“How’d you get in my house???”

“You saw me come out of that lamp, honey.

I’m not explaining anything else!”

Mark stood frozen, a genie appeared in his mom’s closet after he had rubbed her ancient lamp as a joke.

“So let’s go, first wish?

You only get three, so make them count!”

Mark’s thoughts were too frantic and he couldn’t collect them, what should he wish for??

“Are you gonna twist my wish for your enjoyment? Do I have to like, I don’t know… word the wish very specifically, or I’ll get screwed?”

“What?? No!! What type of genie do you think I am? I’m no bitch!”

Mark was satisfied by her sincerity, and knew exactly what to wish for.

“I wish my life was hassle free from now on, and I only have to work when I want to. No money problems, nothing!” Mark grinned proudly when he finished his wish, feeling proud to have made such a smart one.

“Great wish!!” The genie began gyrating her hips, then shook her boobs for Mark.

“Whoa…” Mark’s saw shimmering sparks as the genie spun, and white light filled his vision.

Mark’s body went numb, but he could tell he was shrinking as his eye level dropped further and further down the genie’s torso, but he knew there was gonna be serious issues when he was looking up to her waist.

Feeling slowly returned to Mark from his feet up, and he suddenly realized he was now on all fours.

He sat frozen, pleading to the genie with his eyes. She smirked at him, then snapped her fingers and giggled. A loud pounding at the door started, and Mark let out a surprised gasp as his knees slid out from under him. His face had shrunk down and was sharpening his features now, giving him a Japanese tinge as cheekbones rose up.

“What am I-?” It became a lot harder for Mark to talk when his belly lined up flat against the floor, and he fought to keep his head up as the door unlocked and opened.

Mark was now whimpering and begging the genie through closed emotionless lips, he felt his legs spread wide behind him and could no longer look back toward the door.

He didn’t know who was behind him, but it was definitely a man. A musky scent filled Mark’s nostrils, and his body reacted with a rush of arousal into his new pussy.

Then Mark heard a chuckle, and knew who was in his house; his childhood bully, Thad!!

“I wish Thad couldn’t fuck me!” Mark surprised himself with the outburst, but the genie seemed ready for the disappointment.

“Okay… but all wishes have consequences!” She the last word ring out, practically singing her warning to Mark.

“Wait-” Thad and Mark turned at the same time, and then their bodies violently crashed into each other. A bright burst of light erupted from the crash, and a dainty, petite girl was left gasping for air on the floor.

“What’s going on???” The girl’s body was pulsating, and her voice morphed as she spoke.

“Thad’s fighting for control.

Don’t worry though, I let you keep the mind…”

“Huh? Just the mind??” Mark’s voice was becoming more luscious as his curves began to fill with fat and burst out.

“More like eyes…” The genie giggled as she handed Mark a phone logged into his new Onlyfans account.

“Creator? I’m not…” Mark trailed off into silence when the genie put her finger to her lips.

“Less talking, more relaxing.” The genie watched as Mark’s anger built up, smiling at his outburst.

“Relax??? How?! I’m a guy not a chick!! I shouldn’t have boobs!!!”

“Alright just calm down, you could use your last wish to change back”

Mark realized the genie was right, but was in too much disarray to calm down. He leaned back on his years of meditation training, and felt his new body and mind relax instantly.

“Wow that was quicker than usual”, is what he wanted to say, but when he opened his eyes he realized no sound was coming from his mouth and he was posing sexily for his selfie camera.

“Wuh? Like… Wait, why’s my voice different!! Ahhhh!!” It took a few seconds to snap out of his meditated trance and it had only felt like a few seconds, but he had gotten totally undressed down to his panties two minutes into a recording.

“WOW!!! That meditation stuff works great with my autopilot control!!” The genie was bouncing with excitement, and Mark just watched her jiggle with his mouth hangnug open.

Ny autopilot magic takes over when the subject relaxes and they become a little feminine or whatever, but your meditation takes it to a place I’ve never seen before!!

Amazing!! You were totally gone, and your accent even changed! O man… Okay, wait!” The genie snapped, and Mark could feel the familiar meditative trance overcome him.

“What are you- Oh my gawwwww…

Like, where the fuck am I??

Who are you?? I don’t remember being into girls…” Miley trailed off as she looked over the genie’s curvy body.

“I’m your genie, Miley!! I have one wish left for you!!

It could be anything you want! Anything…” The genie’s sincere smile turned evil and she began chuckling maniacally.

“One wish left? But like, I totes haven’t made any wishes yet!!

