A knock at the door stirs you from the lustful haze, lips wrapped around Jackson’s shaft as he stammers.

“Y-yes? What is it??” He shouts toward the door, hand caressing your neck as you back away from his crotch.

“We’re leaving for dinner, are you guys ready?” Jackson’s mom asks from behind the door, “Should we wait for you, or you’ll come on your own?”

“Uhhh- Just leave without us, we’ll catch up soon!” Jackson calls out, “Don’t wait up!”

“What the fuck was that??” You demand when you finally hear Jackson’s mom’s footsteps leave, “What did your spell do to me? Why was I about to suck your cock??”

“I- I don’t know! Maybe you’ve always wanted to do that or something- I never included anything like that in my spell, I just say Valerie Fried Jones and- Uhhhh…” Jackson trails off suddenly, eyes glazing over as you feel a burst of warmth deep in your core.

Your ears ring as the sound of stretching skin confuses you, Jackson’s muscles looking… nicer than you noticed before. You catch his eye as the smell of sex fills your nostrils, pussy frothing with desire as fat pours into your chest.

“What the…” You trail off, suddenly forgetting where you are as your sultry hips sway unsteadily.

“Are you ready yet, Val?

We gotta go!” Your fiancé exclaims, putting his shoes on as a sudden wave of reality washes back over you.

Your ears stop ringing as you remember dinner with Jackson’s mom, as well as memories of growing up a girl. A few skills and passions are replaced as well, the interests shared with your friend turned into girly signifiers like makeup and fashion as you put on headphones an ex boyfriend had given you.

“Like, I’ve been waiting so long for you, babe!

Don’t blame me for taking up time…” You laugh, breasts jiggling in the low cut dress as your body moves with a natural grace.

You can’t help but lick your lips as Jackson stares at you, the craving for penetration nagging at your mind as your folds pulsate. It’s hard to think about anything else, even as Jackson tries rushing you out of the house.

“I’m just taking a quick piss, then let's get going! My mom could get really annoying if we don’t follow her rules…” Jackson trails off as he walks into the bathroom, “Be ready for me when I get out, please!”

“Oh, I’ll be ready…” You giggle, bouncing in place excitedly as you wait for your fiancé.

“Told you I’d be quick!” Jackson announces as he leaves the bathroom, “Should we take the bus or- Oh shit…”

He’s left a gawking statue as you stand before him, kneading the plush dough of your nude breasts. Your mind is essentially turned off, no thoughts existing aside from the explosive euphoria sparked by raging hormones.

“We can’t…” He begs futilely, “They’re gonna be done dinner by the… time…”

 “Dinner can’t wait a little bit?” You squeak, trying to sound as cute as you can as your nipples sparkle with stimulation.

Another hour later, you’re finally at the restaurant. Jackson’s mom is more than annoyed about your lateness, but seems to relax the moment her eyes land on you.

“My beautiful daughter in law!!

Val! I love you, sweetie! I love your face, your smile, you’re everything!” Jackson’s mom laughs, hugging you lovingly as you giggle uncomfortably.

“That’s right, mom…

But get your hands off her, she's mine!” Jackson laughs, pulling you back into his grasp as his mother’s hands let you go.

“You better treat her right, you numbskull! She’ll leave your ass tomorrow if you don’t, I know her type!” Jackson’s mom laughs, jokingly elbowing you as you laugh along.

You excuse yourself to use the bathroom, not having done so since you were first transformed.

Maybe you should've done this at the house, cuz you never considered how you would go about relieving yourself as a woman. You have to wait in line at the women’s room, awkwardly avoiding eye contact as you wait for one of the two stalls to open.

Once inside, you lock the door behind you. It takes just a few seconds to take the skimpy dress off, making you shiver as you expose your body to the cool air.

You then freeze, hyper-conscious of the space between your legs. You never really thought about peeing, an act that comes more naturally than just about anything. It’s common knowledge that girls pee sitting down, and feeling the uppermost part your thighs touching gives you major insight as to why.

You furrow your brow as you take a seat on the cold porcelain, vaginal lips opening slightly beneath you as your urethra is allowed to breathe. You take a deep inhale yourself, irrationally worried about the women outside hearing your stream as it hits the puddle below.

You finish after a full minute and stand up, holding back a scream as warm liquid gathers in a few drops rolling down your leg.

“Shit!” You whisper, quickly wiping yourself down with a tissue before daintily putting your dress back on.

That’s when a man’s voice suddenly comes over the speaker, interrupting the pleasant music playing softly:

“Valerie Fried Jones, your reservation is ready, and your party is waiting for you at the table. Again, Valerie Fried Jones, your reservation is ready, and your party is waiting for you at the table.” 

The man repeats himself a few times, using your full name to make sure you’re not confused with anyone else. You can only convulse each time you hear your name, every shiver and twitch just energy of your former male memories being released.

Your torso stretches as warmth overpowers all other feelings, legs turning slender as they lengthen and tan. You can feel your torso gain definition, all the muscles in your body tightening as your pussy gushes.

The revealing dress you wear morphs quickly, losing most of its material as it shows off your stomach and waist. A panty line is all that's left of your underwear, heels now almost a foot tall as your body gains a new elegance.

You hold back moans as your knees twist inward, forced by your warping pelvis and expanding hips. You’re then bent over as an explosion hits each of your ass cheeks, inflating the round balloons past the point that they’re overlapping either side of your waist!

They jiggle and jostle like glued on extra weights with any movement you make, tightening your dress even more as it wedgies in your bubble butt. You simply ignore it though as you exit the women’s room with a confident stride, head held high as the stunned women in line gasp at your striking beauty.

“Are we sure she heard? I hope she’s okay…” You hear your concerned fiancé worry, “I can’t remember why, but I feel like I should've escorted her to the…”

He trails off as he turns his head, and you just know his eyes lock on you in that moment. He doesn’t say another word as you come down the steps, and neither does anyone in the room. You just strut sexily, allowing the lustful attention to wash over you as your arousal builds to an incomprehensible level.

“There she is!” Your mother in law suddenly squeals, “Come on, Val! Get over here!!”

You would be embarrassed if you weren’t so flustered, almost an out of body experience from all the horniness. Maybe you wouldn't be embarrassed though, actually surprised by your lack of reaction as you confidently make your way to the table.

“Jackson was so worried, you should've seen his face when the matradee was calling your name!” Jackson’s mom laughs as he kisses you on the forehead, pausing when his lips make contact.

“I didn’t think I would miss you so much, babe…” He whispers into your ear, tickling your spine as his mom leans in to try to hear.

“A little nosey, aren't we?” You joke, making Jackson’s mom chuckle as you turn back to him with pure desire.

“Valerie Fried Jones, Valerie Fried Jones, Valerie Fried Jones…” Jackson mom’s trails off and laughs, you’re just an amazing woman, aren't you?”

She doesn’t expect a response, hands neatly folded as you slump over in your chair. Your brain essentially resets itself, completely refreshed as Val, Jackson’s soon to be bride. Your body tones a bit more as your breasts fill and gain a cup size, but there’s little more to perfect in Jackson’s eyes as arousal takes over you.

You exit the haze to see Jackson still in it, but you’re unable to say anything as you patiently wait for him to completely forget his best friend ever existed. The memories you share etch themselves into his brain, magically crafted by the skillful witchery of his mom.

“Did we order?” He says immediately upon waking, making both women at the table giggle at the oafish man.

“Yeah we should order already, I’m pretty tired honestly. It’s been a long day…” You trail off with a deep inhale, fingers wrapped around the outline of Jackson’s bulge as his mom laughs knowingly.

Extended ending! 😘