Two days later, Emily’s words still echoed in DJ’s ears. You ruin lives like it was a fucking game! That look of hatred on her face was etched into his memory, perhaps as deeply as the sight of Ashley astride Anthony. He’d tried to forget both, but 48 hours of drinking himself stupid and moping around his room somehow hadn’t done the trick. He’d had no visitors, few interruptions. His friends hadn’t noticed his withdrawal – and why would they, when these days he’d been so wrapped up in his new life that he only had time for them every few weeks? Emily and Ashley had each stopped by to apologize, but he’d just pretended not to be home; he wasn’t ready for that yet. Brittney had come by a few times just to check up on him, but he’d kept her at arm’s length. Too much of a chance he’d pull her into his bed, and while his tryst with Sidney had been one thing, Brittney was different. With her, it wouldn’t be meaningless, and with her, his fear that Emily might have been right was ever so much harder to ignore. He’d been over and over all the events of the past few months, trying to think if anyone had given signs that he’d somehow done damage to them. Surely it couldn’t be the case – granted, he’d trampled over some of their feeble protesting, but no one had been insistent. Objectively, plenty of the things he and Ashley had done seemed cruel, but his power made it so people shrugged off such things. No harm, no foul. Wasn’t it? So why did her words keep nagging at him? DJ had meant to take the long Thanksgiving weekend at home to rest and recuperate, but he knew that there he’d be neck-deep in women he’d fucked – raped, if Emily was to be believed. He couldn’t handle that thought. He needed to know. It was finally time to harvest what he’d sewed. As he heard Brittney and Mercedes’ voices trailing off down the hall on their way to dinner, he went down to their room and used his master key to enter. It didn’t take long to find it; evidently, she and her roommate had trust issues, as it was hidden beneath her mattress. It was labeled for precisely what it was, and a moment later, he was back in his room with it. He’d told her this would be private. He’d told her to write down whatever she was feeling. Surely if there was any wrong he’d done, Brittney would have written of it here. With the first entry, he hit pay dirt. October 15th I’ve never done this sort of writing before so I don’t really know what I’m supposed to say but DJ said it was a good idea and he’s probably right things have been CRAZY lately. I went home with my RA for fall break last week. I don’t know why I did. He came to my room before break when Brayden was about to make me have sex with him and beat him up and then I had sex with DJ instead. I had always thought he was kinda cute so fucking him wasn’t like a big deal but it was actually good. REAL good. He has a nice big cock and as soon as I saw it I wanted it in me. Brayden was such a wimp he didn’t do anything. I was really nervous and I think I did a super bad job but he was really nice to me and that made me feel good. Then he told me I had to go home with him for break. I missed my mom but I didn’t wanna be rude so I said OK. Beside its more time away from Earl, and his eyes, and his hands, and everything. Every time I go home, it’s harder to adjust back to it. But my mom needs me. But so did DJ so that was what I did, and… WOW let me just say I did not regret it. That was the hottest week of my life. I got fucked so many times with DJ’s amazing cock and it was amazing! At first I wasn’t sure about being with other girls but that was fun too. Still I wanted him all to myself, to give him blowjobs and have his dick all to myself. He even fucked his mom and sister – but they’re just steps, and obviously I of all people totally get that thats not a barrier for everyone. (Earl. :( ) They definitely seemed to be cool with it so I guess it was all in fun. We had sex in his bed and his shower and on his couch and in the kitchen and in his car and in the backyard and even on the roof! I miss it already. Even aside from all the awesome sex, he was just really nice to me. Guys aren’t usually nice to me like that. It felt really good. and I miss all the sex. OMG do I miss it. Like, I can HEAR my pussy rumbling, it misses his cock so bad. Just thinking back to that day, him just going to TOWN on my pussy while that girl Breeann sucked and squeezed on my nipples… When we got back, he’s been really busy with this other girl, which sucks, but maybe he’ll come see me sometime. I hope he does. I think I really like him. I hope I’m more than just another hot girl to him. I want him so bad. :( I got myself off twice just while I was writing this. P.S. And a third time when I was done. *squee!