Did I forget I did? I’m really ditzy sometimes, and I totes space on tons of stuff…”

“You’re right! Mark had his wishes. Now it's your turn, Miley!” The genie flicked Miley’s exposed nipple as she said this, causing the bimbo to moan in erotic bliss.

“I wish my body was even more sensitive and thick!”

Miley barely managed to get the sentence out, still panting from the feeling in her nipple.

“Awfully brave of you, girl! Why’d you decide on that?” The genie was astounded and bemused.

“I like, wasn’t even paying attention to what I just said! Brave of me?”

The genie giggled at Miley’s clueless look before putting her chest forward and shaking her boobs. Then she popped her hips to the right, which made Miley’s hips and ass immediately pop out and double in size.

“Eeee!” Miley screamed out as her legs swelled, and the bottom of her huge ass picked up and rounded out.

Then the genie popped it to her left, and Miley could feel a new warmness overtake her. Her lips plumped up while her boobs filled with fat, increasing a couple of cup sizes while Miley’s nipples puffed up and doubled in size.

They instantly grew hard, and poked through her fingers while she panted in ecstasy. The genie watched the sexual display, shaking her head with a grin before snapping.

Sky blue pants climbed up Miley’s legs, tightening around every curve and accentuating Miley’s new fullness. She shrieked in delight as a matching top closed around her chest.

“This is like, amazing!!

I feel every horny inch of my beautiful curves!!” Miley jiggled her boobs, laughing while the genie watched her giant ass bounce behind her.

“I just wish we were at the park with all the boys so they could see and play with me!!” Miley babbled on, not realizing she had just triggered a wish from the genie. “And could you imagine this outfit was a onesie???”

The genie shrugged, “ The second one’s not a wish, but whatever…” She clapped loudly and bright light filled Miley’s vision.

When it faded she could see she was at the park, and all the boys were there!! They all watched Miley swing back and forth in her onesie, debating who should take her first.

“You boys are crazy!” Miley sat on the swing, causing the crotch of her onesie to pull up her torso and show intense camel toe. “I could like, totally take all of you at once!!”

The magically induced boys were not gonna say no, and began undressing as they approached the salivating Miley.

Suddenly the genie showed up, and apparently the boys couldn’t see her.

“Mark!!” The genie yelled into Miley’s ear.

“Mark? Who’s that? I’m like, sooo pissed! What the fuck!! Change me back!!

Why am I outside??!” Mark was back, and he was angrily staring down the genie next to him.

“You might wanna turn your head, sweet pea….” The genie sighed when Mark’s jaw fell open in utter shock.

“I- No! Stop!!! Guys, what are you- Nooo! Ahh!!!!” Mark tried getting out of the swing, but the hypnotized guys held her down while they ripped her onesie into different pieces.

“Please genie!! Stop this evil!! I wish to go back home and have everything be normal!!!”

Mark could see the genie smirk knowingly before his vision faded, and he was suddenly back in his house. Who’s phone was he holding?

Mark couldn’t stop watching the beauty on the screen awkwardly dance, her amazing body flopping around perfectly.

“Like what you see??” Mark almost jumped when the genie spoke into his ear.

Like what’s going on?

Why am I talking like this again?? I thought I was gonna be back to normal!!” Mark had a very worried look on his face, and didn’t know what was coming next.

“Don’t worry things will be normal soon, I just wanted you to appreciate what normal means.” The genie cupped Mark’s ass as she continued. “You’re an amateur model with a very overactive sex drive and Tik Tok account.

And don’t worry, I changed your Onlyfans for that growth spurt!” The genie Mark’s boobs, laughing as she continued, “Thad was an asshole, but now he’s your ass; and titties!! I moved all the rest of the fat from that sexy belly into your boobs, so you’ll notice they’re bigger. You could thank me later, goddess.” The genie lustfully jammed her tongue into Mark’s disbelieving open mouth, but he wasn’t in the mood.

“Like, what! You totally can’t do that! I won’t let!!! Mark knew he was powerless, but tried showing strength.

“Look down, Mark. It’s over.” Mark looked down to the deepest cleavage he’d ever seen. “Now let’s redo this video Miley, I think if we get you to move smoother you’ll get more followers.” The genie snapped when she said this, making Mark disappear forever.

Miley never got the dance perfect, but her followers didn’t care. She had two daily raffles for her Onlyfans to let someone fuck her, they loved the girl next door with giant tits.

And Miley loved being the goofy Tik Tok model whose fans love her, plus it took care of her intense craving for cock.