Last week you and your roommate, Sean were talking to an old man at the bar on your block. He claimed to have a magical wand that would bring you closer together than ever, and help you live lives people could only dream of.

“Trust and patience is very important for something like this, lose either one and the gift shall become a curse!” He said ominously before excusing himself, never to be seen again for the rest of the night.

When you got home there was a stick on your bed, and you didn’t hesitate to pick it up. You immediately felt a surge of knowledge, the power of the wand you were holding becoming known to you instantly:

Any single desire you have can be granted by the wand, but after that it would disappear. You don’t believe the thoughts you’re having, and decided to test out the wand.

The room’s always been small, so if it was twice as big that would be cool…

You waved the wand and gasped, watching in disbelief as the room grew around you.  

No way…

“Hey dude!” Sean appeared in your doorway moments later, “Did you put a stick in my pocket? I just noticed it in here…”

“N- no- I wouldnt- didn’t… This is so weird…” You muttered, heart racing as the realization dawned on you.

“Damn, wish I knew what was going on…” Sean trailed off, then took a few steps back as the wand materialized in your hand.

“So…” You paused, waiting for the explanation from Sean.

“That wand… It can do anything we want, but we each only get one wish at a time; after each wish, the other person gets a turn.” Sean said confidently, “So just use the wand to get us a cool house, and I’ll use it to get money- We’re done, baby!! That guy was right, we’re gonna live out our dreams!!”

That was a week ago, and boy was he right!

Now you live in a giant mansion, still rooming with Sean cuz you’re still best friends. It’s a lot easier picking up girls when you want to show off your house, and you've already had multiple different partners this past week.

Sean is a lot more extreme with his use of the wand, constantly texting asking for you to use it so he can have another turn. He comes back to the house with different girls everyday, and you can’t help but worry he’s abusing the power.

“Are you manipulating other people with the wand?” You confront Sean one evening, “Cuz that’s not cool. I mean, we didn’t really set ground rules, but it’s a little over the top to force a girl to sleep with you!”

You meant to come at him a little more gently without so much attack, and immediately feel the rage come off him as he ingests your worries.

“So you think I can’t pick up girls, is that it??

I need to manipulate them with magic, otherwise they’ll just be totally uninterested? You’re a jackass!” Sean spits, turning around without another word and making you feel horrible.

“Yo I’m sorry!” You call after him, eliciting zero response aside from the slamming door of his bedroom.

You go to bed early without resolution, knowing Sean will probably go to the club and bring back a girl tonight- if not two.

“Wakey wakey…” You hear a husky voice, “Good morning sweetie, Sean wants to know if you like my new tits!”

You spring awake from your deep slumber, eyes getting used to the bright light of your bedroom as a curvy milf pulls her bra top down at the foot of your bed. You’re speechless for a moment, but then the door opens and Sean waltzes in. He walks onto your bed as you stare, and cups the blonde’s boobs with a smile.

“Like the new piece?” Sean laughs as the girl kneeling on your bed purrs, “Brian used to be a dumbass, cocky, shit- talking freshman, but I liked your idea to use my wand creatively; so now Miss Bianca is- was manipulated the word you used? Yeah, she’s manipulated…”

You're dumbfounded, lost for words as the supposed former freshman writhes orgasmically on your blanket. You watch helplessly as her juices soak your sheets, wondering what must be happening in her mind as the milf’s body notices your worry.

“Like, I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to stain your sheet!! I can see that big cock is ready to go, so let me just give you a quickie to make it up to you!” The panting blonde begs, one hand searching for your crotch as the other tries pulling your blanket off.

“Please stop, this isn’t right!” You exclaim, desperately attempting to keep the covers over your throbbing boner as Sean chuckles.

“Alright Bianca, I guess we’ll just go back to my room…” Sean feigns disappointment, giving you a malicious wink as he carries the dripping woman out of your room.

What a douchebag!

And he used the wand last night, so now it’s your turn…

You wait till you can hear Bianca’s moans, and make your wish under the assumption that Sean is penetrating the bimbo. You watch as the wand disappears, and sit back with a smile as the sound of Sean’s screaming discovery slowly turns into a light stomping down the hallway.

