One day I got a mysterious email, telling me about a magic pill that would make all my worries slip away. I’ve always been more of an anxious person, not one to unwind and let loose, so these pills seemed exciting. The email said they were all natural plant matter, ground into a dust, shoved in a pill and sold on the dark web.

Luckily I already had access to the dark web, and it took minimal time ordering these magic pills to my house.

The package showed up pretty fast, and surprisingly, the bottle had a much larger amount of pills than I had ordered. They were called Bimbo Pills, and I was shocked when I took my first one and instantly felt a lot more relaxed. I smelled roses, and noticed my apartment grow bigger around me. I heard cracking, and felt my torso and butt stick out from opposite sides of my body. I felt fat from my stomach and arms suck up into my breasts and ass, giving me a nice feminine figure. My boner tingled and I felt more aroused than ever before, giggling like a girl as blue silky hair cascaded down to my knees. Then the only thing I expected to happen did, and my voice became sexy as my pussy lips opened up to form a moist slit.

I didn't know what was going on, but I immediately put on some clothes my ex girlfriend had left at my house. Even my blue hair didn’t bother me, I just stood in the mirror shaking and dancing for hours. Eventually I was so turned on, I laid in bed exploring my body and bringing myself to multiple orgasms. After just a bit of that though, the pill wore off and my penis grew out from my folds. I quickly became my normal self after that and spent all day remembering that wonderful feeling, before heading out to the mall to get a new wardrobe. I got back home and read the instructions on the bimbo pills:

“One turns you, two to forget, three will amaze you, but four will make it permanent.

Every pill taken will cause exponential transformation, please be cautious

Non-permanent transformations will revert after eight hours ”

“Alright, so no more than three, but try to stick to two…”

I waited til about seven in the evening, before spilling three pills onto the counter. I popped two pills and got undressed, leaving the third in case I wanted a more intense transformation.

Right away I felt a wave of relaxation wash over me, and giggled as my entire body shrunk. My nipples started tingling and stretching, while the fat beneath them bubbled up and inflated. I moaned as I playfully flicked my nipples, hearing drips of wetness land on the floor between my legs. I grabbed a pair of panties and posed in the mirror, playing with my hair as I felt my mind become more aloof.

“I look totally sexy now, but feel really tingly and weird. I think my boobies are like growing more…

Holy Shit! My tits are like, twice the size or whatever!

I can’t see, my vision’s totes blurry…”

I put on some sexy glasses I found in my ex girlfriends old cabinet, and marveled at my new luscious body.

“I’m like soooo hot! I can’t wait to see what boys at the club are interested in these…

Are the pills still like, hitting me? I can’t really remember what I used to look like anymore, and it’s getting umm, soooo much harder to like think!

I feel so horny, and it’s totes still building up. I’m gonna have to wait til this finishes, then see if I’m like, even able to go to the club.

I might be too much of a bimbo!”

While euphoric feelings pulsed through me, I daydreamed about draping my sexy body on a man’s muscular chest. I got distracted by my oversexxed imagination, and without thinking swallowed the third pill on the counter.

“I like… Omg I’m totally feeling it already

How do these… pills? I’m soo horny! Mmmmmm

Like, I hope these boobies totally get bigger In gonna impress all the boys with my cleavage!”

I put on my sexiest bra, giggling as my boobies inflated and stretched the push-up bra to its max.

“Was I like, thinking about staying home tonight?

No way!! I’ve never looked more fuckable!”

My body was still getting curvier and sexier, even as I walked to the bar in my bra and panties.

“Like omg!!!

I totally forgot my dress! I’m such a ditzzzz!!!”

“Forgot your dress?

Girl, I’ve seen this before

Nobody “forgets their dress”

You wanted to show off your body for me”

I couldn’t deny it, “I totally think you're hot, and… I want your cock… Mmmm”

I draped my body on the tall man, purring into his neck as drops of cum slid down my leg onto his pants.

“I totally like… can’t even think…

Let’s go back to my place!!”

We made our way back to my house, Chad keeping a finger warm inside me the entire way. I was too turned on to even hit the lights, and we kissed passionately in the dark. After a few minutes of this, Chad wanted to see my body and turned the light on.

Fuck, the bimbo pills are right on the counter.

“What are these?

Bimbo pills…?” Chad held the pill bottle at arm’s length.

“No Chad they’re for my boobies! I …”

I struggled to come up with a lie, my mind too focused on his exposed ten inch member.

“They’re like just my birth control or something… It’s for my libido, it makes me hornier!”

Fuck I was not making this better! I tried grabbing the pills from him, but my hands just kept reaching for his yummy looking cock.

“Three will amaze you, but four…”

O no


I could see an evil look in Chad’s eyes, and tried running. He grabbed my neck and turned my head up, spilling the entire bottle of two hundred fifty pills into a water bottle and forcing it down my throat.

With each gulp, I could feel myself drifting deeper and deeper. I tried to think, but cock and cum filled my mind as fat surged into my boobs. My whole body became much wider and softer, even my lips plumped up.

I ripped my shirt open for the awestruck hunk, feeling my nipples get hard as he approached me. I searched for memories of him in my mind, but could only focus on his throbbing member. I looked down as his cock hit the inside of my hip, drooling on it as I imagined the taste.

“Get down on your knees”

I gushed and listened without a word, still feeling all those pills building up inside me.

“Pleasure yourself to the point of orgasm, but don’t. And respond to everything I say with yes master”

“Yes master”

It turned me on so much to just obey, I didn’t have any other choice as all willpower and resistance left me long ago.

I began sweating as the bimbo pills really took hold, softening my skin and making my pussy much tighter and more sensitive. My breasts were becoming much firmer and fuller, while my body craved to be filled more and more.

Chad lay in bed with his erection in the air, laughing while he listened to my orgasmic suffered moans.

I dug and dug and dug, seeking orgasmic relief and almost getting there, but stopping myself as Chad had commanded me before the climax began. I did this for what felt like hours, my bimbo mind too spaced out to keep track of time anymore. Occasionally Chad would get up, and stroke himself really fast to shoot cum onto me. I always tried to get it in my mouth, but he found it fun making me stretch and beg for it. All while my finger was buried deep inside me, rolling on my ass to get just a taste of his salty deliciousness.

But then one time, “Come get on the bed, sit down on my cock.”

“Yes master”, I jumped up giggling, knowing I was finally gonna get the euphoric relief and filling I craved.

Not a word came from either of us, just moans of ecstasy as I rode Chad with all I could. Still feeling the Bimbo pills coursing through my body, every movement I made felt different. Becoming more and more orgamsic and luscous, my voice was soon sexier and unrecognizable from just before when I was fingering myself.

I felt a twitch inside me and rested in Chad’s lap, his cock buried deep within me. The bimbo pills tightened my pussy some more, and we screamed in unison as I milked his cock dry. Warm cum shot deep into my pussy, a feeling like no other. I quivered as my lips throbbed, and I collapsed into Chad’s beautiful chest knowing I was his bimbo slave forever.