Chapter 3 — Elements of a Contract _December 27, 2002, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Birgit {psc} "Ugh!" I groused at seeing the arrival board. "Delayed!" "That's not uncommon," Natalie, who had driven me to O'Hare on Friday afternoon in Dad's BMW, observed. "No, but I checked the SAS website AND called to make sure it was on time! They said it was, and that was only an hour ago!" "I hate to break it to you, but the universe does not bend to the will of the self-styled Her Royal Highness, Birgit the First of Kenwood!" "Well, it should!" I declared. "According to you and every _other_ teenage girl on the planet! But given you all don't agree who should control the universe, we get chaos!" "Loki is a dick!" I growled. Natalie laughed, "You and your dad love him, even when you complain about him, because he makes your lives interesting!" "Maybe," I allowed. "I wish they'd put on the board how long the delay is going to be." "Patience, Grasshopper!" Natalie replied. "You do need to learn to relax." "Don't you ever get impatient?" "I used to, but not since I met your dad. Of course, you're just as impatient with him as with anything else that doesn't go the way you want!" "WHAT-EVER!" "May I say one more thing?" Natalie asked. "What?" "Instant gratification isn't always a good thing, even though you think it is. Toddlers demand instant gratification; mature adults do not." "HEY!" I protested. "If the shoe fits…" Natalie said with a smile. "And you know what?" "What?" "You know I'm right." I scowled at her because she _was_ right, I just didn't want to admit it. I took a couple of breaths and let them out slowly, then decided to ask her about something she'd said. "What did you mean about meeting my dad?" "That's when I became an adult," Natalie said. "And wipe that smirk off your face, young lady, because it wasn't about that!" I giggled, "It's _always_ about that with Dad!" "If you're not teasing or joking, you're wrong. Yes, of course, that happened, but it happened _after_ he taught me how to think and act like an adult by treating me as an adult. And, despite your impetuousness, he treats _you_ as an adult, with all the privileges and responsibilities that come with that. But that doesn't mean you aren't still a teenager who has limited life experience, whose body is changing every day, and who is on hormone overload! "Remember, every other teenager is in the same situation, but your dad gives you the freedom to explore and experiment that I never had. I was still being treated like a pre-teen when I met your dad in Russia. All he did was treat me the way he treats you, Jesse, and your siblings. Yes, that led to going to bed together, but that was a symbol of what had already happened." "You think I'm a little kid?" I asked. Natalie smiled, "You're a teenager! It's a transition time, and you're fortunate that your dad is fully behind the transition, as opposed to how some parents you know behave." "You're interfering with a good snit!" I protested. Natalie laughed, "I bet you say that to your dad at times." "Maybe," I replied, but my tone clearly implied 'yes'. "May I point out something which might upset you?" "Could I stop you?" I asked. Natalie smiled, "Yes; I'm not Jesse!" I laughed, "I love him anyway." "I know. What I'm going to point out is that your trouble with boys is that you're impetuous. If you were a boy, I'd say you were thinking with the wrong head. But thinking with your clit it just as bad as thinking with your glans." "You think I do that?" "Be honest, Birgit." "Maybe I do sometimes." "Yes, and that's what has led to your difficulties with boys. Consider what you want, besides orgasms, before you take a boy into your bed. I'm not judging, and if you want to celebrate your fifteenth birthday by fucking the entire Kenwood Academy basketball team, that's your prerogative. If, on the other hand, you want a relationship, you have to work at that. That's what your dad does, even for the girls who come to him for an 'expert deflowering' as your coupons offered. Think about the girls you know about and his relationship with them." "They're all close friends or treat Dad as a mentor, or both. That's you, right?" "I also love him," Natalie said. "He provides everything I need at this stage in life. What he can't provide is what I want in the future — a husband and a family. But I'm not ready for either of those. And when I am, then your dad will be a mentor and intimate friend, but not intimate the way society thinks." "Society has its head up its butt!" "It does. I'm curious, if you could change just one thing, what would it be?" That Dad had given ME an expert deflowering! But I couldn't say that to Natalie. "That everyone would mind their own business!" I