SUCKERS part 2 It would be several hours before Janet arrived. Plenty of time for John’s wife to finish her sucker, and for it’s effects to wear off. He could have just given her another pink sucker, but Janet might have been suspicious of her sudden new personality. He watched her carefully, in case he needed to stick a sucker in her mouth before some kind of freak out occurred. He was curious how much of what he did to her would suddenly occur to her as being wrong as she regained her normal mind, but even as her intelligence began to return she seemed to have accepted his instructions. “Janet probably won’t be here for a while.” his wife said, lounging lazily on the couch, “I could give you another tit fuck if you want.” He looked over to her, she still had her dress pulled down, and his cum on her tits. He planned to tell her to get cleaned up later, but he wanted to see if she would react at some point. It seemed that even after the sucker was finished, she continued to believe the things she had been told while she was sucking on her sucker. He supposed it made sense; the suckers wouldn’t be much fun to use if he got in trouble the moment they wore off. Though, he had to wonder if there was a limit to what they would continue to believe; could he simply tell someone to always obey him? Perhaps… Though, the different flavors suggested that might not be the best idea. If he went the most efficient route, it would grow dull quickly. That’s why there were different flavors; to keep him from getting bored of the same old routine. Well, he would be giving them a good test run for sure. Already, his wife seemed to be a whole new person, and this would only be the beginning. “Why don’t you go get cleaned up before your friend gets here.” John suggested, gesturing to his wife’s chest. “Oh.” She looked down, and spent a moment looking over her breasts before answering, “I forgot about that. I guess you would want me clean before we go another round. I’ll be right back.” She stood up from the couch and walked back towards the bedroom, again not bothering to cover herself as she walked past the open curtains. She had definitely forgotten her modesty along with the new “tricks” he taught her today. Perhaps he could spend a few more suckers customizing her a little more… John’s train of thought was interrupted by the doorbell ringing several times in a row. That had to be Janet. Quickly, John stood up from his chair and walked to the door, grabbing a random sucker from the box as he passed it. “Oh. It’s you.” Janet said flatly as he opened the door, “I thought I saw Maria through the window, why didn’t she answer the door? She knows I’m coming over.” John paused for a moment; she saw his wife through the window? How well did she see her? Did she notice her top was down? If she did, she didn’t mention it, though it might explain why she was so terse. If she actually was still interested in him, perhaps she was feeling jealous…? “She’s just getting cleaned up. Come on in” he replied, holding up a sucker, noticing now that it had a red wrapper. “Would you like a sucker while we wait?” Janet rolled her eyes, grabbing the sucker as she spoke “What, did she wait until I got here to start getting ready? I don’t know why you put up with her.” “Well, you know…” John began, watching her unwrap the sucker and put it into her mouth. “She’s been getting better.” Janet rolled her tongue around the sucker seductively, pulling it out slowly and letting it pop out from between her lips. “Well, I don’t think I get what you see in her that you couldn’t get… Somewhere else.” She couldn’t have already been affected by the sucker this quickly. His wife must have been right about her. Of course, he could be a lot more bold now that she had begun to suck. “Where else would I get it?” he asked, leaning forward towards her. “Oh… You don’t need to look far. I’m sure you have people who… Admire you.” she said before taking the sucker and placing it on her bottom lip, holding it there a moment before slowly sliding her tongue along the edges of it and returning it to her mouth. At that moment, the bedroom door opened, and the two of them turned to see Maria returning. She had cleaned his cum from her tits, but left her top down. Exposing her breasts to both of them without a care. John quickly looked over to Janet, who’s eyes widened in shock. She looked like she might swallow the sucker if not for the stem caught between her teeth. Hastily, she pulled it out of her mouth to speak “What are you doing?!” she exclaimed, “Pull your top up!” Maria looked confused for a moment, looking down at her own exposed breasts then looking back at Janet. After a moment, seeming to formulate a logical reason why she didn’t cover herself up, she finally spoke. “Why would I? I’m in my own home.” “You have company!” Janet objected, growing red in the face; though John couldn’t tell if it was a blush of anger or arousal. “Why would you be wearing your dress like that in the first place??” “A good wife keeps her tits out and ready for her husband.” Maria responded without pause, walking further into the room and putting an arm around John. Janet’s jaw dropped. John wondered what could be going through her mind as her mouth hung open and she stared, slowly bringing the sucker back to her mouth as though she wasn’t fully conscious of what she was doing. Her lips closed around it, as she began to suck on it for a moment longer before turning her attention back to John. “A-And you? You encourage this?” She asked, trying to process what she was seeing. Janet could have stormed out, but