Alex couldn’t tell what country the gum he held was from, but knew he’d never seen such a language before.

That’s what you get for buying gum from the gas station, Alex figured.

He popped a piece into his mouth, and opened the door to his car. Suddenly he was yanked away, the car door slammed as he was dragged back into the gas station.

He struggled as the man pulled him, before being thrown into a bare room with grey walls and green LEDs everywhere.

Something felt off to Alex, his entire body expanding and contracting with each deep breath he took. Soon he was noticeably smaller, and noticed his hair starting to grow out. A pikachu tee shirt came out from a vent in the ceiling, followed by yellow panties.

It was then that Alex knew what was going on, “I’m not putting those on! I’m a man you know!!”

Even his voice seemed to be getting smaller as he yelled, becoming more high pitch and feminine with each word spoken.

Alex could feel a tingling across his chest as his nipples became tender and large, the clothes he wore vanished into thin air.

He now felt exposed and cold, his nipples hardened in the frigid air as his budding breasts slowly filled with fat.

It was then that he realized it wasn’t his breath pacing out the changes, it was his chewing the gum!

Alex tried spitting it onto the floor, but his mouth refused to release the cursed gum. His body slimmed down even more as he attempted to save himself, and his penis vacuumed up into him in the blink of an eye.

Alex was now sitting on the floor a nude girl. She felt her lips open a bit against the pressure of the floor, the cold wood made her sigh and let out a little moan.

Feeling more girly now, Alex put on the shirt and panties while absentmindedly chewing his gum. As he slipped the panties on and posed sexily, the arousal he’d felt on the floor returned, but this time came in a powerful wave and channeled its way straight out his mouth.

His tongue extended far as it could, straining against the erotic feeling in Alex’s mouth.

The door blasted open, and the gas station clerk came in confidently.

“I see you’ve turned…

How do you like your new outfit? It’ll probably change pretty soon…”

“I… outfit? O right my pika shirt!”, Alex wasn’t trying to act so ditzy, but he couldn’t help it. “Please don’t change it! I love love love this outfit! Mmmm” Alex felt another wave consume him, but was able to hold it down this time.

The gas station clerk noticed this, “O you’re gonna fight it? Then take this…

O wait!” He grabbed Alex’s petite body, and brought him to a different room with couches and chairs. “Sorry, I had to keep you in there til you turned…”

He handed Alex another pack of gum, same language as before but clearly different writing.

“And don’t spit out the first one I gave you… I wanna see what happens to someone if they have both!”

Alex found himself obeying without a thought of protest, and popping the darker colored gum into his mouth.

The flavor exploded on his tongue, and he felt a gush of juice flow down his throat. Alex was surprised by this and almost cloaked on the delicious syrup, taken by surprise because the first piece had no filling.

Alex closed his eyes and braced himself as wave after wave of arousal made its way through his body, feeling the need to extend his tongue but not obliging.

Then a punch to his willpower as the juice made its way into his head, and his tongue slipped out from between his teeth in relief as multiple orgasms racked his body.

Suddenly his clothes changed, along with his hair. The gas station clerk clearly working some type of magic over the moaning Alex. Now relieved of the orgasms, Alex started to talk but then another wave of arousal overpowered him. The gas station clerk chuckled as Alex’s hair got shorter and curled around his face, before piercing his tongue.

Alex yelled out in pain, but it quickly turned to pleasure and raced down his torso. His pussy started getting the chair wet, and he couldn’t stop his tongue from coming out as she orgasmed.

“Holy shit!!”

Alex’s back suddenly arched, and his pert little boobies ballooned out. He felt them fill with fat as his nipples grew more, and his hair grew in thick luscious curls.

The feeling in Alex’s pussy was almost painful now, and the only thing left to relieve the pain was to stick out his tongue. As he did, the gas station clerk commanded him to tweak his nipples. Alex knew what would happen if he listened, but couldn’t stop himself from squeezing and twisting his nipples.

The sensation in Alex’s nipples traveled down, then it shot up and attacked his brain. The arousal changed his memory and personality slowly as he climaxed, speeding up as his defenses went down with each orgasm.

Soon Alex was no longer, instead, a sexy girl named Lexi. She didn’t care about sports, cars, girls, or anything Alex used to care about. Lexi had three vices: Fashion, Makeup and Cock.

“Alright, spit the gum out now. I don’t want you to become too slutty or ditzy…”

As Lexi went to take the gum out, her phone vibrated beneath her.

The vibration overstimulated her, and she was barely even able to hold onto her nipples. Her eyes rolled all the way back, and drool came nonstop down her extended tongue. She let out a squeal before leaning her head back, and moaning lustfully.


Lexi had swallowed the gum in her euphoric state, quickly apologizing for not removing it like her new master had told her to.

“Well now we’re really gonna experiment and find out exactly what this stuff could do!

Lexi watched her brunette hair shift to auburn before turning fire red, giggling as the gas station clerk made her clothes disappear. Lexi couldn’t stop playing with her boobs, recognizing the surging feeling of fat making its way up to her chest. Her boobs were now twice the size, and a hundred times more sensitive.

Then a surge of horniness rose up and Lexi gave in, straining her tongue far as it could go to really feel the erotic stimulation deep in her folds.

Her eyes got even more made up as they urolled back, and her lips plumped up as pink sparkly lipstick covered them.


“Like I can’t stop orgasming!!” Lexi grabbed her boobs and squeezed hard as cum gushed out of her, “This feeling is like totes the best ever!!”

The gas station clerk watched as his bimbo slave’s boobs inflated even more, her soft nipples protruding from them like buttons.

He decided to give Lexi a new “outfit”, smiling as he heard the bell he put around her neck ring.

The little bunny ears were a plus; a sexy plus.

“So Lexi… What’s up?”



The innocent look in her eyes becoming sexier as they grew rounder, and turned a bright, unnatural blue.

“No…” The last bit of fight coming from Lexi, a sign that she was about to turn completely.

“No?” The gas station clerk plunged two fingers deep into Lexi, making her moan before squealing loudly. Her eyes rolled back in euphoric bliss, and her tongue pulsed as she drooled down the longer muscle onto her GG cup bosom.

Now the only thoughts Lexi could produce were cravings to be filled, and to pleasure her new smiling master.