declared. "You are your father's daughter! That would be his answer as well." The board switched to 'LANDED' but that meant they still had to taxi and Kjell had to clear immigration and customs. ————— 🎤 Steve My mobile phone rang just before 4:00pm, and thinking it was Nadia, I slipped it from my pocket. The displayed number wasn't one I recognized, and was in the city, not the suburbs. "Steve Adams." "Hi! It's Libby! You said we could get together during Christmas Break so an enthusiastic teenage girl could wildly fuck you!" I chuckled, "I did say that." "What are you doing right now?" Libby asked invitingly. "Waiting on some friends from Ohio to arrive, which they should at any moment." "Bummer. I'm busy tomorrow, but what about Sunday?" "I'm free on Sunday," I replied. "What did you have in mind?" Libby laughed softly, "I think you know!" "I meant the time!" "Oh," she replied flatly, causing me to laugh. "Nice. You seem to have adopted the Adams/Block sarcastic style!" "How could I not hanging around Jesse, Mom One, and Mom Two?!" "Good point!" I chuckled. "How about 11:00am on Sunday?" Libby suggested. "My parents will be gone all day, so we can use my room and keep it private from someone you call the Neighborhood Watch!" "You're positive your parents won't come home?" I asked. "They're in Colorado, and their flight gets in late on Sunday." "Then I'll see you Sunday at your house at 11:00am." "Prepare to have your mind blown!" Libby declared. We said 'goodbye', I closed my phone and went to the Indian room to let my wives know. "She's seventeen, right?" Kara asked. "Yes. And Jesse knew she was going to ask. She also plans to start attending Philosophy Club in January. She said it was time to graduate, so to speak — her first fuck with an actual adult, then attending Philosophy Club." "She's a Junior, right?" "Yes, though she plans to go to Harvard for pre-law." "So when Liz is ready to retire, Libby will be your new _Consigliere_?" Kara asked. "Nobody knows what the future will hold!" The doorbell rang, and I left the Indian room and went to answer it. When I opened the door, I saw Audrey, a guy, and a young woman of college age. "Hi!" Audrey exclaimed. "This is Brad, my boyfriend." "Hi!" I replied, accepted a hug from her and shook hands with Brad. "Welcome!" "And this is my friend, Isabella. She drove us here, and I hope you don't mind if she hangs out with us." "«¡Mi casa es tu casa!» I replied. ("My house is your house!") "«¿Hablas español?»" Isabella asked. ("You speak Spanish?") "«Sí, pero no con fluidez.»" ("Yes, but not fluent.") She smiled, I invited them in, and we went to the Indian room to introduce Brad and Isabella to my wives who already knew Audrey. "How is Darla?" Kara asked Audrey. "Still loving Germany and loving being a mom! Mark is six months old and a handful! I visited in August before school started. She just started practicing karate again." "Let me take them downstairs and get them set in the guest room," I said. I showed Audrey and Brad to the right-hand guest room, with Isabella tagging along. "Cool house," she observed. "You haven't seen anything yet!" Audrey declared. "Steve, can we give Brad and Isabella a complete tour?" "Of course! Before I forget, I'll be busy all day tomorrow." "No problem! Brad has never been to Chicago and Isabella is taking us sightseeing. Would it be OK if she came to the New Year's Eve party? She's twenty-one." "She's welcome, of course. And she can bring a date, if she'd like." "Thanks," Isabella said. "Shall we take the tour?" ————— 🎤 Birgit Kjell, Natalie and I finally arrived at the house just after 4:00pm, more than an hour later than we should have. I saw Dad coming down the stairs with Audrey, who was Darla's sister, and two people I didn't know. "«Hejsan!»" Dad said to Kjell. "«Hej, Steve!» Kjell replied. "Birgit, you know Audrey," Dad said. "This is her boyfriend Brad and her friend Isabella. Brad, Isabella, meet my daughter Birgit and her friend Kjell from Sweden." They all greeted each other. "We're going to put his bags in my room," I said. "What time is dinner?" "6:00pm," Dad replied. "We ordered Chinese." "OK." I led Kjell up to my room and shut the door. We spoke Swedish together, as was normal for us. "I emptied the top drawer in the dresser for you, and there's room in the closet for you to hang anything, and you can put your toothbrush and stuff in the bathroom." "I should call home and let them know I arrived safely." "OK. Use the landline phone on my desk. Dial 0-1-1 then 46, then 8, then your number." He followed my instructions, spoke to his mom, and then replaced the handset. "All good?" I asked. "Yes. Mom said to say 'hi' to your dad. Let me unpack and we can go downstairs." "What time did you want