for some reason she stayed; was it simply too shocking for her to know how to react? Or was she compelled to stay? John decided to keep her off balance, raising a hand and groping his wife’s breast in front of her friend. “Well, Janet, it seems like a good policy to me. A woman should be ready to please her man.” “I-It can’t be…” she said softly, shaking her head in disbelief “I-I never knew either of you two to be like this…” “Oh, I forgot to mention,” John continued “This policy extends to any of my wife’s guests.” “A-Any… Of them…?” She stammered, her eyes widening, and her blush deepening. “Well, the hot ones anyway.” “Of course…” Janet rolled her eyes before lifting her shirt, tossing it to the floor. “Do you have any other stupid rules I should know about?” John stayed quiet for the moment, watching her reach behind her back to undo her bra, freeing her breasts from their confines. Looking at them, he would guess they must be somewhere around a C cup; not the largest, not as large as his wife’s either. They were, however, enjoyably perky. “Well, I do have one or two more, but I wouldn’t want to make you too… Uncomfortable.” John said, not bothering to hide the fact that he was staring directly at Janet’s breasts even while he groped his own wife’s. Janet looked him over skeptically before responding. “I think I know where this is going.” “I do too.” John replied “We’re going to be having a threesome tonight.” Janet’s jaw dropped once more; nearly dropping the sucker before her hand raised up to catch it. “I-I didn’t think you would be so forward!” she exclaimed before biting her lower lip, her eyes seeming to be conflicted as they darted between John and his wife. “Why do you think she invited you over? Given the… Rules of the house?” John said, continuing the narrative. “I mean, she does know the rules.” Janet’s eyes continued to go back and forth between John and Maria; her mind struggling with what she was experiencing. “A… threesome though?” she asked slowly “I-I mean I wouldn’t mind having sex with you but… Her too?” Before he could answer, his wife spoke up “Well we are married,” she said, with a slight condescending tone. “So it’s only right to share, right?” “It’s true” John added “It wouldn’t be fair to leave her out.” “W-Well I… I didn’t come here for sex anyway!” Janet shouted, finally having enough. She scooped up her shirt from the ground, throwing it over her head as she marched to the door. John considered trying to stop her, but that might turn ugly. Janet slammed the door behind her on the way out. He wasn’t sure what exactly went wrong; she was certainly affected by the sucker. Was it because it only made her want to have sex with him? Was a threesome asking too much? “Go ahead and pick up that bra” he said to his wife “I’m sure she’ll be back for it eventually.” “Of course.” She replied, bending down to pick the bra up, deliberately giving him a view of her ass as she did. “Janet can be so stubborn, can’t she? Your rules aren’t that unreasonable.” “Well, you know how she can be.” John replied, walking over to the box of suckers. He picked up the card and gave it another look. He gave the red sucker another read “Red Suckers are red hot. Once you get your lips around one of these, you’ll find the one who gave it to you too hot to handle. Effects last until orgasm, and they will think it was all their idea.” Lasts until orgasm… That was interesting… “I have a feeling she will be back soon.” he said to his wife, turning towards her with a grin. “Now why don’t we get warmed up while we wait for her?” His wife smiled, cupping her breasts with her hands, Janet’s bra dangling from one of her fingers “I thought you would never ask, Husband…” Before he had the chance though, he heard a harsh knocking at the door. Had she turned around already? He walked up to the door and opened it, and to his surprise, Janet was standing there, stark naked with her hand on her hips. “Fuck me, now!” she demanded. He didn’t see the sucker in her mouth, nor in her hands… “That’s a bit more forward…” he began, before Janet pushed into the doorway, closing the door behind her. “You need to fuck me.” She said again “I don’t care if it’s a threesome, I need it!” “First” John began, trying to figure out the sudden shift “What happened to your sucker?” “That thing? You made me SO mad, I bit down on it and it broke, so I just ate it.” she replied, looking annoyed “Now are we going to fuck or what?” Well, that explains it. She just got what could be half an hour’s worth of sucking in a single moment; and it won’t expire until she cums. That was… Very interesting indeed... “What are you waiting for? You wanted the threesome didn’t you?” Janet said, desperation hanging in her voice behind her aggressive tone. “You aught to be thanking me for giving you two another chance!” “Well, I do have my other rules…” John said, leading her on. “Yes, I know!” She urged, pressing her body up against his “I’m already ahead of you. I have my pussy and my ass uncovered and available.” “Actually…” John said, looking down at her with a grin “That was only one of the rules. The other is, I am the boss.” “Alright, you’re in charge!” She pleaded, sliding down to her knees “So what do you want? What can I do for you?” “First… You will address me with more respect.” “Okay, Okay. What can I do for you, Sir?” “How about… Master.” She paused for a moment, looking up at him. She seemed to be mentally calculating if it was worth it… and under the sucker’s influence… It was. Finally she lowered her head into a bow, putting her hands on the floor “Yes, Master…”