“Mary, did you order something?

There’s a box on the porch…” Michael picked the box up, all it said was ‘Merry Christmas!’. He brought it inside and placed it on the table, waiting for Mary to come with some explanation.

“What is that?” Mary came out of the bedroom in her sexy pink lingerie, and Michael fought the urge to take her right there.

“I don’t know, I was hoping you would…” Michael trailed off as Mary approached. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss, “Let’s open it, and see what's inside”.

Michael opened the box and saw a bunch of roses inside, in their own smaller black box.

“What the f-” Michael picked up the roses, and was cut off by a blinding flash of light. Next thing Michael knew, he was sitting on the floor with the box of roses between his open legs.

“What am I… Am I on the floor?

Holy shit!! I look so… sexy…

Wow, I’m really turned on right now!”

Michael wrapped his hands around his torso, “O my god, my fingers are touching!

Mary, are you seeing this??”

“I’m seeing… myself!”

Michael had become an exact twin of Mary, and she wasn’t enjoying it as much as he was.

“Calm down Mary, you gotta smell one of these Christmas roses!” Michael held a rose up to Mary and it exploded in a puff of dust, most of it being inhaled by Mary before dispersing around the whole room.

“Whoa… Did you see that Michael? I don’t feel so…” giggle “O no! Teehee!! I can’t stop laughing, I feel so… bubbly!” Mary’s slender hands worked up and down her torso as she acclimated to the arousal and ditziness building up inside her. “What was that rose, like… doing? Fuck! Did I just totally say like? O no! I’m like, not trying to talk like this! I…” Suddenly all the worry in Mary’s face disappeared, and she couldn’t stop laughing like bimbo.

“I feel soooo sexy in this outfit!” Mary pursed her lips sexily as she bounced her boobs in the sexy pink bra she still wore.

“Like why do you have such a boyish name? Michael’s like, totes not girly enough for you!”

“”Yeah you’re right… No!! Mary!!!” Michael shook his head, getting the girly thoughts out. His wife on the other hand, was too far gone.

“More roses please!” Mary reached down for another rose.

“Mary, no!” Michael tried stopping her, but couldn’t. A puff of smoke erupted as she grabbed another rose, and all of it was inhaled by the twin sexpots.

Michael lost all his senses, and felt himself come to standing in the mirror, posing a slender body sexily.

He wanted to walk away, but it felt too good just seeing his sexy body in the mirror. He could hear muffled grunts, sexy fighting moans from Mary behind him. It took a lot of willpower, but Michael was finally able to peel himself away from the mirror.

“Mary, are you frozen?” Michael felt an odd calmness, and didn’t even fret about his new sensual voice. Mary’s silence should’ve made him worry, but instead he simply turned back around to look at himself in the mirror.

“I don’t know what’s happening Mary, but I’m giving in. It feels so hot to give in to my sexy body...”

Mary’s worried look remained frozen on her face, and she could feel a rush in her folds as fat filled her expanding body. A craving to be filled overcame Mary, and she moaned uncontrollably as the feeling built up inside her. Hands stuck at her side, Mary could only beg with her eyes while her boyfriend posed in the mirror.

Michael knew what his girlfriend wanted, but couldn’t look away from his reflection. Every inch of his toned body screamed sex, and the longer Michael looked, the more turned on he got.

A rush of arousal coursed through him, but he could only smile as his fingers remained posed above his slim waist.

Knowing that his girlfriend was stuck made his pussy throb, but he simply shuddered as the feeling built up. Michael didn’t know when he would finally be able to leave the mirror, and could feel his mind slowly slipping away into womanhood. Thoughts were already starting to creep into his head; make up, cock, gossip and boys.

Michael giggled thinking about his made up lips wrapping and creating a seal around the shaft of a large cock. He noticed a wet spot beginning to form in his lingerie, and moaned desperately for relief. He got more and more horny as his body posed in the mirror; Michael knew there was just one way out.

