Caleve (finished) He turned to Caleve, cupping underneath the gryphon's beak and tracing it affectionately. "And you, unfortunately for you, did not take part of the meal... I suppose I should feel bad, drawing you and Lazarus into this, to destroy your organs, just to satisfy my whims. I would apologize... but then I remember that you volunteered to help me." Caleve smiled, then, pushing his chair away from the table and standing up. "I didn't eat the mutton, bitches!" He crowed, pointing to the gathered customers and laughing. Lazarus sat up, as well, bowls of sauces flopping over and spilling onto the table top. "I'm not mutton! Mutton is cooked meat. I'm only poached meat." Gala unlocked the trolley and pulled it free of the table, a bowl of soy sauce falling to the floor. Lazarus waited until the trolley was completely unsheathed, and then carefully stood up next to it, his fingers tracing down over his denuded groin. "Damn, they didn't leave me with much, did they?" He cupped his remaining testicle, feeling the naked gleaming flesh against his palm, the scrotum clinging wetly but only about halfway down it's length. The massive naked flesh bulged between his fingers as he kneaded it, grinning broadly. "Looks like there's enough left for you guys to have as a treat later," The ram said. Caleve licked his lips, and Gala rubbed his chin in thought. "I dunno, I don't want to have my body taken over, like these guys," He said, gesturing to the table of paralyzed, still, quiet customers. "Well, not right now anyways, but I can see how that might be fun to have happen in the privacy of a bedroom, with friends you trust." Caleve chortled. "I don't think it will last nearly that long, Gala. Fresh ram testicle is a specialty in this area, and I'm pretty sure that tiger chef is staring at us through the door into the kitchen." He paused, letting the others peek towards the kitchen, as he reached down to stroke fingers along the underside of his cock. The gryphon's bird heritage had given him a generous, long, sinuous shaft, which darkened from a light coral to a succulent merlot at the slender, barely flanged tip. Caleve's fingers caressed along the soft nubs that ribbed along the root third of his shaft. His wings rustled along his back, itching to unfurl, as the playful gryphon pressed his hips against the edge of the table, lifting the bulk of his cock up into the air. His taloned fingers released it, and out unfurled his impressive endowment, the hefty length of his cock landing on the polished wood of the table with a resonant thump. It was a bold statement, made all the more imposing by the sheer size of it. The gryphon leaned slightly forward, his hands resting on the table on either side of the nine inches of prime gryphon flesh, crowned with small rounded nubs that promised a deep, satisfying scratch for even the thirstiest lover. Playful intent played across his sharp beak, as he eyed the stupefied customers. "What do you think, Gala?" He asked, as the heavy scent of gryphon musk seeped through the air, a tangible reminder of the raw virility that Caleve possessed. It hung between them, a heady perfume, and the fox's eyes glimmered with predatorial interest. "Do you think my meat passes muster?" The fox leaned forward, glancing to Lazarus, who was also peering at the gryphon's bared endowments, the sheep's dark fingered paw sliding across the table. Gala was faster though, and grasped the head of Caleve's warm, rubbery cock between his fingers first. The heft of it filled his grasp, the skin smooth and flexible beneath his tentative strokes. Feeling the responsive swell of arousal in the gryphon's groin, Gala's touch grew bolder. His thumb ran along the underside, tracing the vein that throbbed steadily, a testament to Caleve's stirring excitement. It surged, thickening and pressing up against his palm, warmth flushing into the aroused gryphon flesh. He stroked his fingers down along it, to caress against the small, regularly space nubbin's that protruded regularly from the root third. As he did, Lazarus took his place, grasping the end of the gryphon's cock. The small nubs flared out as Gala teased along the very edge of them with his finger tips, extending into bright pink cones with a thorn-like curve at the tip. They were exquisite in their design, an intriguing contrast to the silken skin, each a delicate thorn on a springy, stiff stem. They stood erect, firm yet yielding slightly to the fox's exploring fingers, flexible as he pressed along one to fold it back along the cock itself. "Such handsome decorations," the fox said, as Lazarus gripped and kneaded, milking along the smooth slender tip of the gryphon's shaft. 