* There were dozens more entries – it looked like she updated it every few days. Should he keep reading? It didn’t seem like he needed to, strictly speaking, but what sweet temptation! How did she feel about him and Ashley? Did she still miss him, or had she soured? How did he feel about him fucking her roommate? Had she started seeing someone else? And what was the situtation with this Earl guy? He should keep reading – she’d never know, after all. With a sigh, he forced himself to put it down. For a guy who’d been losing sleep over the idea of his victimless crimes not being so victimless, this was hardly the time to give himself more cause for self-recriminations. With a quick knock he verified the girls weren’t home from dinner yet, then put the journal right back where he’d gotten it and went back to his room. She cared about him. Once back in his room, he clenched his fists and forced himself not to go down the hall and kiss her. He was emotional, and he still hadn’t officially broken up with Ashley. It wouldn’t be right to her. He didn’t want her to just be some rebound. She was better than that. She was. Definitely. It was four hours before he went down to her room. He popped in a stick of gum to hide the alcohol on his breath, and knocked. Mercedes answered in her pajamas. “Oh. Hi.” He peered into the room, but it was dark. “Is Brittney in?” (Did she look relieved he wasn’t there for her?) “Nope – she set off for home a couple hours ago. She’s got her cell if you need her.” “Oh. Naw, it’s cool. Thanks.” “Sure. And, look, I know it’s not my business or whatever, but I heard about Ashley. What a bitch, man. Too bad.” “Thanks, Mercedes.” “Brittney was just saying how she hopes you find somebody new. She said she knew a girl in her history class you might like.” “She said… oh. Well cool. Anyway, I’ll let you get back to sleep. Sorry to wake you.” “‘Sall good. Night, DJ.” She wanted to set me up with… Back in his room, he slumped down in his bed. Girls didn’t offer to set you up with someone if they wanted you for themselves. Maybe he should’ve read the rest of the journal after all to see where he lost her – but what did it matter now? He’d lost Ashley, lost Emily, and now he’d lost Brittney. It was time for a fresh start. This weekend would be just what he needed. DJ arrived at his step-mom’s house mid-day Thursday. The last time he’d seen the place had been in the side-view mirror as Brittney drove them back to school. It had been a wreck after the prior night’s party; a crashed schoolbus had been the pièce de résistance. Presently, the house looked lovely and inviting. The yard was raked. A fall-themed welcome mat sat on the front step. He entered without knocking and dropped his bag. The scent of turkey cooking was already thick in the air. “I’m home,” he called out. Morgan rounded the corner from the kitchen, looking surprised to see him. “DJ! I’d thought you’d said you’d decided not to come home after all.” “I did?” “Yeah, you texted the other night.” He got out his phone and checked; sure enough, there it was. God, he’d been so drunk he didn’t remember canceling. “Oh. Um, yeah, I guess I changed my mind back.” “Oh.” She frowned. “Well, I didn’t get things set up for you.” He looked her over. “Or dress yourself appropriately. Mom jeans and a sweater? Are you my step-mom or my great-grandma?” Morgan sighed. “So we’re going to be like that again?” DJ opened his mouth, then stopped. You ruin lives like it was a fucking game! “Oh. No, it’s fine. I’ll just… put my things in my usual room.” Her frown intensified. “Fine then.” He spent a little while getting settled in. Lauren evidently wasn’t in, so it was nice and quiet. He popped out a bit later, bored. “Need a hand with dinner?” “What, you’re offering to help?” She looked flabbergasted. “Sure. I don’t wanna be a burden.” She gave him a long look. “Fine, you can peel the potatoes.” They worked in silence for a while; Morgan bent over, basting and stuffing the turkey on the oven shelf. Her ass looked amazing in those jeans – he couldn’t help remembering it in the skimpy outfits (or non-outfits) he’d been having her dress up in last time he was home. He could grab it. Just a little feel. No harm in that, right? Emily’s face, enraged beyond reason. He kept to mashing the potatoes, that womanly posterior shaking tantalizingly only feet away. Then she stood up, stamping her foot and sighing. “OK, DJ. What the hell is going on here?” “Um… what?” She advanced on him, pinning him against the counter. “Last time you came home, you dressed me like a little tart, took over my home, spanked – then fucked – my ass.” “I know – and I want to explain! I didn’t–” “No! Now you come home and you’re all ‘yes ma’am,’ ‘sorry ma’am,’ ‘don’t mind me ma’am.’ Did that school turn you back into a pussy or something?” “Morgan…?” “That was the hottest sex I’ve had in… I don’t know how long. Do you know how much I’ve been fantasizing about that since you left? A lot, as it turns out. I was all set for you to come home, and I was going to be not quite moved out of my room, and make the deviled eggs without pepper just to annoy, and maybe drag my feet a little, until you boiled over and bent me over the arm of the couch and fucked me unconscious. “Instead, you come in here and whine like a little limp-dicked pussy. ‘Durrr, I wanna explain, mommy!’ What the hell, DJ!” His jaw worked soundlessly as his brain raced to catch up. Had she really…? “That’s ‘what the hell, master.’” Her lips turned up slightly at the corners. “Too little too late.” “I tried to be good to you, Morgan. Tried to be understanding. You threw it in my face. Now we do things the hard way.” She folded her arms across her chest. “And what’s the hard way? Master,” she added with an eye-roll. “Take off your pants.” “No.” She looked away. “Fine.” He reached over and unsnapped and zipped her jeans, tugging them down roughly. “These? Seriously, I leave for a month and you swap out for these ugly granny panties?” “I wasn’t expecting anyone to see them!” “Well no one’s going to – off with them. Now.” He snapped his fingers imperiously. “No. This is my house and I’m not going to just strip for your amusement.” He smirked. “It looks like you forgot our arrangement, Morgan. I tell you what – I saw the newspaper at the end of the driveway. Go get it for me.” “What, in my underwear?” “Good idea, let’s go just your underwear.” He lifted her sweater up at the waist. Her bra matched her underwear, but the body beneath them was more than adequate to get his lower half’s attention – especially after more than two days without sex, the longest he’d gone in months by a huge margin. “Now you can either get me the newspaper, or I can drag you out there with me and spank you with it like the naughty little bitch you’re being in front of the neighbors. And hey, it’s a holiday, so make that the neighbors and their families.” “You… you wouldn’t.” “Five.” “What, a countdown?” “Four.” “Get serious. I’m not–” “Three.” “–going out in my–” “Two.” –fine!” In a huff, Morgan stormed to the front door, took a deep breath and stepped out. Through the peephole, he watched her scamper out to the end of the driveway, her wide rear end wobbling enticingly. She bent to get the paper, then jogged back to the house. Across the street, he saw Dillon, home from college like himself, almost drop his rake as he stared at his half-naked neighbor lady. She ran back to the door, anxiety evident on her face – only to find DJ had locked it. She pounded her fists on it. “Let me in, damnit!” “Awfully pushy for someone in your position, Morgan. Now the price of entry went up – by your bra.” “What! Fuck no! Open the door – people can see me!” “Still haven’t learned eh? How much harder do you want to make this? How much harder do you want to make all the guys watching you throw a bratty little tantrum?” Her breasts nearly jiggled out of her bra as she stamped her foot. “Fine!” Hastily, she reached behind her to unclasp her bra, releasing those big tits of hers from their confines. They looked amazing – not just “amazing for her age,” just amazing, even with the peephole distorting their proportions. DJ flipped open the mail slot. “Deposit here,” he said through the slit. With a little effort, she forced the garment through the narrow hole. “There, now let me in! I’m going to get arrested!” “Still haven’t paid the initial price. This time the penalty is your panties.” “This isn’t funny any more! Open the goddamn door!” she hissed through the narrow slit. DJ just whistled casually, disinterested. A minute later, her beige panties slid in through the mail slot. “Now open the door! DJ, please! I’m naked on my front porch, for Chrissake!” Through the peephole, he saw her audience now included a middle-aged couple getting out of their car on the next driveway over. “You’re a slow learner, Morgzy. You paid the penalties, but you still haven’t given me my due.” “What do you want me to…” Comprehension dawned on her. “Open the door… master.” “That’s the best you got?” he scoffed. He strained to see her as she knelt down, her voice lowered in humility, but projected loud enough to be audible through the door. “Please, master, let your slut into your house? She promises to behave from now on.” The door swung open to reveal a very relieved-looking naked woman. “Morgan, how good of you to come.” He pinched that lovely ass of hers as she scurried in. “Damnit, DJ – I wanted you to