TWINSIES! (C) Charn 2023 "Will is so dumb," Neil giggles, the hyena kicking a soda can ahead of him as he and Corey walked down the city sidewalk. "I can't believe he told us to be 'responsible' while he's gone. Does he think we're children?" His brother Corey shrugged, focusing on licking a popsicle he had 'found'. "I dunno, I guess he's still mad about us forgetting to bring back the last target's balls." Neil rolled his eyes, "That's not my fault! I put them in the bag, which YOU were supposed to grab!" "I did! But then YOU thought it would be funny to kick the bag out of my hands, remember?" Corey giggled. "It landed in the middle of the road!" Both brothers imitated a person driving a car and running over a bump. "SQUISH!" they said in unison, then laughed. "It's not fair that he doesn't trust us," Neil said, kicking the can again, "You know what? We should show Will how good we are at cutting off dicks and balls. We should get our OWN contracts!" Corey slurped on the popsicle as he walked behind his brother, thinking about that. "Yeah, but who? Almost everyone in the city with a cock longer than a foot, we already got. And really, we would need TWO targets, so that I can prove I'm better at this than you are." Neil opened his mouth, but as he did, the wind blew a large piece of paper over his face. He shouted, falling back grabbing the large sheet. He held it up, showing a large glossy poster of two massively muscled rhino males. They were almost entirely naked, their broad chests tatt'd with swirling tribal tattoos, and they were leaning forward and flexing their massive shoulders. They wore nothing save for white bandages wrapped around their wrists and combat boots. They seemed like cage fighters, with dangerous-looking scars across their body, growling at the camera with stern expressions. "Whoa, these guys would be great!" Neil said, as he held up the poster to Corey. "Look at those muscles!" "Yeah, but muscles, but we don't collect muscles. I wish we could see what they are packing," Corey said, but unfortunately the rhinos' crotches were covered over with big bold letters spelling "BOG-DOCKs" in big block letters on it. "Bog docks, hmm? I bet this is a fight club. These must be the top fighters." He squinted at the poster, as the two brothers kept walking. "Wait, that's perfect! We could sign up to fight against them!" "What? They're HUGE, Corey! Which isn't a big deal, I could totally take them on but, how would we remove their junk? We can't just do that in the middle of a fight!" "See this is why Will doesn't trust you," Corey replied. "It's easy. While you're wrestling him, you get them pinned with your head in their crotch, like this!" He grabbed Neil, sweeping his leg and rolling over on top of him, quickly sitting on his brother's chest. He poked his snout against Neil's crotch. "And then you BITE!" He didn't bite, but Neil shoved him off, and he hopped back up to his feet. "You bite down, twist your head, THEY pass out, and YOU win, and NOBODY notices that his dick and balls are gone! Then you just hold their dick and balls in your mouth, until you leave the bar." "You want to keep a rhino's big greasy dick and balls in your mouth?" Neil said, brushing himself off, "Don't you remember the bison at the beach? You were supposed to just bring back his balls, holding them in your mouth, but instead you ate them." "Yeah... but I replaced them with balls from that bull at the coffee shop, and the client didn't know the difference!" "I don't know, what if he doesn't pass out? Nah," Neil said, "we'll have to beat them on stage, and then castrate them AFTER the fight, in the dressing room. Then... we leave them there, and nobody finds out until we're LONG gone!" He nodded. "Also, they look like twins, don't they? So if they're twins, then they have IDENTICAL packages, which means we can each cut off one package and Will will be able to see which of us are really skilled... and which of us are Corey!" "Ha, you're on! Prepare to get owned, sucker!" Corey said. He paused, then pointed directly ahead, to the bar with the large neon sign that said BOG DOCKS. However, the Os in the title had small vertical lines in them, so it made them look like it said BIG DICKS. He whooped and bolted inside. "Hey, no cheating!" Neil said, running after him. The bar was black, with dim red lighting at the tables and white lights around the stage. There was a black bear playing the piano in the corner. Neil tried to figure out where they would be fighting, but there didn't seem to be any cages, rings, or even a wrestling mat. It looked like a regular bar with stripper poles. A tired, slender, grumpy gray furred tabby cat was scrolling on his phone at the bar, looking up as the two walked in. "Hello, welcome to Big Dicks, our specials tonight are double IPA and-" Corey slapped the poster down on the bar and tapped the two twin rhinos on it. "We want to challenge these two assholes," he said, grinning widely. The cat looked the hyena over, and then his brother. "Uh huh." Neil held his hands up above his head, flexing his biceps to show off the strength of his muscles. The cat faked a thin smile, as Corey tried to one-up him, doing the incredible hulk pose and imitating a dragon roar. "I can take them BOTH on!" "Oh lord," the cat said, rubbing at his forehead. "You don't.. have any experience in a place like this, do you?" The cat finally said, before rolling his eyes and standing up. "Of course you don't. Look, we don't..." He trailed off in thought, then turned back to them, as if seeing them for the first time. "You two are brothers, right?" Neil and Corey nodded. "Two out of three brothers, yeah," Corey thumbed his chest, "I'm older though, by five minutes." "Yeah. Hmm. Can say you're twins. Twins on twins? Double hot? It's probably a slam dunk." He gestured for the hyenas to follow him. "What do you say we put all four of you up on stage together, mmm? That would be fun. You can strip each other, sort of a twinsies rivalry. I love it. The rhinos like to make out with each other on stage. Do you have any trouble with handling each other's junk?" The cat turned away, picking up the bar's phone and calling someone, talking quickly to them. Corey elbowed Neil, hard. "How does he know we're gonna 'strip' them?" Neil looked just as confused, shrugging. "Well, we are pretty famous... maybe they think having us rip off their dicks in front of everyone would make more money?" Corey's eyes glimmered with excitement. "Oh this is THAT kind of place? awesome!" The cat put the phone down, gesturing for them to follow and leading them past the stage. There was a hallway behind some black curtains, and he led them down it, to a plain door marked "Dressing #3". He knocked twice, then opened and led the hyenas