to go to bed?" I asked. "I know it's like 11:00pm by you." "I think around 9:00pm," Kjell said. "That's about 3:00am by me, but that way I switch my clock quicker." "Will you be too tired to fool around?" I asked. "You're kidding, right?" I giggled, "That's what I thought!" ————— 🎤 Steve "Is everything Audrey told me about your relationships true?" Isabella asked as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "I suspect so," I replied. "Would you like to meet my wives and girlfriends?" "Weird, but yes!" "It's only just begun to get weird!" Audrey exclaimed. "If you hang out here very long, you'll have your mind blown." "We're having an impromptu Philosophy Club meeting on New Year's Eve afternoon," I said. "Awesome!" Audrey exclaimed. "What time?" "1:00pm," I replied. "We'll finish around 4:00pm so we can set up for the New Year's Eve party." "What's 'Philosophy Club'?" Isabella asked. "Audrey didn't tell you?" I asked. "I only told her about your relationships so we could get past that surprise," Audrey replied. "Everything else she has to discover for herself." "And Brad?" "Same," Audrey smirked. "That's what my sister did to me, minus telling me about your relationships! Sauna after dinner?" "You, Etheldred," I chuckled, "are a troublemaker!" "What did I miss?" Brad asked. "Our saunas are usually used naked," I replied. "Co-ed." "In your dreams!" Isabella exclaimed. "Birgit," I called out as she and Kjell came down the stairs. "Got a sec?" She came over to us. "Birgit, tell my friends how we use the sauna here." "Naked, of course!" she declared. "Why do I think I walked into an episode of the _Twilight Zone_?" Brad asked. I chuckled, "Because you did! Come meet my wives and girlfriends, and we'll take it from there. ————— [Cincinnati, Ohio] 🎤 Matthew "What are you guys doing while you're here?" Aunt Jennie asked after we sat down for dinner at her house on Friday evening. "We're going to the Art Museum with Pavel, Larisa, Rachel, Abi, and Viktoria. They're also bringing a girl named April and her boyfriend Mark, and another girl named Jordan." "Are they from the same church as everyone else?" Aunt Jennie asked. "Yes, though Abi doesn't go to church. She's Rachel's best friend because her mom and grandma are close friends with Rachel's dad." "That's the doctor, right?" I asked. "Yes," Chelsea replied. "And I don't think they mentioned it last time, but Viktoria is Rachel's cousin, though, by her biological mom, not her current mom. And Hope is Rachel's cousin because her mom was adopted by Rachel's dad's parents." "I need a scorecard!" Kent declared. "You seem to handle my family without a scorecard!" I said. Kent laughed, "I've had time! Your dad walked Jennie down the aisle when he was a teenager!" "That was when he met Mom, right?" I asked. "Yes. He brought Jesse's mom as his date, and that's when I had the first clue about your family, thought I didn't realize it at the time!" "Blame the Reds," Aunt Jennie said. "They were on TV and I mentioned to your mom that your dad was watching the game. She went to see him, and the rest is, as they say, history!" "When are you heading home?" Kent asked. "On Tuesday morning," Chelsea replied. "We're going to a New Year's party at a friend's house in Oswego." When we finished dinner, Chelsea and I offered to clean up, then spent the evening with her parents. ————— _December 28, 2002, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Steve On Saturday morning, I left the house early, and headed to the Gold Coast, arriving at the building where Ken Thompson had his condo just before 7:00am. I pulled up in front of the building, and a liveried doorman came to the car. I lowered the passenger window, and he bent down. "Are you here for Miss Thompson?" he asked. "Yes." He stood, waved, and Emma came out of the building. He opened the door for her, she got in, buckled in, and he shut the door. "Have a nice day, Miss Thompson!" "Thanks, Bob!" she replied. She closed the window, and I pulled away from the curb. "Sorry about not greeting you with a kiss, but I don't want to be public given I'm sixteen and you're thirty-nine." "A wise choice. Breakfast?" "Yes." "We'll head for Bucktown Bistro for breakfast, and then, if you're still interested in making the beast with two backs, to the apartment I mentioned." "You think I might have changed my mind? And that I wouldn't have called to tell you?" "Do you remember what I said about that particular commitment?" "That it was never irrevocable. But most guys would be pissed." "I suspect you know my response." "That you're not like most guys!" "Correct. And you agree, otherwise you wouldn't have sat down next to me in San Francisco, continued the conversation, asked to sit next to me, and invited me to