I came out of the shower and walked into the living room with a towel around my waist, noticing a nice looking pair of glasses next to the TV. Never seen these before, I thought to myself… I put them on, and looked in the mirror.

“Chick glasses? Who left these here?” I was about to take them off, but got distracted from a sudden pleasant electric feeling coming off the glasses into the side of my head and eyes. I then noticed my nipples were hard, and as a joke I flicked one. I almost keeled over from the immense pleasure radiating off my left nipple, pulsing through the rest of my chest and down my body.

“Holy shit, that was crazy! Wait, is my chest getting bigger?

What the fuck?

I sound like a-“

I covered my mouth with my hand, scared of what was going on. Under my crossed arm, I felt my budding breasts inflate and fill with fat. I screamed out in a sexy voice as my towel fell to the floor, my waist and entire body shrinking.

Another scream when I looked down at my naked body. My penis was receding into me, and fast. Before I could even reach down to touch it one last time, it was gone and already forming lips around a slit for my new womanhood. Then my fear turned into arousal, and I could sense pleasure coursing through my covered breasts. I massaged them, and let my tongue drip down in a fit of uninhibited passion.

I couldn’t get enough of myself in the mirror, and my body continued changing as I played with it. My lips became much more plump, and it felt like the glasses were becoming bigger as I shrunk down even further. I must’ve had a lot of fat compared to the height I was now, cuz I could barely wrap my hands around my boobs like before. Now as I played with them, a certain jiggle could be felt through my body. It was turning me on even more, and I think my body was even becoming more sensitive.

I moaned as my now manicured nails dug deep into my breasts, pinching my nipples and causing me to leak on the floor. There were just two things going through my mind now; clothes and boys. I tried resisting the urge to fill my pussy, but my fingers couldn’t be stopped. I quickly remembered Dan’s ex girlfriend had left some clothes here, and my mind was able to distract itself with that instead of masturbating in the living room.

My legs carried me to his room, gliding sexily and swaying from hip to hip as I showed off my round ass to no one. By the time I got there, my boobs were twice the size and I had completely forgotten what I was there for.

“Omg that’s such a sexy top!

And those bottoms!”

I dressed my naked body, eagerly thinking about what Dan would do if he were here with me right now. I could now feel the real weight of my bosom as I hefted the slightly small bra around my torso, and sealed the clasp now holding my perfect boobs.

Each movement felt amazing, and I couldn’t stop turning myself on even more. Both hands slipped beneath my panties, and I caressed myself moaning. Sliding my wet hands up my torso, fingers separating as I passed my navel.

They followed the indent of my rib cage, making me purr softly before a deep moan got caught in my throat as I hefted my magnificent chest.

I gawked at my luscious body, surprised to see one so sexy in person; let alone be this sexy. Just knowing any cock was mine for the taking got me excited, even though I still would consider myself straight and attracted to women.

Why was I getting dressed again? O yeah, I was gonna go find some guys with big cocks at the club!

I bounced in the mirror excitedly, giggling as my nipples rubbed against the sheer fabric of the bra cups. I pondered what to wear, but couldn’t take my eyes off myself. My male mind was too strong, and I was helpless as my bimbo body giggled to my male mind taking over.

I just stood there for a few minutes, bouncing as I watched myself jiggle in the mirror. The thought of being in Dan’s room, and the bra rubbing on my sensitive skin was getting to be too much.

I tried ripping my panties off, but couldn’t do it in time. Ruining them as torrents of cum gushed from my pussy, soaking tight through my panties and getting Dan’s carpet wet.

Not the worst thing in the world, could’ve been pee! I giggled thinking about Dan finding out I came on his floor, I couldn’t tell whether he would be happy or mad. I finally stopped giggling when I spotted a sexy shirt from Dan’s recent ex, putting on the little green crop top while otherwise totally nude.

I couldn’t find any panties or shorts, and decided to wait for Dan to just fuck him. It would save me a cab ride to the club, and I probably would’ve just fucked him in the first place if my ditzy bimbo brain hadn’t told me to go to the club.

I now noticed that my boobs were still growing, the shirt that stopped right above my navel was now barely covering the nipples on my ballooning tits.

I played around with the shirt, having fun with the only article of sexy clothing available to me. I stood posing in the mirror for hours as my body became more curvy and sexy.

Dan came home late that night, completely shocked at the sight in his room. I sat in middle of his room, masturbating on the floor with his ex-girlfriend's vibratory I found under the bed.

“Who are… O shit. Did I leave the glasses out?”

“Like, you mean these glasses?? I’m totes keeping them, they’re super sexy! Look!”

I posed like a school teacher, sexily lowering the glasses on my nose as my naked body jiggled.

“You’ve like, been a naughty boy Daniel.

A sexy, naughty boy...” I grabbed at his bulge as he jumped back, noticing it start to throb and get larger.

“Give me those! The longer you wear them, the more of a bimbo you’ll become!

I wanted to use these for a couple of minutes on Lani after the embarrassing way she broke up with me in public last week. How long did you have these on for?”

“I totally found them, like five or six hours ago, maybe…” I trailed off as I lay down in Dan’s bed, and he grabbed the glasses off my face.

“Six hours?! That means-

Stop that!

Seriously, you can’t… I… You…”

By the time Dan could build up the willpower to stop me, I already had his cock out of his pants and was guiding it toward my tight virgin lips. He now tried pulling back, but I already had his large member firmly in my grasp.

I forced it right to the opening of my womanhood, and let go of Dan’s cock.

I saw the struggle in his eyes as he slowly thrust into me, spreading me wide as my mouth opened in ecstasy.

“I can’t do this!” Dan pulled out of me, driving my lust and craving to be filled through the roof. High pitched whimpers came from me, begging to be fucked some more.

I could see Dan slowly give in, and by the time I realized it, he was putting the glasses back on my face.

“If I’m gonna fuck you, I’m gonna fuck you the right way.”

The familiar feeling of electricity that persisted as I changed for eight hours came back to my face, and I spiraled deeper into the bimbo loop as my craving for cum intensified. I told Dan to fill me with the dildo, and began sucking him off while he played with my tits. I thrust the dildo in and out, feeling myself get close to climaxing as Dan’s cock twitched in my mouth.

“If I get cum on the glasses, you’ll continue changing even after you take them off. I’ll have complete control over you, and your body will be like clay for me. Understood?”

O I understood. It was a good thing he told me that too, cuz I was about to swallow his entire load.

My vision blurred as cum shot into my eye, and I felt it ricochet off the glasses into my hair. More got into my mouth, while some got caught on my plump lips. The salty cum rested on my face and tongue, freezing my body right there under Dan. Then all of it absorbed into me, glasses too. I was clean, happy and ready to please my master.

It’s all a part of me now, and Dan has complete control. He could give me cartoonish tits, or make me a two year old. My mind was his silly putty, and every night I pleasured myself to that thought. And not cuz Dan made me.

I think...