in. "Lyle, Charlie," the tabby said. There were two muscular rhinos in the room, one lounging on a couch with headphones in and the other one rummaging through a closet full of garish pieces of costumes. "This is-" "Yo! I'm Corey and I'm gonna fuck you up!" Corey said, jumping in front of the cat and pulling off his tanktop. "You're gonna get-" "Who da fuck is this?" The closet rhino said, stomping into the room. The two rhinos had reddish brown skin, not the gray that the hyenas were expecting, and they were even taller in person than they looked on the poster. Neil grinned as he saw that they were only wearing silky black jockstraps, and those jocks were FULL of rhino bulge. He couldn't see what was what, but there was a lot of meat packed into them. "Excuse me!" The cat said, stepping between the two. He turned back to the rhinos, who were looking at the new guys condescendingly. "Lyle, Charlie, hi! It's me, Kaleb, your boss. These are your coworkers for today. They're twins, just like you, and they'll be your 'play things' on the stage. You'll all be competing together on the stage, and these gentlemen will be paid $25 each afterwards," The cat said, winking to the rhinos. The frowning rhinos snorted derisively, before one of them suddenly grinned. "Wow, $25? Not the tips? We don't have to cut? Well. I mean, I suppose we could-" "Yeah, you can." The tabby said, smirking. "Now, you guys play nice, get yourselves all dolled up, and I'll get you some PRIME with jager to get you loosened up, mmkay? Kay bye!" He sauntered out, leaving the four men in the room. "Okay, " the rhino said, waiting until the door closed. "Now strip. The two hyenas looked at each other, before agreeing and pushing their cargo shorts down. Their bodies were lean and muscular, their fur shaggy but clean. They didn't work out, but they clearly did physical work. Neil grabbed a small 'ketchup' packet out of his pocket as he stood up, palming it in his hand. It was his secret weapon. He and Corey stripped out of their shirts, too, standing naked in front of the rhinos. The four strippers looked each other over, sizing each other up and doing some comparisons. The rhinos had the hyenas beat in the height department. And the muscle department. The pretty face, the tight butt, and definitely in the huge packages department. Corey and Neil did take some solace in knowing that that would only be for a little bit longer, at least. Neil was staring intensely at the bulging, wobbling, soft packages in the rhino's jocks, trying to determine if either of them was better than the other. Corey was standing on his tiptoes with his chest puffed out, glaring at the standing rhino. "How come we gotta strip but you don't?" he said, and the rhino scoffed. "We're packed in," he said, gesturing to his jock. "It takes like ten minutes to get all our fucking meat tucked up in a way that's still comfortable to dance in, and it's the only thing that keeps the guests from tugging our junk out into the open." He turned to Neil, pointing a finger at him. "Look, dude, if you want to stare at my dick you gotta pay like anyone else! Stop staring. It's fuckin' crass!" "I wasn't staring," Neil said, blushing. The rhino on the couch finally stood up, and stood next to his brother, putting a hand on his brother's wide chest. "You're not strippers, are you?" The rhino said, his lips peeling back in a soft smile. "Of course we are," Corey bluffed, but his face betrayed the lie. "No, you're not. But we are. I'm Lyle," he said, and stroked his brother's chest from side to side, "And this is Charlie. Charlie is a grumpy gus, but he knows how to move. So do I. But you don't. And that's o-kay! It reminds me of the first rule of stripping. Everyone, and everything around you, is a prop for you to move around." He slid his hand down, and into, his brother's posing pouch. The flimsy neoprene was already so full that bulges of his fingers clearly sliding against the flesh inside could be clearly seen. "Lyle," Charlie warned, but Lyle winked at him. "Shut up, you know you love how I hold your big cock," Lyle said, and pulled his brother's meaty shaft up out of his pouch. The massive reddish brown slab of meat made both of the hyena's mouths open in surprise. It was like a magic trick, as more inches than seemed possible were pulled loose, in a long lazy coil that ended up flopping over the front of the pouch. "Almost as much as you love holding it," Charlie said wryly, then looked at Corey. "You guys have seriously never seen my big fat rhino cock before? I'm all over the internet." "We both are," Lyle added in. "Holy blitzin' jackpot," both Corey and Neil said, looking at each other with excitement. Corey pointed at it, "No way! I've never seen a dick like that, but That's gotta be at least twenty inches long?" "It's not just the length," Lyle said, as he leaned over to kiss his brother on the lips. The cock hardened, surging thick and heavy between the other rhino's fingers, and Charlie hooked a finger into Lyle's pouch, tugging it down and letting an identically massive, identically impressive length of hose flop out, along with two dense, meaty orange-sized testicles. The balls swayed forward and back, the poor scrotum looking stretched to the brim trying to hold Lyle's heavy rhino-makers inside. "It's the width. It's the weight. It's the knowledge that while Lyle here can throat my cock, and swallow my load every single goddamned night, all you will ever be able to do is pay to look at it." Lyle grinned, and leaned down, licking a pearl of precum from his brother's cock, making a happy face. He had no idea it would be the second to last taste of his brother's nut that he would ever have. "I love your flavor, more than anything in the world. And I love that you've been saving your hot, tasty cum up for me, just for tonight." They kissed again, and the hyenas looked at each other, quietly pointing and whispering as they gestured to the two massively hung rhinos. "Let's get them now, while the cat's away," Corey said, but Neil showed him the small packet he had been concealing in his hand. "No, let's let them get hard first. It's harder to do that when they're unconscious." "Rule number two," Lyle interrupted, as Charlie pushed him away. "Own every move you make. If someone pushes you, you make it look like you made them push you." He shifted, curling around Charlie from behind and cupping up between his legs. Lyle's red hand wrapped around the black pouch, squeezing it firmly and making the other rhino's big eggs flop up and out to hang. Charlie swore, trying to step away, but his brother held him close, squeezing around his nuts. "Like this, see?" He leaned around, dipping under Charlie's arm and wrapping his mouth around the silky, vein-ridged middle