“Hi Maria! How’s your day going?” Maria’s dad asks as you both come into the kitchen, “And who’s your friend? Is she staying for dinner?”

You blush meekly, charmed by the handsome man’s smooth voice. You can feel him undress you with his eyes, and the vulnerability almost makes you wanna giggle.

“This is my friend, Shelly, is it okay for her to stay the week?” Maria asks her dad, “I’ll make her bed and-”

“Of course! Why would I have an issue with that?” Maria’s dad laughs as you both let out a sigh of relief, grateful that there were no more questions about your car.

You can still feel hungry eyes scanning your body, but you feel weird saying anything after Maria’s dad was so nice.

And he’s so handsome too…

You smile and blush as the three of you stand for an awkward moment, Maria seemingly unaware of her dad’s attraction to you. Your thighs rub together as your mouth waters, and you let out another giggle as you brush your hair back.

“Thanks dad!” Maria suddenly interrupts the smoldering silence, then grabs your hand and brings you back to her room.

She excitedly hugs you, celebrating the fact that you have a place to stay for the week. You don't care about that though, you can’t get the idea of her dad out of your mind.

“That was great stuff, but just in case he has a longer conversation with you- You’ll act like a normal girl till I change you back, even when I’m not around you’ll be indistinct from a girl our age.” Maria commands, excusing herself to the bathroom as you giggle ditzily.

And then suddenly the brain numbing fog is lifted from your mind.

What's going on??

Where are you???

You can’t remember a thing, sitting on an oddly familiar bed as you look around the girly bedroom. Your confusion quickly subsides as a wave of arousal rolls down your esophagus, making you whimper and moan as a musky whiff reminds you of the stud thirty feet away.

You need to look more sexy!

This schoolgirl outfit is childish, it makes you feel like a baby!!

“What’s this?” You wonder aloud as you pick up the wardrobe gun, “Oh right…”

You smirk as you point the gun at yourself, hoping to give yourself a mature outfit and makeover. You close your eyes as you pull the trigger, and bright light fills your vision as a draft wafts across your belly. You can feel material constrict and tighten around your chest, a bra forming and supporting your supple breasts by squeezing them.

The smell of perfume fills your nostrils as your panties tighten, rubbing between your damp folds as your cheeks are wedgied by a thin strip of material. You feel a light breeze on the bottom of your round ass, now hanging in the open air as your skirt shrinks and turns black.

“Oh no…” You suddenly hear Maria, finally coming back from the bathroom as ditziness from her previous command crashes down on your mind as you thoughtlessly drop the wardrobe gun.

“What’s wrong??” You giggle, bouncing your bra-encased bosom as Maria picks some weird thing up off the floor.

“Nothing, I was just scared you might go a bit overboard with this thing if I left you alone with it, I probably should hide it somewhere….” Maria trails off, walking to her closet as your head is drowned in pink thoughts and slutty desires.

“Like, is your dad trying to chill, or like, I don’t know, I would love to just hang out with him for a little bit…” You trail off as you twirl your hair, voice rising in pitch as you blush and rub your thighs together.

“Wow, I didn’t realize you had such a thing for my dad, maybe I should stop this…” Maria mutters, looking a bit worried as you notice a picture of her mom on the wall.

“Like, I never noticed how pretty your mom is, and she has such a sexy hairstyle with the two ponies- is that what your dad likes??” You ditzily ask, hairties already in hand as you pull your hair into two seperate ponytails.

“I don’t know… This is getting a little weird…” Maria responds, backing away as you gush and lick your plump lips.

“I feel so hawt and sexy!” You giggle, flicking your hips gracefully as you imagine Maria’s dad holding onto them with his strong hands.

“No!! Stop this now, you’re not attracted to my dad. Okay? Now there won’t be problems, feel any different?” Maria asks patronizingly, a bit of her power now getting to her head.

“Omg, you’re like so right! Why was I like, so into your dad before? He’s totally not hawt…” You pout, confused about your ceasing arousal as Maria satisfyingly puts away the wardrobe gun.

Nothing really happens over the next few days, luckily Maria was able to get you out of work for the week- not that you even remember your job anymore. Till Maria tells you to remember, you’re an ignorant passenger in reality of her fabricated present.

“Are we going to the mall later?” Maria asks, “I have to go to the doctor soon, but we could go when I get back…”

“Like, are you serious?” You ask, “You think I’m gonna like, say no a besties mall trip??”

Maria laughs before going to her appointment, leaving you with her normie dad for at least a few hours. You haven’t really left the house much this week, spending most of the time just talking to Maria and doing random household activities with her. You don’t even remember really talking to her dad ever, though he always acts super familiar with you.

“Hi Shelly, you know this is the first time we’re alone, and I noticed how funny you thought I was that first time we met…” Maria’s dad trails off, deep voice behind you as you sit on the couch.

“I don’t really remember that…” You say meekly, hoping to not make things awkward with your host.

You excuse yourself to Maria’s room, texting her about her weird dad as you lay in bed. She responds to just relax, and suddenly you’re calm. Then she says to just pretend she’s there, and all your concerns vanish.

That’s when you notice the costume gun Maria mistakenly left unhidden and immediately pick it up, excited to finally pick your own outfit instead of the conservative ones Maria dresses you in.

“What’s going on?” Maria’s dad asks from the open doorway, “I saw y- Oh sorry! I didn’t see anything, I didn’t realize you were changing!”

“You’re silly!” You giggle, “Like, I’m not really changing, just putting something fun on!”

The tall man gawks as your hair ties into knotted pigtails, dying pink as they flamboyantly protrude from your little head. Two wispy strands slip down your face as makeup cakes it, framing your perfect eye and lip as your sweat shorts and tee shirt lose their opaqueness.

Your panties pull up your waist as your top shrinks, leaving you in a neon bikini as Maria’s dad grows erect. You feel no attraction to the man, but almost feel obligated to take care of his hard on. Maria’s sheltered you from any men so far besides her dad, who she made sure you’re not attracted to. Now you’re in the ditzy bimbo mood from Maria’s command to pretend she’s around, but her commands aren't here to shield you from acting up!

You feel butterflies in your tummy as you casually look up at the ceiling, giving the man before you a chance to stop staring before you question him.

“What?” You ask nasally, pulling at your braided hair as Maria’s dad opens his mouth.

“Those breasts are perfect…” He says deeply, sexy desire almost breaking through Maria’s command against being attracted to him.

That doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun though…

“Oh really?” You giggle, raising your hands and biting your lip as your nipples slowly erect.

You’ve shook your breasts before, but doing them in a skimpy bikini- and with a hunky guy ogling you??

The skin beneath your breasts pulls as the heavy weights bounce, stimulating nerves you only ever felt when you took off your bra after a long day. Your nipples rub against the knitted lining of your top, catalyzing arousal that trickles down to your core.

Soon you feel your new panties dampen, and a drop slowly leaks down your thigh before you giggle and grab your jiggling bosom. Your heart races as you laugh hysterically, but the only thing on your mind is the mouth watering craving to take care of the cock that’s now inches from your bent over lips.

Continued, obviously 😘