He jumped away from the mirror, reaching for the box of roses. He grabbed one, but by mistake tipped the box, spilling the entire arrangement onto the floor. The roses instantly evaporated, filling the room with a deep pink haze.

Michael could feel it rest on his skin, and moaned in ecstasy as it absorbed into him. It was like a drug and his body felt amazing. He was finally able to reach down and upon looking, could see the floor rushing toward him. His body was getting smaller, and fast. He was now barely four feet tall, but his body wasn’t losing mass. His figure became more busty as his hips expanded out. His thighs grew thicker and his ass plumped up, as did the rest of his body. A new feeling ran through Michael, and he couldn’t stop bouncing his chest. Each bounce becoming harder and harder as the fat from his shrinking body jiggled into his boobs, tripling them in size.

Individual strings of silk wove together, and traveled up his arms before wrapping around and squeezing his ballooning chest tightly. Michael quickly undid the knot around his bosom, bouncing and giggling as he thought about cock.

He suddenly snapped out of his bimbo haze, remembering that Mary had been silently still during and after his transformation.

Mary’s body was now completely frozen, and her mind was too. Michael walked over and tried getting Mary to move or talk, but she remained frozen. He squeezed one of her breasts, surprised to not feel the familiar softness of soft breast tissue. Mary was a silicon plastic sex doll, her lips forever stuck in a plump, sexy pout. Michael couldn’t resist them, and tasted strawberry as he made out with Mary’s lifelike, soft lips.

He absentmindedly slipped a finger into mary, and was again surprised to feel a moist realistic, perfect pussy. There was even cum! Michael licked Mary’s cum off his finger, and stood back in aroused awe.

A knock on the door, and Michael felt compelled to strut over and answer. He opened it, shocked to see a tall muscular naked man. He had a wicked smile on his face, and a twelve inch boner. Michael’s face flushed, and his eyes fluttered as he led the man inside by his massive erection.

The strangers slapped Michaels plump ass, and gave his ear a kiss before  whispering into it, “Michelle is here now”. Michael’s eyes glazed over, and so Michelle was born.

All of Michael’s thoughts disappeared, and all Michelle wanted to do was fuck. She brought the stranger over to Mary’s body, and guided his cock right between the flaps “covering” her pussy.

Michelle went back to making out with Mary while the stranger fucked her, moaning as she felt the stranger start to finger her aching folds.

Unable to take her lips away from Mary’s, Michelle realized she was somehow being sucked into the sex doll. She grasped at the stranger’s muscular body, hoping to use him to pull herself away. It didn’t help, and slowly Michelle’s body disappeared completely inside Mary.

Being frozen was a new type of torture, Michelle knew she had to fight. As she struggled, Michelle could feel her plastic limbs rub against each other. It was too weird to focus on, and she knew she had limited time. Her body was changing, and it was becoming harder to move. The sexy lips she adored inflated, and so did her already large bust. Michelle was now a MILF sextoy, her body froze completely just as she managed to cover the thin piece of fabric between her pussy lips.  

Michelle’s mind remained alive, and she was now even more horny than ever before. Mary’s body still had feminine hormones rushing through it, and everything intensified with Michelle’s mind’s presence.

“I know what you need Michelle, you’re gonna be this horny forever”, the stranger slipped a finger into Michelle. Her vision blurred as the rush of pleasure overcame her senses, and a waterfall of cum gushed out of her.

“I’ve also made your pussy extremely sensitive…” The stranger trailed off as he moved Michelle’s hands away from her crotch, and positioned the head of his cock against her lips.

“I can’t even imagine what’s going on in your head right now…”

A hot burst of euphoria raced through Michelle as her body was penetrated, becoming stronger inside her with each thrust from the stranger. He decided it would be much easier to clean Michelle if he just came on her tits, spraying her silicon body with his immense load.

She sat dripping in cum as the stranger zipped up, he kissed her on the forehead and left the house. Promising to come back the next day to clean up and bring Michelle another Christmas gift.