of his brother's cock, like biting into an ear of corn. "Mmmmm," he said, and then laughed as Charlie pretended to knee him in the face. "Damn, dude, we're about to go on a show!" Charlie said, grabbing his cock and rubbing it, but it was too late, his shaft was thickening and straightening out as arousal rushed into it. Lyle sauntered away from Charlie, stepping between Corey and Neil. "Lastly is rule number three," Lyle said, crouching a bit so that his head was between theirs. His hands ruffled through the soft fur of their chest, and then he pointed down between their legs. "Always be nice. Even if they got a small dick, you gotta act like it's a treat to see it. Wow, nice girth, by the way!" "Oh, thanks!" Corey said, looking down at his cock, which was jutting up a nice eight inches. "I am technically the biggest of- Hey!" "No, really, they're nice dicks." Lyle grasped the hyenas' shafts, inspecting and handling them. "You hang forward and down. Very aggressive, customers like that, it makes you more 'graspable'. Your balls are black, too, which makes them shinier and look heavier. Patrons ~love~ dark meat." He slapped the two hyena brothers on the ass, as the door opened and the tabby cat re-entered. "Um, no, please don't be doing that," the cat said, and Neil saw that he was holding a tray with four drinks on it. "I'll take that!" he said helpfully, grabbing the plate out of the cat's hand, his erection wobbling back and forth between his thighs. His dick tingled, proud at the complement it had received. He put the tray down on a small table, and discretely ripped open the ketchup packet, pouring some clear sugary syrup laced with a potent paralytic into the two cups on the left. He picked the laced drinks up, taking them to the two rhino brothers. "Bottoms... UP!" he said, hiking his tail and popping his ass out, and the two rhinos took their drinks, chuckling. "That's cringey as fuck but you got the right attitude!" Lyle said, draining his drink and smacking his lips. "Oh, that's sweet." Charlie drank his as well, and then put his glass back. Corey and Neil exchanged looks, and Neil nodded slightly. "You have about forty minutes so please try to hurry up," the tabby said, looking at the hyena brothers up and down and smiling sympathetically. "Please don't make me regret this. You could become very big, very quickly, just do whatever these guys tell you to do and try not to piss yourself on stage." "We won't!" Both hyenas said, as the tabby closed the door behind them. Neil immediately pointed to Charlie. "I want him," he said, and Corey rubbed at his chin. "You want me?" Charlie said, snickering and wiping his mouth with his forearm. "You can't ~afford~ me. Pretty sure I ... already mentioned that." He swayed, slightly. "Why him?" Corey said, gesturing to Lyle. "He's got the biggest cock, don't you want his?" "I DO have the biggest cock," Lyle agreed, as he flopped down on the couch. "It's... huge." He yawned widely, stretching his arms up over his head. "They're the same size, dumbass," Charlie said. He sat down next to him, rubbing at his face. "We're... fucking... twins." He said, his head slumping to the side. The two rhinos laid there, eyes lidded, mouths open, chests moving up and down. "You're the dumbass," Neil said, shaking his head. "Fuckin' hell, these assholes are aggravating. 'Always look like you know what you're doing', what the fuck is that?" he said, as he and Corey descended on the two rhinos. If someone were smart, they would take a moment to take a selfie with the thick, erect rhino dongs, as proof, then slip a blade under those meaty packages, pull the blade smoothly upwards and through the meat, tuck the severed packages into protective tupperware containers to keep them safe, and leave discreetly. Neil and Corey were enthusiastic, but they were not smart. They were extremely lucky that the paralytic that Neil poured in the cups only affected skeletal muscles, because the packet he used was supposed to be poured into a punch bowl to dose thirty to forty people, but they were not smart. Still, they did their best. Neil sat in front of Charlie to the right, and Corey sat in front of Lyle to the left. They were confronted with the two rhino's huge, chocolatey brown cocks. They arced upwards, triumphantly, ready as always to make their owners thousands of dollars on the stage. The two testicles underneath were big, proud, heavy testicles, but even as large as they looked, they were dwarfed by the sheer meaty bulk of the two prized penises. Neil gripped the cock by the root, squeezing and tugging at it. He smirked up at Charlie, waggling the paralyzed stripper's pride and joy at him. "I wonder how pissed he is. I didn't even pay, and I'm playing with his dick as much as I want to." Corey was admiring his, as well. "These dicks are amazing. I mean it looks good, sure, but feel that throbbing!" He clapped his hands around the shaft, wrapping his hands around it and juuust barely getting his hands around the thick root. "They must have stolen these from horses or something. You think? Yeah? No? Oh well. Will is gonna be so impressed that we got them!" He reached down, cupping each fist-sized nut in his hand. "Oh fuck, Charlie's nuts are huge, too!" "That's Lyle," Neil said, as he slapped the hard cock back and forth. Charlie's lips twitched as the raw tip of his dick was rubbed against his rough-skinned belly, the tender tissue quite sensitive, but there was nothing he could do to stop the hyena, he couldn't even gasp. "We are gonna need something to keep them from bleeding... oh!" Corey said, as he reached down, and began untying the laces from the rhino's big combat boots. "We can use these... there's even two of them for each, how convenient!" Neither hyena knew how to tie a knot very well, but it was pretty easy to wrap and twist and wrap a shoelace around a dick, yanking it tight at the end to make sure that the erections swelled up even bigger and tighter. While they did this, they looked at the other cock and balls that were also being tied up, and both hyenas thought the exact same thought. 