“So you downloaded a free version of Tomb Raider from a random site, and aren't scared of a virus?” Mick could barely believe what Simon was showing him.

“Virus? Come on, you gotta be kidding!

I’m not worried about that stuff, I don’t do anything important on my laptop.”

“What?! But they could get on the network- Dude are you… O my god!” Mick ran to do a virus scan on his computer, assuming Simon had gotten him hacked a while ago.

“What the fuck?” Simon wondered aloud, “Why is my shirt so tight…” He trailed off as he waited for the game to load, looking down at a pair of panties with a throbbing erection trying to break out the front of them.

“This is crazy!” Simon threw his controller down and ran to the bathroom to see himself in the mirror.

“My nipples!!”

Mick paused as he clicked on the scan button for his virus protection, did Simon sound feminine just now? He listened while Simon continued looking over his feminizing body.

“Why do I feel such a rush? My stomach feels like it’s about to explode!” Simon ripped his shirt off, losing himself as he passed over his tingling chest.

“Shit!” A new sense of arousal was now present in his voice, and Simon couldn’t help but giggle as it built up inside him.

The cutscenes continued playing as the game started up, and Simon could feel his facial features feminize even more as his body shrunk down.

Simon quickly realized through all the sensations, he had not even noticed his penis disappear. He now had a flat crotch and a white pair of see-through panties stuck between his new folds.

He reached down to feel them and gasped as orgasmic pleasure burst at the touch of his new vagina. He began tasting lipstick while his panties transformed and turned into denim underwear, with sexy garters that held guns. Simon moaned as the cutscenes in the other room completed, and she could hear the familiar sound of Mick playing on his Xbox.

She put her finger in her mouth, and thought about his big thick member. As his roommate, she had seen it a few times and knew it was quite impressive. So putting it in her mouth now was beginning to feel more and more enticing. Simon began walking toward her roommates bedroom, noticing his walk become more and more sexy as you continue down the hall.

Mick heard a faint moaning at the door, and paused his game, not knowing what to expect.

His jaw almost fell into his lap when Simon walked in, pouting sexually and begging for cock.

Mick was frozen in bed as all the blood in his body went straight into his crotch. He could only watch as Simon sexually approached his bed, staring down the throbbing member in Mick’s lap.

She began bending down, getting her mouth closer to mick’s lap.

She quickly slipped out of her shirt, revealing pert breasts for Mick’s open hands.

Suddenly the little life that Simon still had inside him poked through, and he leapt as far as he could away from the throbbing number.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!?” Simon demanded, “Why did you let me do that to you!?”

“Let you?? You attacked me!! What was I supposed to do, beat you up?” Mick’s erection was still throbbing, and he even got a little pre-come on Simon‘s thigh.

“You’re gross!!” Simon yelled, and ran to the other room to turn off the game that he knew was causing the transformation. He quickly hit ‘Delete Profile, Restart Character’ and immediately began to feel woozy.

When he came to, Mick was taking pictures of his ass while he leaned over a wall.

He was now conscious and aware of his surroundings, but unable to break free even to speak out and admonish his roommate.

Simon felt even sexier and more arousal coursing through his body, almost losing himself in the flow of his new personality.

He could see that Mick now held the controller, and was forwarding through all the cutscenes.  “Just like mama asked”, his body seductively said, before giving Mick a deep kiss.

Simon’s hips, thighs, bust and behind slowly inflated as the cut scenes intensified on the TV. She soon was taking off the colorful outfit the new profile had given her, and masturbating while moaning her roommate's name.

After a few orgasms, Simon finally prevailed and was able to fight his way through his oversexxed body. He jumped to his feet, and ran right past a surprised Mick.

“I think I’m safe here…” Simon breathed heavily after running miles into the forest.

His arousal had continued to grow, but his feet just kept going.

Each deep breath brought him closer to the new personality taking over, and soon Simon was arguing outloud with himself.

“I can’t turn back, Mick will keep me as slave! A sexy slave, with giant boobies! Stop! I don’t want giant boobies!! Unless I get a nice tush, too! My ass is flat as a brick.” Simon pouted as he thought about how much sexier he could be.

“NOO!!! Stop it, you bitch!!”

Simon knew what was going on, and could even hear the cutscene music in her head as Mick painstakingly went through each one.

“I can’t believe that asshole’s gonna ruin my life!

If I ever get out of this I’m gonna- suck all the cum out of his wonderful cock!”

Simon no longer existed, Lara craved Mick and ran back home to get some of him.

“Hey, big boy” Lara stood in the doorway, practically drooling while she stared at the bulge forming in Mick’s pants.

“I seem to have had my intended effect…” Lara’s hips swayed as she approached Chuck, and she reached for his growing erection.

“Take off your shirt, please. And tell me your name.” Mick demanded Lara like he owned her, and she appreciated it.

“I’m sorry, master” Lara apologized for wearing her shirt while taking it off, “My name’s Lara Croft, and I need you inside me!”

Mick could only chuckle as his ex roommate and new slave got down in front of him.

“I’ll play with your cock a little bit, get it wet with my tongue… Then we could like, uhhh…” Lara could barely think straight as Mick revealed his boner, her eyes stuck in one place as saliva began dripping down her cleavage.

“What were you saying, baby?”

“I was… thinking… that, like… O my god…” Lara’s face flushed as her arousal spiked, intensifying the giggling and airheadedness Lara was experiencing.

“I just like, need that cock inside me…

You could decide where it goes” Lara fidgeted in her curvy body, too aroused to think straight while Mick decided what to do with her.


“Maybe this’ll help you decide…” Lara felt her ass rise behind her, and began crawling toward Mick slowly. She giggled as her breasts swayed beneath her body, nipples hardening from a slight draft in the room.

“Okay, okay, okay. You convinced me, I’ll fuck your new pussy.”

Lara rejoiced and quickly took off her soaked denim panties, revealing gushing wet lips, craving to be filled.

With her newfound athleticism and profound lust, Lara was able to have Mick take her right there on the floor. She propped herself up for hours while Mick pleasured her, the two of them eventually passing out after dozens of orgasms.

Shortly after waking up Mick finished the game, locking Lara into her new body and character. Giving Mick a new, loving, loyal slave sex for a roommate.