■1 ・予選の時から思ってたけどあの選手やっぱり可愛いな… I've been thinking since the preliminaries but that player is really cute... ・あのタイプのユニだからめっちゃもっこりしてるし… Because of that type of uniform, his bulge really shows up... ・さわりてぇ… I wanna touch... ■2 ・何度か試したこの時間停止できるストップウォッチで… With the time-stopping stopwatch I've used countless times, I... ・よしよし 止まった止まった Alright. He's stopped. ■3 ・身体全身が汗ばんでしっとりしてて汗くっせぇ… His whole body is damp and sweaty and his sweat stinks... ・この中も蒸れ蒸れじゃねぇか Isn't what's in here stuffy too