'Hmm, if the packages really are identical,' Neil and Corey thought, 'then the only way Will is gonna like mine more is if the other one sucks.' Neil acted on it first, though. He reached over, holding both cocks in his hands. When he pulled them towards each other, even though the rhinos were on their backs, their cocks were still able to kiss. He rubbed the big heads together, admiring how swollen and smooth and perfect the domed glans were, then let them jut straight upwards again. Corey watched on jealously. "What are you doing, anyways?" "I am just measuring to make sure that they are the same size," Neil said, "But I don't have a ruler, so I'm trying to use my hands to tell. But they're so big I have to kind of move my hands at the same time to see if they're the same length." He was jacking the big dicks off, stroking the veined, throbbing lengths with his rough paws. They throbbed each time he got to the top, and even unconscious, their prized fucksticks were showing off, putting on a show for the horny hyena. Corey grinned. "Looks like my guy cums a lot more than yours does," he said, pointing to Lyle's cock. Lyle's cock was definitely drooling a lot more than Charlie's was, but Neil wasn't going to let that matter. "That's because I was squeezing more on his cock. Hold on, let me.." Neil mumbled, as he leaned down and started lapping at the tip of Charlie's cock. Charlie let out a sigh, and as Neil mouthed and lipped and licked at the end of his shaft, the rhino's belly tightened and relaxed. "Mmm....mmmm....Lyle...." Charlie said, breathlessly, and Neil grinned at Corey. "He's really wishing it was his brother sucking his dick," He said, as he licked at the big hard cock like popsicle he was sucking on earlier. "Just think, Corey, this is the last thing they're ever gonna feel. You should lick his cock, too, so that he will always remember you!" Corey laughed, as he pulled something out from his cargo shorts on the ground beside him. "Oh, I will, Neil, but first.. I'm going to do you a favor! I am going to help you show Will just how good you are... at circumcising dicks! HI-YAH!" Neil looked up, just in time to see the knife swinging towards his face. He swore, ducking down quickly as the blade swooshed over his head. He expected a shower of blood, but when he sat back up, nothing had happened. Corey had missed. "Corey you idiot!" With the wildness of Corey's swing, he had expected to see a cock split in half. Instead, it was perfectly fine. He laughed, pbbbting at Corey as he went back to grab the base of the organ. "You almost cut my head off, dumbass!" He said, turning back to the cock and opening his mouth to say something else. And pausing. There, just under the glans of Charlie's cock, was a thin red line, like a scrape that just cut through the surface. As he watched, the thin red line grew wider, and Neil realized that the cock head was sliding loosely off of the thick stalk of the rhino's cock. "Oh my God, you cut HIS head off!" He shouted. As he tried to grab the cock to keep it in place, it flopped to the side, and the glans catapulted off, right into Corey's open, laughing mouth. "You idiot!" Neil said, "That was his cockhead! Not his foreskin! They don't have foreskins, see?" He grabbed Charlie's cock by the base, tightly, and roughly fisted his hand up and down along it. The skin pulled down, making the pee-slit of the big rhino cock flare wide, and then he yanked up, pulling the skin of his groin up with it. "See? No loose skin! If I try to jerk him off like this-" And he grabbed the base really tight, twisting and pulling up. There was a tearing sensation, and Lyle twitched all over as the hyena pulled the skin free from the root of his cock, pulling it up and skinning the cock almost entirely. The skin was inside out, hanging around the sensitive cock head of the rhino's cock, and Corey immediately shoves Neil away. "Oh shit," Corey said, chewing on his gum as he grabbed the loosely hanging skin, and carefully tried to pull it back down over the straining cock. He could see weird spongy shapes underneath, all of the stuff that was normally hidden underneath the skin completely exposed. He rolled the skin back down over it, feeling the hot slickness of the inside, and making a face. He finally got it right, as he chewed more of the weird flavor out of the gum in his mouth. The skin didn't look perfect, it was twisted and wrinkled, but it reached almost all the way down. That was good enough! He blew a bubble with his gum. It wasn't gum, though, it was Charlie's cock head, and the well-chewed piece of meat flew out of his mouth as he tried to blow a bubble, landing perfectly on Lyle's snout horn, like a little chewed up red hat. "Oh." Corey reached for it, but Neil slapped his hand. "Don't, it looks cute there! His horn has a foreskin now." Neil said, smiling maliciously. "And you know, even if my dude's cock is ruined, as long as YOUR cock comes out good I'm sure Will won't care. I know, how about I hold your cock for you, and you can cut it off?" Corey hmmed, looking at Lyle's massive shaft, throbbing and hard and ready to be played with and made to cum. He looked at his suspiciously grinning brother, then shook his head. "No way, Neil. I'm gonna hold it, and YOU'RE gonna CUT it." He gave Niel the knife, and then grabbed the cock from underneath, holding it like a hoagie sandwich. He pointed to the base, where the skin ended, at the little spot of red exposed muscle just above the knotted bootlace. "Cut right HERE." Neil nodded, carefully aligning the knife and pushing the blade in to the flesh. He paused, with that sharp knife just embedded a little bit into Lyle's perfect Rhino cock, and then shouted "Ahh CHOO!" It wasn't a sneeze, it was someone shouting achoo, but Neil gleefully yanked the blade upwards, feeling the metal gouge down into the flesh. He unzipped the underside of the cock open like a fish, a thick trench carved through the underside of the cock, all the way to the frenum. Amazingly, while the blade had swayed from side to side haphazardly as he pulled, the tip of the blade stayed perfectly imbedded in the rhino's urethra.The urethra was laid open, a slippery whitish U shape at the bottom of the trench. The whole cock flopped open, laying flat along Lyle's belly, and the rhino's arms and legs twitched, some kind of soft whimpering sound heard from his lips. The hyenas didn't notice, or care. Corey was staring at Neil in rage, and Neil was smiling facetiously. "Well, aren't you going to say 'bless you'?" "How about instead I KILL YOU!" Corey shouted, and the two hyenas wrestled around on the ground in front of the rhinos, while Lyle's cock twitched and flopped and tried to throb on the rhino's belly. After Corey nipped his ear, Neil surrendered. "Okay, Corey, okay. You cut off my cock's head, and I gouged yours. We're even now, right?" "Oh, we're *even*.. but you know what's not? Lyle's nuts! Look at them, they're totally different sizes! Here, let me help you, BROTHER." "I don't need help, Corey!" Neil said, worriedly. "I think you should worry about Lyle... and let me worry about Charlie." "Oh I think you do need help, BROTHER," Corey said, "You didn't even notice how uneven these two balls are! What will Will think if you bring him imperfect balls?" "They're EXACTLY the same size," Neil said, picking up Charlie's balls in his hands, showing them to Corey. "Look at them!" "That's just because of