fuck me, not expose me to the entire fucking neighborhood!” “Well, this isn’t about what you want. I tried to be pleasant and you threw it in my face. Now we do things my way. Next time you decide to get flippant with me, I’m going to be joining you on the porch, and we come in when you finish blowing me. Choose your next words carefully.” She glared a moment, then sighed at the futility of trying to oppose him. The glare didn’t touch her eyes though. “Very well, master. What would you like me to do?” “I’d like my room back, for one. You can thank me for letting you use it while I was away.” “Right away, master.” “Make sure you don’t burn my dinner while you’re at it. Can you handle two things at once?” “Of course, master. Dinner’s almost done.” “And what happened to ‘sir’? Trying to butter me up for something?” Morgan’s cheeks reddened, and she mumbled something incomprehensible. “Louder, slut.” “I said ‘master’ turns me on more.” DJ laughed. “Well fine, have it your way. Now get to work. I’m horny as hell, but I don’t fuck the help until their chores are done. When’s Lauren due home?” “I told her to be back before dinner, so sometime between now and 6:00.” “Well, if you want any piece of my cock, you better have your chores done before then, because if she’s home and you’re not ready, she can fulfill my needs as well or better than you.” Maybe it was the idea of him fucking her daughter, or maybe it was eagerness to get her own pussy stuffed, but she leapt into action. He could hear her throwing open drawers in her haste to clear space for him, scurrying to and from the guest room as she exchanged their belongings. DJ flipped through the pictures Lauren, Brianne and Jody had been sending him, day-dreaming about what he was going to do with them this time around. If anything. Maybe they weren’t as eager as Morgan? He’d find out. Having some plans in place wouldn’t hurt, if they were. Morgan came back in front of him a short while later, smiling at his hand idly rubbing his erection. “All that for me, master?” she asked, smile on her face. “I didn’t hear the vacuum running, so no, right now it’s for Lauren.” “The cleaning woman was here two days ago.” “Oh, did I say I wanted you to vacuum, or did I ask if you’d hired someone to do the job your lazy ass should’ve been doing?” She didn’t waste time replying – she just ran back and started vacuuming the master bedroom. When she finished there, he had her do her new room (“don’t you have any pride?”), then dust them, change his sheets. “I don’t want to sleep on all your other guys’ cum stains.” “There haven’t been any other guys!” He believed her. He’d actually wondered for a long time if Morgan was actually a closeted lesbian or something when he’d been growing up. It turned out she was just a prude – until he let her out of the bottle. “Yeah, like I’m gonna take your word for it, slut.” He waved his hand dismissively; she ran off to change the sheets. Truthfully, he was stalling; he really wanted to fuck Lauren, and toying with Morgan, treating her like his servant, obviously got her off, same as it did with… that other girl he was refusing to think about. The longer he dragged it out with her, the better it would be when he let the slut have it. She was back, though it took her longer than he’d expected, and she stood in front of him grinning smugly. “Sheets changed, master.” “Good – now give the bathroom a once over.” “I just did.” “Shower, toilet, sink – the whole thing?” “Yes master.” “Oh.” He’d only been thinking one step ahead. “Um…” “I’ve cleaned the blinds, fluffed the pillows, removed my knick-knacks, changed the cover on the comforter, organized your clothes neatly into drawers, vacuumed, dusted and otherwise made the room perfect – and checked on dinner.” DJ looked at his picture – Lauren on her bed with her leg’s spread, her hand down her skirt and parting her labia for him. On one side of her was Brianne on her hands and knees facing away from the camera, wearing a matching skirt – though pulled down to her knees, her ass framed neatly by a simple white thong. On the other knelt Jody, wearing the same outfit as the others but with her blouse unbuttoned and spread to display those magnificent breasts of hers. Then he looked at Morgan – naked, arms folded submissively behind her back, nipples hardened by the thought of fucking him. She was ready for him, he had no doubt; DJ had long since learned to recognize the scent of an aroused woman. Besides, with that look on her face, that annoyed, displeased look, she was unmistakably his step-mother, and years of wanting to stick it to her hadn’t evaporated in a week. Lauren could wait. “On your knees, slut.” She knelt beside the couch, frowning. “C’mon, don’t make me…” “Make you what?” “You know. Blow you. Just fuck me again. Please?” “That’s how you try to get me to fuck you? ‘Please?’ You obviously forgot everything I taught you about proper begging. No worries – I’m a patient man. I’ll teach you again. Now…” he dropped his pants and waved his erection in front of her. “Get to work, slut.” She made a pouty face, then knee-walked over to where she could perform her task. “Yes, master,” she griped, then leaned in and took him into her mouth. He swept her hair aside to get a better look at her; she was frowning into her task. He almost ordered her to smile, but decided it was more fun if she didn’t. It kept her who she was. It was authentic. DJ teased her as she worked, pushing her off and slapping her cheeks with his cock. She frowned, but when he told her to thank him for the compliment, she didn’t waste a second. “Thank you for slapping your slut’s face with your dick, master,” and then leapt back on it. After being sucked off by Ashley daily for weeks, he was particular about his blowjobs, and Morgan needed some coaching. “More tongue, Morgan.” “Variety – damn, you’re a slut, not a robot.” “If I feel your teeth again I’m going to toss you outside and leave you there for the night.” “I’m getting close – I want to cum on those tits of yours. And look excited for the opportunity, for fuck’s sake.” His step-mother fell back on her haunches, pressing her boobs together with a forced-patient expression as DJ manually worked himself to completion. “Convince me you want it, Morgan.” She adopted a sultry expression, licking her lips slowly and tweaking her nipples. “Please, master? Please decorate my tits. They’re so hot from when I was sucking your big hard cock and they need a nice spritz to cool me off. Would you do that for me, master? Cum on your slut’s big titties? I can’t wait for – oh yeah, there you go. Mmmm, thank you master, that feels soooo goooood.” She wriggled and fondled herself, gathering blobs from her chest and scooping them to her mouth, grinning as she swallowed it. His erection never even went down. “I’m ho– oh what the fuck!” Lauren cried out as she entered the house, greeted by the sight of her step-brother standing over her mom as she slurped up his jizz. “Uh, hey Laur,” DJ said stupidly. “You guys know we have bedrooms, right? You know you don’t have to always do this shit in the middle of the fucking living room. Right?” She glared. Morgan squeaked and ran off to her room, then remembered herself and doubled back to the guest room. “Welcome home,” DJ said. “Dinner should be ready soon.” “You gonna fuck me now?” Lauren asked. It wasn’t an invitation. “Um, I… I guess not, for now.” Damn you, Emily. “Then you wanna put the monster back in its cage?” She grinned at his exposed cock. He sheepishly pulled his pants back up as she sat down across the couch from him. “Sorry about that, Lauren. You weren’t supposed to, ah, know about that.” “What, I wasn’t supposed to know you were fucking my mom? You kinda made that clear last time you were home,” she laughed. “You… you don’t seem mad.” “Well I don’t appreciate you doing it in front of me for fuck’s sake, but otherwise, what do I care?” She lowered her voice, glancing down the hall to watch for her mother’s return. “The old bitch could use a good dicking, not to mention being taken down a peg. Watching her flit around as your maid last time you were home was fucking hysterical, and she’s been way fucking easier to live with since.” He blinked. “I thought you two always got along.” “Just because we weren’t close with you doesn’t mean we were all buddy-buddy with each other, dumb-ass. Yeah, ever since Hurricane DJ roared through… well let’s just say it’s hard to boss someone around who’s seen you begging your master for a dick in the ass.” “Well… I guess I’m glad to hear it worked out. Things aren’t… weird, between you guys? I mean, you’re not, I dunno, mad at me, are you?” She scooted herself closer to him until their knees were touching. “Mad? Because of you, I’m captain of the cheerleading squad. That cunt Taylor – you remember her, from the… thing? – she is my fucking bitch now. Having that video to hold over her head… I mean, her reputation is in the toilet because of what a fucking skank she is anyway. Still, rumors come and go. That video, that would seriously ruin her life.” “You… you haven’t released it, have you?” “No – it’s my leverage. I mean, I’d never release it anyway. Kylee and Evelyn are friends, more or less, and besides, that’d be shitty. Still, she’s hated me forever – she doesn’t think I’m above poisoning a litter of kittens, much less fucking her over.” He breathed a sigh of relief even as a surge of new questions occurred to him. How many