■5 ・あれ…ウィグもしぜんげんしょう?ってのになってるぞ? Huh? Wig said it's something normal but it happened to you too? ・あ…いやこれは  その…(気持ちよさそうなの見ていたらつい…) Ah... No, this is... It's... (He looked like he enjoyed it that...) ・体に毒なんだろウィグもすぐに出したほうがいいぞ It's bad for you to let it store up, so you should take it out too ・え…いやランドが戻ったら一人で… Um... No, it'll go down on its own so... ・オレにもしたんだし変なことじゃないんだろ? You did it to me too so it's nothing weird, right? ・う… Uh... ■6 ・(はぁ…何してるんだ僕は…) (Haa... What am I doing...) ・(ウィグ気持ち良さそう…何かまたチンコむずむずしてきたぞ…) (Wig looks like he's enjoying it... Somehow, my dick is feeling eager...) ■7 ・っく…!!出…るっ! Kkh...! Cum...mingg! ・(うわ?!すごい出たぞ大人になるとこんなに出るのか?) (Waah?! So much came out. Does this much come out when you're all grown up?) ■8 ・ありがとな!変な呪いとかじゃなくて一安心だぜ! Thanks! I'm relieved that it's not some weird curse! ・団長も毒が溜まってる時があるみたいだから教えてやってくる! The captain seems to be accumulating too so I'll tell him what to do about it! ・え…?!ちょ…ちょっと待って Huh...?! Wa-wait a minute ・たぶんライオスは知ってるから教えなくて大丈夫だよ! Laois probably knows about it already so you don't have to! ・こ…これはあくまで一人でするものだからね  誰かに見せるものじゃないよ?! T-this is something you have to do on your own, okay. It's not something you let others see, okay?!