the scrotum, it's thicker on one side than the other. Here, I'll show you!" Corey reached forward, slashing down with his hand and clawing two long slits into the nutsack that Neil was holding up for him. Each slit was in front of one ball, and Corey quickly grabbed the neck of the scrotum in his hand. He squeezed, pulling towards himself and forcing the balls down, stretching them away from Charlie's body until the big gray orbs pressed against the slits. Neil continued holding the base, watching in curiosity. "Corey, stop, please?" He said, but despite it messing up his trophy, he was curious to see what would happen. The left ball suddenly flopped out, through the slit, and the sac emptied out behind it as it landed in Neil's palm. "Oh! Oops, haha, okay Corey I get it." Corey said "See? It's the smallest, otherwise they both would have come out at the same time." As he said that, he kept squeezing, and the other testicle also flopped out, which Corey grabbed out of Neil's hand. Corey bounced the big nut in his palm like a toy. "Wow. This is really firm." "Mine too! And big! It's like a big hard apple... only it's gray." Neil reached down with his other hand, adjusting his erection. His cock had been hard this entire time, but holding Charlie's huge nut in his hand like this had his cock throbbing like crazy. "It's so warm, too!" "Rhinos must have very thin scrotums," Neil said, examining the smaller ball. "Look at how big it is! Here, let me see that one." "Only if you let me see that one!" Corey said. "Ugh, fine!" Neil passed the ball over to Corey, rolling it off of his hand into Corey's and then letting Corey roll the bigger nut into his own hands. Neither noticed the way the cords crinkled as they were twisted from doing this. Neil examined the ball, twisting it left and right. "This is peculiar, you know, I can't imagine how they fit in the scrotum like that. I thought these were going to be round balls, like a dog, but they're really more like..." He flipped the nut upside down, studying the bottom of it, then twisted it back around to the top. He didn't notice the kink he twisted into the cord as he did it. "I think these are side loaders. It's the only way these huge balls would fit in that thin little scrotum." "A side loader?" Corey flipped his over, dropping it. It bounced off the edge of the couch, dangling over the side of the cushion, and Charlie groaned in his 'sleep'. Corey hurriedly picked it up, brushing some hairs from the couch off of the side of it, twisting it around to make sure he got it all off. He didn't see any 'loading' spots, on the side or elsewhere. "What do you mean, I don't see any doors or anything..." "No, I mean it hangs on its side, so you only see the 'top' of it, see?" Neil demonstrated, letting the ball hang just from its cords. Without the protective scrotum helping to hold it up, it looked far too heavy to hang from such a tender, soft cord. The epididymis, already puffy looking, stretched and crackled as the tension pulled it slightly loose from the testicle hanging fatly from it. "They hang like this... so you only see this part," He said, tapping the 'top' of the ball, which, hanging the way it was, was in the 'front', with the bottom of the ball in the back. "Horse balls are like this, too. It makes it easier for them to run. Here, let me see that," he said, handing the small one back to Corey and taking the big one. He twisted the big one around, looking at the front of it and then the back, twisting it around and around, until he was confused as to which part was the front and which was the back. At this point, passing the big nuts back and forth has braided and twisted the cords together. "So, learning about sideloaders... that's great and all but... why are they turning purple?" Corey asked, giggling. Charlie twisted on the couch, and Neil traced his way up the cords to see the knot that they had created. "Oh fuck me, what the hell? Oh that's dumb." He sighed, and shrugged. "It's okay, we'll just tuck these inside and nobody will notice." Corey smacked Neil, pointing to the knot. "That's OUTSIDE of the scrotum, are you just gonna leave that outside and tuck the balls back in?" Neil studied the knot. The sac has two slits in it, and the knot couldn't go into one without being removed from the other ball. There was just no way to put everything into the scrotum the way it is now, so he pushed a claw into the top of the sack, and dragged it down, slicing the scrotum open from the top to the bottom. "perfect!" He put the balls and the knot inside the open scrotum, then pulled the flaps of the scrotum back over top, as if he were tucking in a baby. "Well, yeah, but now there's a big hole in the ballsack! So they're just going to fall out! Plus they're turning purple! You know who would notice that immediately. You have to untie the knot," Corey said. Neil sighs, "Fine!" He grabs the cords and moves his claw to slice through the knot but Corey stops him, "Careful! You don't want to cut the cords..." "I'm being careful," Neil says, as he started trying to carefully unwind the nuts, twisting one and then folding them over each other, but every time he did something it seemed to make it worse. "This is worse than untying a bread bag!" "It basically IS a bread bag, only it's that dude's balls. They're everything he has that makes him a man, so you have to be CAREFUL." "I'm trying to be careful, I swear!" Neil said, trying to rub the balls together with the knot between them, as if that would make the knot magically disappear. "Caaaaareful-" "I'M BEING CAREFUL!" Neil shouted, ripping his hands apart from each other. There was the barest of resistance, but then they tore completely off of the knotted cabling. The bigger one shot out of Neil's hand, landing with a wet PLUNK on top of Corey's untouched drink. The smaller one stayed in Neil's hand, but as he looked at it he realized that it was 'uncorked'. The epididymis had stayed with the cords, ripping a bit chunk out of the top of the testicle, and now the inside of the nut was drooling and unspooling out against Neil's fingers, big slimy goops drooling out. "Oh it's like snot, that's so gross, yuck!" Neil said, panicking. He flung it away, the fatty blob of testicle landing inside Lyle's open mouth, on his tongue, giving Lyle the last ever taste of his brother's semen. Corey laughed, "You just lost BOTH your balls AND your sack, you're so fucked! Meanwhile I got the biggest, most perfectly even balls in the whole fucking city!" Neil grimaced and stuck his fingers into his laughing brother's mouth, getting nipped as he wiped a big sticky blob of the inside of Charlie's nut off on Corey's tongue. Then he turned to Lyle's massive nut-sack, resting peacefully on the couch cushions, the only