE -- 01 May 2023 (Public update + following patches) Version V0.5.7.2 (Patch, 24th May) MINOR: - More small graphical fixes / small bugfixes. Most notably, added icons for all the corruptions/cursed item statuses on the status screen, upgraded all the attack icons, added signs for every mission with old ones darkened. - For the first time ever, I've run a spellchecker on the game's script! There were only 6 actual errors. - Reworked tutorials a bit. - Re-wrote all the story conversations to be clearer and more concise. - Improved selecting/deselecting characters to talk to. Most notably, the inventory button is replaced by a "close conversation" button when applicable and there are less issues with talking to someone on your same space, that sorta thing. Also in the shrine "Attack" is now "Talk". - A bunch of bugfixes, most of them very situational. Some of these bugs were tablet-only. V0.5.7.1 (Patch, 5th May) MINOR: - For those into Satyr (elite ram), she now has her own "alt class" when you game over to her including her own conversations. - A bugfix and some small UI changes. If you had problems getting the fox's CG before, it's now easier, enemy block actually works properly now which means Fox's Elite version will make you suffer. - Buffed Axe, 2 extra hit squares. Version V0.5.7.0 MINOR: - Added a wishing ring to 0-3, somewhere. Dubious function. - Made improvements to "Go Back Once", "Skip Once" and to cat-girl's bad end. - ... Another whole lot of minor changes/bug fixes and getting everything in order. -------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY UPDATE (skills edition) -- 24th April 2023 (Patreon test build, or early access?) Version V0.5.6.0 MAJOR: - Updated draggable skill graphics. The skill (ability) screen scales better as well and wooden backing as well as the icons (fast, heavy etc) are updated. The bottom-left "Skills you will draw next" scales to screen size too. - Instead of from random enemy drops, when you clear a certain tier-dependent quantity of max HP worth of enemies from a screen, you'll be rewarded with a choice of skills once you get to the map. Depending on your corruptions, these choices may become corrupted. Starting class skills are now presented on entering 0-3 and you won't get access to them until 0-3. Reworked class starting skills to 4 items each (+pitons) MINOR: - Reworded the later part of the intro conversation to reflect the ongoing plot a bit better / cuts out a few extra unneeded lines. - Buffed torches to also damage surrounding obstructions, should make them very powerful for removing foliage. As before, they can deal damage if something is on the tile that was burned. - On mission 0-3 (and likely the future world map) you can now simply go back the way you came if you accidentally entered a tile. - Skills now display info about their icons when you hover over them. - "Recovery" (currently on Resonance) and the knockbacknextattack (currently on Spike Seal) effects have been doubled. - When the fox-girl hits you with her knockback buff she applies that seal I posted about before. It'll be expanded upon in her proper update. - Fixed a problem that may have limited 'loading conversations' with Voice, plus added 'loading conversations' if your 'class' is changed (cat-girl, ram-girl) - You can now access the hotsprings from the village, mostly used for resetting. - A bunch more bugfixes (especially for android), minor visual effects like icons on the 'petal menu', better scaling for larger resolutions. -------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY UPDATE -- 3rd April 2023 (Patreon test build) Version V0.5.5.0 MAJOR: -Fox-Girl's art has been completely re-drawn. She previously had a number of poses that weren't used in the game because she doesn't have any dialogue right now, those have been re-drawn too. She still has the same design as before. (You can also remove her top, nya?) -New map system which is assigned to mission "0-3". Mission "0-3" now exists and can be completed in one of four ways. -Mission "0-4" is now up featuring the bed scene. It's up for debate if you'd call it a real mission. -The player now heals an amount equal to the defeated enemy's health, up to their maximum (currently 20, 30 in Endless), comes with a visual effect. 0-2 is updated to explain this as you're granted the ability after 0-2. -The new mission (and the world map that will come after, not yet) has a Hotsprings which restores health and lowers corruption, unlocks after you finish 0-3. You can also reset corruption completely. -There's now a 'class' system, where your class will be changed after bad ends. It will be worked upon some more later. Also, corruptions are permanent but 'bad ends' reset corruptions to that class's. MINOR: -Player's clothes now have 4 health. The health is represented visually. -Added an effect that shows you when an enemy is affected by a debuff. For example, an enemy under 'Hypnosis' or 'Flinch' will show the effect when they fail to attack. -Milk/Cowbell changes: Cat-girls will now lose their attack and reduce your milk if an attack starts by you or lands them next to you. The rate at which milk causes corruption is now slower the larger your bust size. The cursed bell now generates milk every time you take 'force' (red) damage. Bell appears on art regardless of bust size, no longer required for max bust size. -Extra visual effect when an enemy is defeated, extra visual effect when the player is transformed, extra