“Like, what the fuck did you do to me!!” Sean bursts into your room yelling, though not in his body.

“I just wished for the last thing you did, but for you instead of an innocent college freshman.” You say matter of factly, “You think it’s okay to do to other people, but if I do it to you it’s an issue?”

“Like, you’re totally being patromatizing, and it’s like, not cool! Stop being an asshole and change me back right now, or I’ll like, use the wand on you!” Sean warns from the body of what could easily be Bianca’s twin, his voice far  too gentle and girly to take seriously.

“But then I could just retaliate against you…” You trail off, assuming the next step in logic would stop your friend from escalating your joke/lesson.

“You fucking started it, cutie- err, I like, meant to say douchebag! You’re gonna pay for this!!” Sean stomps his foot angrily before leaving, jiggling the plushness that guides his new strut.

He spends the rest of the day in his room, wand remaining with him the entire time. You go to sleep before seeing him again, slightly disappointed to not see the busty beauty some more…

You’re woken up by a raging boner, and immediately reach down to investigate. Your hand slides right past your crotch though, and the innermost part of your smooth thighs rub together as you writhe and blindly reach between your legs.

It’s hard to focus on anything as your erect nipple rub against your bra liner, jiggling of your pert B cups perpetually increasing the stimulation. Then your finger slips between your folds, and every thought you ever had fades from existence momentarily.

You’re left rolling your eyes and straining your legs, orgasm building infinitely as your new womanhood begs for relief. You want to stop your hand from massaging your gushing folds, but it’s painful to leave your labias alone. They agonize in the open air, loins uncomfortably throbbing without pressure to relieve and arouse you.

It’s like pleasure that got concentrated and injected into your lower abdomen, a painful overdose of euphoria that you can barely control with your hand.

You know exactly what would satiate this ravenous hunger, but there’s no way getting a guy to help you out would…

You shiver as the thought of a being in a large man’s arms enters your mind, but stop yourself before you give in to your body’s intense cravings. You’re amazed at the natural feeling of desire, and cynically smile as a new idea pops into your head.

Through the overwhelming arousal that Sean drowned you in, you manage to come up with a wish for him. You’re a little too preoccupied to consider what his retaliation might be, and the idea of controlling Sean is getting you even hotter…

Sean will only feel comfortable wearing maid uniform, and cleaning the house. Even if there’s nothing to clean, it will just feel too good for Sean to act like a French maid; he’ll waltz around with a feather duster, and not want to wear anything except those skimpy uniforms!!

“Ohhh… Fuck!” You moan orgamsically, hips bucking as your womanhood explodes with sensation.

You hadn't even noticed your hand increasing intensity as you imagined Sean’s future, your strained wrist a sign of just how fervently you’d been masturbating.

The wave of relief overwhelms your worry, and you drift off back to sleep in the warm early morning light.

You’re woken up some time later by someone tugging on your sheets, trying to remove them from beneath your curled up petite body.

“What’s happening?” You groggily ask as you open your eyes, surprised and excited to see Sean in a skimpy maid outfit.

“Mistress is sleeping on ze dirty sheets, and it’s my job to clean zem!” Sean responds in a lustful yet bad French accent, his eyes struggling as he clearly tries fighting the new urges and forced movements.

You feel a cool draft as Sean throws your blanket in the hamper, and your nipples grow erect as he bends at the hip to lean in. The heavy set of milf mammaries on his chest sink into his uniform as a thick thigh crawls onto your bed, and your breath hastens as you get a good look at her deep cleavage.

“I can still use ze wand, I just didn’t want to until I cleaned ze entire house!

Mistress makes it feel so good to clean, I couldn’t stop taking care of ze every mess on my way here!!” Sean says as he menacingly tickles the bottom of your thigh with a feather duster, sending sparks of arousal through your body as you suddenly remember your masturbation session.


“What did you do to me??” You demand, biting your lip as your thoughts fog with lust.

“Don’t worry, mistress…

What I did before won’t compare to zis, cuz you keep taking it ze step up!” Sean bounces with a giggle, pulling out the wand and smiling like he just won the battle.