untouched rhino genital in the room. He seized it in his slimy hands. "Oh, are you sure, BROTHER?" Corey says, as he grabs Charlie's perfect sack with his slimy fingers. "It looks like the left one is BIGGER to me!" "Neil, wait!" Neil DIDN'T wait, grabbing the left nut between his hands, holding it like a hamburger. "And if it's bigger, then Will won't like it. We can't have THAT!" He began to crush his hands together, as Lyle whimpered pathetically up above, his reddish chest heaving in agonizing pain. Immediately, the flesh of Lyle's left nut bulged out between his fingers. Corey grabbed at them, but with the slime from the popped ball all over his fingers, it's hard for Corey to really grab Neil's hand. Neil grinned, lifting his hands up, and Corey immediately clapped his hands together over Neil's. Neil squeezed together as hard as he could, at the same time. Lyle's left ball festooned out through the gaps between their fingers like silly string. Several strands of liquified, pulverized nut pulp squirted out, over Lyle's perfect abs, across Neil's forehead, into Corey's open mouth. Everywhere. Their hands very quickly collapsed together, and they ended up just holding each other' hand with a little bit of scrotum caught between them. "That was actually... really cool," Neil said, and Corey laughed. "Yeah it was. Let's do it again!" He grabbed the last nut, letting go of Neil's hands to do so, but Neil grabbed Corey's hands in turn. "Wait, before you squeeze. This is your last nut. If you ruin this, you won't have anything left to take hom for Will to see." "Well, yeah, but I figured we were giving up," Corey said. "I mean, we destroyed everything else. What are we gonna do, cut off one ball and take it back? Ha! Or, what, you think we should just leave him with this?!" There was another furtive whispered whimper from the rhino, but neither brother heard it. "And anyways... it's not ALL we have. What if we... combined our pieces?" Neil let go of Corey's hands, to go to the drinks. He plucked Charlie's bigger nut from it and brought it back. "It's dyed red but it's still intact..." he said, dropping it with a THUMP onto Charlie's belly. "Yeah, and.. that guy's dick is still perfectly good, it's just missing the head." Corey looked at Lyle's dick. "And on this one, the head's the only part that actually looks good, right?" "Yeah!" Neil said. And at that moment, they began to work together. Corey held Charlie's cock, while Neil carefully sliced through the root of it. Then Neil pulled the skin on Lyle's cock up, holding it up so that Corey could cut off the top six or so inches of dick. He cut off the rest of it, too, and tapped Neil on the shoulder. "Look at this!" he said, and folded the root of Lyle's cock around his own erection. Corey's dick was a nice size, very respectable, but it looked like a hotdog inside of a large breadroll made of dickmeat. He squeezed, folding it around his dick entirely, and his eyes glazed over in pleasure as he started fucking the inside of the stripper's cock. "We don't have time for that," Neil said, grabbing the flesh-light and tossing it away, landing in front of the door. Corey looked at it for a moment, then went back to helping to clean up. They didn't bother cutting off Charlie's scrotum, which was just a flap of skin at this point, but they did cut off Lyle's. They each held the massive testicle, each cupping it in one hand, and then they held the knife together, cutting through the cords and finally castrating the last nut off of the rhino brothers. Looking at them, you could never tell that they were the biggest, most popular strippers in the state. Their groins, once overflowing with rhino meat, now lay naked, raw and empty. There was nothing left of their magnificent endowments, which were foolishly laid waste by two dumb hyenas. They still didn't have enough to work off of though. Neil grabbed the massive nut from Corey's drink, then paused and put it back. He grinned. Carefully, he pushed the ball down into the drink, the fizzy alcohol pouring over the edges of the drink, but mostly hiding the massive nut that looked painfully tight, jammed in and distorted in the glass. Then he grabbed Lyle's surviving ball, and twisted it down into the other empty stripper glass. The way it went in, there was still a bit of twisted, knotted cord hanging over the edge of the glass, but it fit. He carefully poured some more fizzy drink over it, to hide that the entire bar glass was full of one single massive testicle. Then he filled one glass with the top half of Lyle's cock, the huge head hanging out over the side like a big cherry. Corey, ingeniously, found a small paper umbrella on the ground, and stuck it down into the luscious lips of the stud's cock, spearing into the last blob of precum Lyle ever made. That left Charlie's decapitated cock, which he laid on the tray, carefully, between the four glasses. He put a bar napkin on top of it, hoping that if someone saw it they would just think it was a rolled up piece of silverware, and not a foot long section of rhino cock. There were some other pieces, too, bits of scrotum and tangled testicle cord, and while Corey knew they were missing some pieces, he jammed them down into the last glass, spilling more of the drink all over the tray. He picked it up, carefully balancing it in his hand, holding it up high so that it just looked like he was holding some drinks up. "Do I look like a waiter?" "Yeah!" Corey said. While they were cleaning up, they had gotten re-dressed, and he had picked up the fleshlight and tucked it down the front of his own pants. It made his bulge even more impressive, looking like he had almost a foot of dick lining the inside of his shorts. The two hyenas looked over the room, and Corey was about to open the door to leave, before slapping his head. "Oh we can't forget!" Corey bounded over to the rhinos, who were beginning to groan, fingers twitching. He crouched between them, and held up his fingers with a big grin, taking a selfie of himself between the two naked, nullified strippers. "There. I just want to make sure I can claim that I did this when we post on that cutters website Will likes so much." Now satisfied, Neil waited for Corey to open the door, and then they left the room. The bar was much louder now, and there were fans of all genders and species, crowding the stage, filling every table. Bouncing and dancing in excitement, they had paid hundreds just to sit in the front row. Some had posters that they wanted signed or, they fantasized, smeared with one of the strippers' notoriously leaky cocks. The two hyenas made their way through the crowd, weaving through the noisy, excited patrons and keeping what was on the tray almost entirely a secret. Until, that is, a tiger