visual effect when picking up / putting down itemsequipmentabilities whatever I call them, extra visual effect when using an itemabilityequipmentwhatever. Extra visual effect when enemy 'tracks' you, extra visual effect when enemy has an attack ready. Extra... There's a lot, okay? -Added an experimental passive 'lewdness' stat, has a chance to flinch nearby enemies at the start of their turn if you're close. Being naked and large bust size are examples that increase lewdness. This may be expanded upon in the future to add content. -Debuff changes: Simplified debuffs. drowsy/hypnosis no longer decrease when damaged, drowsy now always halves-rounds-down your speed, all debuffs reduce without needing to "Wait". Buffs added, following similar rules. ...Drowsy applies the same way to enemies and enemies no longer have unique ways of reducing debuffs, they all reduce at a regular rate now (previously, ramgirls had to stand still, catgirls could never remove debuffs, wolfgirls had to make attacks and foxgirls had to be near the shrine) -Added a secret shortcut, the idea is that players will be told where the shortcut is located so they can skip content they've already done. -Improved the Status screen visuals and made them more thorough including cursed items, all corruptions and more accurate debuff descriptions. -------------------------------------- RAM UPDATE -- 31st January 2023 Your saves should transfer automatically. Old saves should always be compatible with future saves, if they aren't it's a bug. The saves are stored in a user folder, on windows it will be in %appdata% under 'moncurse'. HINTS: For the clothing change/certain scenes, you need to use an attack with hypnosis on a ram-girl and have them then 'kiss' you. Also, you need the stronger variant of the ram for an ending and transformation. Version V0.5.2.2: (Public build, includes V0.5.2.1 and V0.5.2.0 content) MAJOR: -After beating the cat mission, a scene now plays that tackles any corruption you may have gotten and wraps up the beginning arc. MINOR: -Added a patreon link in-game and adjusted how it displays along with the discord button. -Added a table in the gallery that links to ram-girl bad ends. -Fixed a number of bugs to do with the upper (message log) UI glitching out. -Fixed issues to do with content preferences not saving/loading properly. -------------------------------------- Version V0.5.2.1 (Released as a test build on patreon, this is all in the public build now): MAJOR: -Gallery now features all of ram's new content as well as a toggle for ranked (elite) variants of enemies. You can't use the elite toggle to get the elite Ram's ending if you haven't unlocked it. -Added many lines of open world dialogue with the Ram-girls, some dialogue is much rarer than others. -Added two game over scenarios with the Ram-girls. MINOR: -The red ram's color now shows on all relevant marks/on the player condition. -Ram-girls now spawn somewhat spread out through the level. -When entering Endless, you will now be prompted if you want the bonus (start 70 health/END, a few extra abilities), you can choose not to take this if you want to game over quickly. This is a temporary measure. -------------------------------------- Version V0.5.2.0 (Released as a test build on patreon, this is all in the public build now): MAJOR: -Added an alternative outfit to the player with full sprite/scene/dialogue support. It's technically a corruption effect. -Added a second small illustrated scene/interaction with Ram-girl with three slight variants. -Updated ram-girl's art + now has multiple expressions + futa alt. -Player's tits now have more 'dynamic' growth, plus a milk debuff effect. With enough milk, they can get obscenely large. -Instead of simply turning NSFW on/off, Qades now opens a preferences menu. This currently includes 'Extreme Breast Expansion' (disables anything beyond bust size 4/bell, so not much) and 'Futa Enemies' (re-themes futa enemies as non-futa if possible). Qades now also appears in the Village area. -Enemies have a random chance ability drop table (experimental). The number of abilities the player starts with in endless has been reduced to accomodate. -The player can now properly use most enemy abilities, which should help with learning their patterns. -You no longer get the yellow make-up effect with the horns TF, it's now a temporary (ends after 2 scenes) effect from the 'kiss' scene and it temporarily grants "Kiss". Horns TF now occurs from ranked ram's actions. MINOR: -Hypnosis now has a better visual effect on the player and on enemies. -Player is now hypnotized at 5 stacks of hypnosis, not 4. -Kiss scene now inflicts visual effects. -Improved the drag-drop accuracy on directional abilities. -Hypnosis debuff (on enemies) no longer prevents ALL normal attacks, instead it only prevents attacks that deal damage. Ram-girls won't use the damaging Kiss attack, but can still inflict Hypnosis. -Ram-girl now has only 2 attacks. Hypnosis's range has been buffed and given to the stronger Ram-girl. Their kiss now gives them +1 health, too. -Updated 'block' graphics, since the old graphics were designed for directional blocks. -Added an effect that plays when you pick up an item. -SturdyBoots now actually work, and only require you to fall 4 spaces. Passive items still spawn very rarely, however, because they're somewhat outdated. -------------------------------------- PUBLIC ALPHA RELEASE -- 7th December 2022 V0.5.1.5: Start of changelogs.