pictures, how many videos, had gone public? He remembered way back in the beginning, the pictures of Ashley and Emily on their first night together. But neither girl had minded, right? They’d sworn to him up and down they hadn’t. Was that just them, or was that everyone else, too? “Besides, I don’t think hating you is an option – Jody and Brianne have been so up-your-ass over everything. They were so pissed when you said you weren’t coming back – ugh, I don’t even want to hear them when I tell them you’re here.” “And you? Last time… I know I was a little hard on you at times.” “Hey, a little deep-dicking is a small price to pay for social supremacy. A lot of girls I know have done a lot more for a lot less.” “‘Social supremacy’? Grandiose claim on cheerleading captain.” “What? Oh gosh, you don’t know. DJ, after that fucking party you threw… you’re a legend at that school now. Nobody’s ever had a night that fucking wild before – you say the word and I could have hundreds of people here in no time.” He smiled. A legend? He’d been a total wallflower there. Popularity wasn’t important to him, especially – or at least, as an unpopular person he’d managed to convince himself of such – but still, it was flattering. “Naw. I think a nice quiet weekend is just what the doctor ordered.” “Suit yourself. Though… I don’t think it’s going to stay all that quiet once Jody and Brianne get wind of it.” “Just keep it between us for now, OK? I was thinking maybe I’d surprise them later.” Later wound up coming sooner than he’d thought. Morgan and Lauren’s more or less warm reactions to him had bolstered his confidence. Ruining lives? Hardly. He’d messed with the social order, but where was it written that whats-her-britches was supposed to be teen queen and Lauren Swanson was supposed to play second fiddle? And Morgan, she happily wriggled on his lap and hand-fed him his Thanksgiving dinner, eager to coax him into giving her the fucking she’d been craving. A few glasses of wine – then a few more – helped him not think about deeper things too. So much so that he had Lauren drop him off at Jody’s house that evening. Her extended family was over, but he didn’t care. He let himself in. Some were dozing, some watching football, some still picking at the remaining turkey. “Is Jody here?” he called out. “I’m sorry, who are you, young man?” asked a woman he guessed was either her mother or aunt. Beside her stood a woman probably around DJ’s age, maybe a little older, who was probably worth a go as well. He was just about to cop a feel and try out the merchandise when he was interrupted. “He’s Lauren’s brother DJ, mom,” said Jody, emerging from the kitchen. “Chill.” Her mom took Jody by the hand and spoke in a low tone, but the words “is he drunk?” resonated clearly. A hushed argument ensued, and DJ quickly bored of it, stepping between them. “Excuse me, Mrs. Jody’s mom, but I need to see your daughter. Privately. Now.” The woman frowned, clearly disapproving of this stranger coming in to take her daughter aside, but not wanting to upset him. “Well, just… behave yourselves.” Nearby an older woman nodded, frowning as deeply. Most of the family was, for that matter. “Yeah, sure I will,” he said, grabbing Jody’s ass and propelling her alongside him. “DJ!” Jody whispered. “Not in front of my family!” He gave her rear end a smack. “Just be glad we’re not doing it on the dining room table.” Jody guided him to his room, his hand on her butt the whole way. “Say, who was that redhead – at the table? Brown sweater?” “That’s my cousin Elle.” She looked at him warily. “Why do you ask?” “She’s hot. You should bring her up. We can have some fun with her.” “Come on, let’s just make do with the two of us,” she said, taking his hands and pressing her chest against his. He’d seen some amazing racks in recent months, but Jody’s was still the most impressive. All that size and not a hint of sag. They looked so good he’d wondered if they were fake, but he knew she wasn’t the type with her loudly feminist mindset. “I wanna see her – see if she’s got as much going on as you do,” DJ insisted. “Call her up.” She put her lower lip out poutily. “Pleeeease, DJ? Come on, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you for months. Don’t ruin this.” Ruin. “Fine fine. Now get those titties out where I can see them already.” Jody brightened, but only somewhat, as she unbuttoned her blouse, slowly revealing a festively red bra doing its best to rein in the untamable mammoths within its confines. “Titties? Real classy, DJ.” He couldn’t respond because his mouth was already buried in her cleavage. She struggled to get her bra off despite the impediment, but soon those glorious boobs were released into the room. Remembering how easily stimulated Jody’s breasts were, DJ’s hands busily entered the fray, pinching and tweaking them. She gritted her teeth to stop herself from moaning, her knees buckling and dropping her on her bed. DJ shucked his own clothes as Jody removed the rest of hers, then joined her on the bed. “Hey, what are you…!” Her words were cut off as DJ straddled her face, shoving his cock right in as he bent to keep toying with her breasts. She had little choice but to lie there as he fondled her and started fucking her mouth. Still, her sensitive little nipples had her moaning around his cock in no time. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that the door was ajar. “Boobs like these, they should call you Jugsy,” DJ said as he shifted position. With her mouth no longer stuffed, she was able to reply. “I’d slap the bejesus out of anyone who did.” “Oh?” He straddled her stomach, his cock nestled neatly between her mounds. “Well, Jugsy, I’m gonna fuck your jugs. Gonna slap me, Jugsy?” He took them in his hands, gripping the nipples and rolling them between his fingers as he started thrusting. Jody placed her hands over his. “Ugh, call me whatever you want, just don’t stop,” she moaned. He had no intention of it. It felt good, but the idea of it, the idea of Jody – busty, feisty, sexy once-unattainable Jody – moaning as he fucked her tits was the ultimate aphrodisiac. “Keep begging, Jugsy,” he panted. “Keep going,” she said, still trying to keep her voice low. “Don’t stop playing with my breasts.” “Better – ask like the dirty little slut you are.” He could see the proud feminist within warring with the command, principles at odds with pleasure. The latter won handily. “Um, squeeze my, um, breasts, DJ.” He pinched down hard, and she squealed in surprised ecstacy. “Yes! Yes! Fuck ‘em – fuck ‘em fuck ‘em fuck ‘em!” He made himself stop, shifting to just hold her tits around his cock. “‘Em? C’mon, you’re a big girl, Jugsy – big tits, anyway. What’re ‘em? If you can’t say it, I can’t please it.” She whined. “Deeeejaaaaay! Fuck my tits, OK? Please? Don’t stop playing with my, um, titties! Titty-fuck me! Titty-fuck my big titties!” He resumed somewhere in the middle, and the spike in bliss spurred her onwards. “Titty-fuck who? Tell me whose tits I’m fucking.” She moaned louder in spite of herself. “Jugsy! Fuck Jugsy’s jugs! Oh FUCK YES, fuck Jugsy’s big fucking juggy titties FUCK FUUUUUCK TITTY FUUUUUUUUUCK!” Jody came. DJ came. He’d actually intended to fuck her before he was done, but her boobs were too fucking amazing to hold back. And standing there in the doorway was Jody’s father, glaring balefully, just outside his jizz-coated daughter’s field of vision. “Um, hiya,” DJ said, taking his feet and finding his clothes. Jody shrieked, whipping her sheets around her in a flurry. “Dad! You can’t be up here!” “Excuse me! I came up here to make sure you were OK, and… the whole house just heard that, young lady!” “Damn skippy. Nice DNA, sir – your daughter’s got some crazy nice tits.” There it was, the look he’d seen before, usually on guys when he was having fun with their girlfriends, but it was just as possessive and angry here. He remembered being afraid with that guy Brayden, Brittney’s ex; by now, he simply noted the expression and ignored it. “So Jody, I’ll be in town through Monday – you should stop by, OK?” “DJ!” she hissed, looking between him and her dad. “Oh, right. Sir, don’t punish your daughter for this. If you do, I’ll just have to come back and fuck your wife’s tits instead.” “DJ!” “Oh, and her cousin Elle’s, if she’s around. You know what I’m saying – I know she’s your niece, but a body like that, you can’t not notice.” He patted the man on the shoulder, and walked out. Downstairs, just to be sure – and so as not to waste an opportunity, he walked right up to Jody’s mom and gave her breasts a nice long squeeze. Elle he found sitting next to her grandmother; the whole family just gaped in astonishment as he lifted up her shirt. “Just as nice as I thought they were.” He pulled down her bra and took a nice thorough suck of the nipple, then let himself out. Lauren was still waiting in the car. “That was quick.” He handed her the $20 he’d offered her to be his designated driver. “I don’t waste time when I know what I want.” “We still doing Brianne’s? She’s gonna be super-bummed that girl Brittney’s not with you. I think she had her heart set on another roll in the hay with you two.” Lauren laughed. “I guess she’ll have to try not to let the absence of a blonde goddess ruin her weekend.” There it was again – that word, following him. Do I ruin lives? So what if I do. My life got ruined, and my gift had nothing to do with it. “Shit happens. Take me to Brianne’s.”