stepped in front of them. Taller than the two hyenas, he peered down at the glasses and 'appetizers' on the tray, and picked up the glass with a massive testicle shoved down it. "Fuckin' hell, that's a beauty. I had no idea they served *this* here. I'd like to order four, please," he said, in a polite, gravelly tone. Corey grabbed the glass from the tiger's hand, nodding and smiling politely . "Yes, SIR, four nut suckers, coming right up!" He turned to Neil, winking at his brother, and put the glass back on the tray. The tiger was staring at them expectantly, looking at the glass with a rhino cock sticking out of the top, his eyes beginning to narrow. "Fuck, he's onto us!" Corey shouted, and before Neil could say anything, he reared back and decked the tiger. The feline went sprawling, people shouting as Neil lowered the tray to his hips and leaned forward, ducking and weaving between people as he bolted for the door. Corey ran beside him, shoulder-checking into a bear, as he grabbed a glass, biting the ball in it and tossing the glass behind him. The nut hung from his mouth like a chew toy as he grabbed the other one, grabbing it by the cords and pulling it out with a SHFOCK! sound. He jammed it into Neil's mouth, as the door to the club loomed closer. By now, people were screaming, pointing, shouting, and grabbing for the pieces still on the tray. Corey grabbed the dick with the paper umbrella in it, and the log laying on the tray, as the tabby cat jumped in front of them, claws out and ready to swipe. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he screeched, and Neil put up the tray slamming it into the cat's face and bowling him over. The two hyenas burst out through the door into the open sunshine, panting around their mouthfuls of dripping, soggy balls as they raced home. * * * * * * * * * * * * That night, when Will got home, there was a big pot of ramen soup waiting for him on the table, with Neil and Corey greeting him at the door. "Welcome home, brother!" They said in unison. Will was immediately suspicious, but sat down and grabbed a bowl for himself, ladling himself as much as he could fit. "Well this is a nice surprise," he said, looking around the table. "But where are my nice chopsticks? I should have them." He shrugged, and slurped a bunch of noodles and broth into his mouth. He chomped on it happily, as Neil slid a tall glass of beer to him to help wash it down. "You two are being friendly," He said. "I expected the house to be torn apart and the police to be here when I got back, but it looks like you behaved yourself." "Well, we were outside-" Corey said, but Neil cut him off. "How did your trip go? Did you grab the target? Was it exciting? Tell us EVERY detail!" Will sighed, and looked down. "No, I didn't get the target. I had the best plan, but someone got the target ahead of me. I'm mad, I think it was Charn, but I have no idea." "Charn? The tiger?" Corey said, glancing at Neil. Neil glanced back at him, shaking his head, telling him not to say anything. "Yeah. I know I saw him there. I was at a bar, here in town. My target was not one male, but TWO. Brothers. Strippers. I was really looking forward to taking them down a peg, or two," he said with a chuckle. "Oh shit, that sucks. Um, so you were at Bog Hogs today...?" Neil said, trying to sound completely cool and casual. "Yeah! Oh, that's weird, how did you know I was at that bar?" Will said, but then continued, "Anyways, my plan was simple. I was in the front, right next to the stage. I have a big stack of counterfeit money." Will acted out his plans, pretending to throw money onto the table. "I would leave a huge pile in front of me, and when the brothers came by to pick it up..." He reached up, with both hands, pretending to grab two invisible massive rhino packages, "I grab, squeeze, and twist. If I pulled and twisted, their junk would tear right off immediately, and then I run out the door." He sat back down, gesturing into the air before slurping some more soup. "This is tasty!" "Thank you we ummm had some leftovers!" Corey giggled, and Neil elbowed him hard. "Well anyways, SOMETHING happened. There was some kind of riot, and people were yelling and screaming. I mean, I've never seen anything like it. You know, to us, a dick is a dick right, but to these fans, those dicks were EVERYTHING. Well anyways, this gray cat came out and was calming everyone down, and I guess some of the extra help had bailed at the last second, so it was just the two rhinos dancing. Which is great, for me, that's TWO less packages I gotta get rid of, right?" Corey and Neil gulped and nodded. "So they come staggering out, and I dunno, they just looked like shit. They look like they had just woken up or something, and then I see what's going on between their legs. They were just completely null'd. It HAD to be the tiger who did it, it was too professional to be anyone else I know." "Hey, we're professional!" Corey said, but Will rolled his eyes at him. "Sure, little brother, you're very professional. Half the time you castrate someone you end up somehow blowing their cock up or something." "Oh come on you would have to, his dick looked like a cannon and I had an M-80 in my pocket!" Corey shouted, but Neil pointed to the 'gift' they had made. "Yeah, well, if you think we're not so professional... then how do you explain... this?" Corey slid a plate that had been sitting on the far side of the table over to Will. There was an upside down wine bag on top, and the older brother looked at it. "What is this?" "Open it! It's a gift. We went out and did something really cool. We got the biggest dick in the city, all by ourselves." "The BIGGEST DICK in the CITY?" Will said, as if talking to children. He pulled the bag up, and blinked. There was, indeed, a massive cock in front of him. Kind of. The scrotum was twisted partially, so that the 'cleavage' that would normally be in the middle was on the side. The lumps inside looked like normal testicle shapes, but the scrotum was... superglued? to the base of the penis. The penis itself was erect, but crooked. It was a thick skinned red penis, angling to the left, with a beautiful dorsal vein that was going along the belly of the penis instead of the top of it. Half way up, the skin had a crusty, visible seam, where a flap of skin had clearly been super glued into place. Above that, the cock leaned in the opposite direction, and the handsome vein disappeared entirely. Now Will was looking at the underside of the cock, and the skin looked weird, loose and hanging limply, ballooning somewhat above the seam. The cockhead, though. That was beautiful. Even if everything else about the dick was weird, the apple sized cock head was superb, fluted with thick puffy lips, with a bead of fluid just