These are customized sheets done with Google Sheets. They work with Excel as well, and maybe with OpenDocument. There are two sheets: Cuenta and Partidas. .... In Cuenta you can note all the expenses and income. You could: - Write the date manually. (Writing =TODAY( or =HOY( will put the current date automatically). - Give a name. I recommend you to write the same name that would appear in your bank account for each transaction. - Write a description. - You will be able to choose if it's an income or an expense. You will see a dropdown menu there with differente categories. Include your amount. The TOTAL INCOME column is a summation (which can be really useful)! - Same for expenses! - You can iclude as well how you paid or charge the amount. - The last column is the balance. .... Partidas is where the categories are. There you can complete the [Income type] cells. If you delete them it may appear as a white option in the drodown menu. Be careful with deleting cells since you may delete also the formula!