'I've never seen such fanciful adornments on a shaft. Colin is going to love these." Caleve's eyes widened in excitement as the fox unrolled the bundle of silverware next to the gryphon's plate. He glanced around the table, realizing for the first time that each of the guests had their own, uniquely shaped bundle of 'silverware' next to their plate, each a promise of some exquisite torture. He looked back to his own shaft, the sheep holding it taut and ready, the fox lifting up a small, stainless steel scoop of some sort. The tool's business end was a simple dome, but Caleve could see that the rim of the scoop had been cut to have a jagged saw tooth. It was these teeth that Gala brought to the side of his cock, capturing one of the barbs through a small hole in the center of the dome. The barb jutted through it, only a few millimeters, but that was enough. The ring of teeth pressed into his flesh, and Gala twisted his wrist, rotating his hand so that the teeth twisted around the barb and sunk into the flesh. Gala cored out a small divot of flesh around the barb, and Caleve squawked at the sharpness, the burn as sharp steel teeth bit through his flesh. The barb twisted with the dome as Gala nimbly twisted his wrist all the way around, forcing the teeth to puncture out the other side. Just like that, the barb was free, and Gala tapped the scoop against the rim of a nearby dessert plate. A small, peanut sized scoop of flesh fell out, the barb jutting upwards, despite being severed, the flesh tight like a goosebump around its base. Caleve watched, his gaze locked on the pale morsel that had been part of him moments ago, now a detached curiosity amidst the fine china and silverware of the restaurant. Then Gala went back for more. Lazarus tugged, twisting slightly to help the next barb be better presented, and the scoop dug in, coring another small bite out of the gryphon's hard flesh. Caleve whimpered, but his cock had never been harder, even as bits of it were being nibbled away. "Do you, do you think he'll like it?" He asked, grunting as another sharp bite from the melon baller took another of his proud, erect barbs away from him. "Oh, he will for sure. I imagine that each barb is as sensitive as the tip of the penis, yes? They're just nerves and cartilidge, really." scrip. Plink. Gala brought the corer back, moving down the length of cock, taking each barb delicately, the way one would nibble off the remaining kernels of corn after enjoying devouring the rest of the cob. "Hrrf." Caleve's body trembled, glancing to the slick smooth fingers of the ram as they kneaded and tugged and squeezed along his shaft. "Yeah. They're sensitive. As sensitive as my cock head. Maybe a bit more. Sinking my whole shaft inside a warm, tight hole, feeling it flatten my barbs against my dick... that's what.. ooh, that's what makes me... makes me..." The gryphon's voice trailed off, his breath quickening as Gala trimmed more and more of the barbs from him. There was barely any blood, just a residual sheen at the edges, and the reddened flesh tried to lift up from the table. Gala didn't even realize that Caleve was climaxing. The cock throbbed, and from one of the deeper holes that he had cored out of the top of the shaft, a thin jet of seed shot upwards, bursting through the tender flesh that separated the urethra from the outside air. It spattered across Gala's hand, another following it. The warm seed arched gracefully upwards, as Lazarus chirped in surprise. The torrent of warm gryphon seed flowed from the tip of his shaft, the sheep acting quickly to grasp a wine glass and bring it close. The hot spurts of white mixed with the dark red wine, swirling together as Caleve emptied his loins of all that pent up seed, his wings unfurling and his eyes glazing over as he thrust his hips against the table. Gala let the first few spurts erupt out, then succinctly covered the hole with his thumb, and gripped the throbbing root of the shaft with the rest of his fingers. Clutching it firmly, he proceeded to core out the remaining barbs, the baller punching in and scooping through tender flesh, teeth slicing through meat, the gryphon yelping with each bite into his flesh. The dessert plate was festooned with twenty or so of these tiny little barb morsels, some of them falling to one side or another, but all of them still bright and erect and tender. As Gala placed the scoop to the side, Caleve sagged, his cock still twitching but no longer spurting. The gryphon looked at the plate, smiling woozily at the way it was filled with the barbs, like little hors d'oeuvres. "Oh, that was so intense... feeling you taking my cock like that... each little part taking away my most tender pieces of me..." "It was a pleasure, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed the show. I didn't know you'd cum, from having your cock..." Gala stroked the gryphon's shaft, as Lazarus set the mostly-full wine glass to the side, red swirls slowly dissipating into the heavy wad of cream that was deposited into it. "affected like that." "I didn't know, either, but I'm not surprised. Watching you handle my cock like that, so casually, while you're fucking 'ruining' it? Damn that was hot. I can't wait to see what you do with everyone else's." At that, the gryphon pointed to Jason, grinning widely. "And if there's any left over of that goliath's meat, I want it! All this cumming has made me hungry!" ________________