cresting the slit. "Well... damn, brothers, you really did.... something, didn't you?" He took the cold, firm shaft, lifting it up. Neil and Corey winced, as the scrotum turned out to be completely open on the back, and two massive nuts fell out. One was stained green, the color of the drink it had been soaking in, and the ripped cord drooled out something that smelled like... licorice alcohol? The other one, while just as huge as the other, was coated, splattered with some creamy, crusty white gunk. "Huh." Will said, lifting up the cock further. As he did, a metal chopstick slid slowly out of the pee hole in the base, before clattering to the table. "And, uh, was that chopstick already in it when you took it off?" "Uh, no," Neil said, thinking on his feet, "We shoved the chopstick down his pee hole to keep him from squirming, while we cut off his dick!" The top half of the cock fell over, tugging the loose skin free and flopping down into Will's soup, splashing it. It floated in there like a big mushroom, the beautiful head nudging against some tendons. "Oh. And was the cock already cut in half when you found it?" Corey said, "Well No, we cut it in half so that it would fit into our... pockets." "Oh you used your pockets." He put the mangled piece of dick down, and as he did, another bit of steel poked out of the top. "And my chopsticks, apparently." He plucked the chopstick out of the cock, and then put it down, picking up his other one as well. "So this guy you found... he didn't happen to be a rhino, did he?" Will teased, as he wiggled his chopsticks, picking up some noodles and eating them. "Uh, no, haha, he was a... muskrat." Corey said, wincing immediately. Will shook his head, taking a mushroom from the broth and eating it. "And it wasn't TWO rhinos that you guys 'got', was it?" Corey went to deny it, but Neil put up his hands in surrender. "Yes! It was us. We castrated the rhino strippers. We saw that they were performing, and we thought that if we cut them and brought their junk home, you would finally start to think we were good at cutting males!" Neil said, looking ashamed. "Only, we kept messing it up. We popped one ball, and we tore a cock in half, and-" "Wow. So you went in BEFORE the strip show, and attacked them. That was genius, honestly. If you hadn't, I wonder if Charn would have instead. And, I did not realize how intense the fans of these strippers were. Look, my brothers, you did a good thing today. If I had tried to take them on alone, I would have done it, but then the fans would have killed me. As it was, they destroyed the bar. THere was a riot, and they set the place on fire. I barely made it out alive." He picked up another piece from the soup, then stared at it. It was the massive end of a rhino's cock, with a little bean sprout sticking out of the tip. He laughed. Corey clasped his hands together, begging. "Brother, we messed up... a little bit, but when we put our heads together, we worked much better when we worked by ourselves! I mean, it may not be a trophy, but we did a great job, right?" "Oh, I Think you did great, my brothers! You saved my life, AND you made sure that the trophies were ruined. The contract was for several million dollars. A very wealthy bear wanted those two packages for themselves. If someone else had gotten them, instead of me, it would show that I'm not at the top of my game." Will bit off the head of the cock, rolling the apple-sized cockhead around in his mouth, chewing and mushing it. The flesh ruptured, delicious soup and rhino flavors soaking down his throat as he smacked his lips and swallowed. "It's only unfortunate that I won't be able to show that we... as a team... did it. Even if we don't have the packages, I would have at least claimed to say we did. But now anyone could claim to have." "No, wait!" Neil said excitedly. "Corey took a picture! OF himself, with the rhinos, all nulloed! There's no dicks or balls in the picture but he is!" "Really?" Will's eyes sparkled. "Fantastic. Then, we will post that picture, and YOU, Corey, will get the FULL credit for cutting the Rhino Twins. There will be many, many people jealous of you." Corey barked in excitement, but then paused, and looked at Neil. "No. We'll post it and say that all three of us did it. Because Neil was smart and got us into the room. Neil figured out how to sneak all the pieces out. I couldn't have done it without him." "Aww, thanks brother," Neil said, smiling softly. "And, besides," Will said. "Now that you've done this... I Think we are ready for our biggest heist yet." He took a small envelope out of his pocket, and put it on the table, amongst all of the discarded rhino pieces. "The Fat Stack Spa. A wealthy mafia man is renting out the whole place, and it's going to be filled with underwear models. He loves big muscular dudes with big dicks. We're going to go and cut off Every. Dick. In. There. Including his. It's gonna be really dangerous..." Neil yipped excitedly, "BUT WE CAN DO IT!" * * * * * * * * * * * "Hey, Charlie," Lyle said, his eyes reddened as he saw his stripper brother slumped over on the couch. They were watching the news that had graphic footage of the strippers walking on to the stage, naked and obviously null'd. "How are you doing?" "Everything sucks. Look." He pulled up his twitter, which showed all of their posts full of people calling them null-cucks, losers, making jokes about them losing their rare endangered 'horns'. "Everyone who loved us, now laughs at us. I miss my big, beautiful penis. I miss YOUR penis inside me." Lyle sighed, wincing as he touched the sutured up area between his legs. The doctors had been able to do anything to fix them up. Lyle had asked, desperately, if they could do a transplant, but the doctors said that there was just no way. Even if they got some dick to put on them, it wouldn't be nearly as beautiful, and perfect as their previous packages were. They'd be a pale comparison. Charlie leaned back on the couch, and Lyle sat next to him. "We'll get through this," Lyle said, as he began to gently stroke and caress Charlie's nipples. The rhino closed his eyes, dejectedly, and turned away from Lyle. "No, we won't. We're ruined. We put everything into this business and now, the best we can do is make nullo bottom videos. Don't touch me, I can't play with you without thinking of what... what you used to be." "I'm still Lyle, Charlie! Your sexy twin brother!" "No, now... you're a dickless eunuch. Without your cock, you're nothing to me. Sorry, but it's true." Lyle went silent, and looked at his brother, then at his ruined groin. It hurt, but distantly, like even his own body was no longer interested in his groin. He sighed, and turned on the television, to watch a show about making ceramic vases. Life sucked.