make the beast with two backs!" "Perhaps that's my typical behavior." "Perhaps it is," I replied. "That doesn't change my observation that you don't think I'm like most guys. You specifically said boys your age were complete idiots; you also said your mom wouldn't understand you having an older, _steady_ boyfriend, implying you might have gone out with an older guy." "And if I have?" "It's only relevant if you believe it's relevant, and, to be clear, not any of my business one way or the other." "You're not interested in knowing my history?" "Of course I'm interested, but what you choose to share is up to you. Ultimately, it's a question of what you want out of our relationship." "It takes two to Tango," Emma countered. "Don't we have to have what's called a 'meeting of the minds'?" I chuckled, "Spoken like a lawyer's kid!" "I _am_ a lawyer's kid! A meeting of the minds, mutual consideration, an offer, and acceptance!" "Those are the elements of a contract!" "I'm curious why you think it's one-sided." "I don't, actually. I know what I want from the relationship, but I don't know what you want, beyond your statement that you want to make the beast with two backs multiple times before you fly home next week." "What DO you want besides sleeping with an underage girl?" "You keep using that word…" I said lightly. "And it _does_ mean what I think it means! I'd like to hear your answer." "I am always on the lookout for people who are open-minded, counter-cultural, and who think the country is on the wrong track. I bond with them, build a relationship, and mentor them. That's the most important part, and we can actually do that without sleeping together." "And you'd be OK with that?" "Yes." "But you're expecting to have sex with me." "Anticipating, but not expecting, It's a subtle difference, but an important one." "Because I could change my mind." "Yes. And that would not upset me in any way, shape, or form." "Would you be disappointed?" "Yes, but not in a way that held it against you. What I'm looking for is another member of my subversive cadre. The structure of the relationship depends on you, your needs, and what you want to achieve, both short and long term. That could be anything from a close, ongoing relationship to a 'catch and release' situation." "What do you mean by that?" "It means some of the subversives I recruit choose a path that doesn't involve regular interaction; others choose to be my personal karate students; others I see occasionally because they live some distance away. The question is, what do you want? I mean, besides the obvious." "I actually thought about some things you said, and I'm considering attending college in Chicago to study computers. I mentioned it to my dad, and he thinks computers would be a good choice, and he wouldn't object to me being around more. At least I'd get to see him regularly, unlike my mom, who is pretty much always working." "Did you mention you met me?" I asked. "Yes, and he said your company is very forward thinking and has an excellent reputation." "We are a pure meritocracy and take very good care of our staff. Does your dad know you're seeing me today?" "No. I told him I was going to have breakfast with a friend and hang out with them. He doesn't pry, so there won't be any problems." "OK. I should probably ask what you like to eat so we can plan lunch and dinner." "Anything is OK. Chinese, pizza, or whatever are all good. You have dietary restrictions, right?" "Yes. Chinese for dinner, then. For lunch, Potbelly's is close and they have soup and salads, in addition to sandwiches." "That's cool. What's your favorite thing to eat?" I smirked, "A leading question if there ever was one!" Emma laughed, "Pussy?" "Tastes great and less filling!" "Isn't filling it the point?" "Eventually, but I did promise to do that until you could no longer stand it." We arrived at Bucktown Bistro and were seated by the morning hostess, and Pam came over to our table. "I didn't expect to see you until after New Year's," she said. "Earl Grey?" "Yes, please." "And you, Miss?" "OJ, please." Pam left to get our drinks. "You must come here often," Emma observed. "A men's group meets on alternate Saturdays. We've been meeting longer than you've been alive, though we started at Lou Mitchell's on Jackson." "You've made that point several times." "Just as you've made the 'underage' point several times." "When did you actually first meet?" "May 1986," I replied. "So about five months before you were born, if your birthday was in October, which you implied with the timing of your OB/GYN exam." "October 22nd. When's yours?" "April 22nd, so exactly six months offset, though 1963 instead of 1986." Pam brought our drinks and asked Emma if she was ready to order, which she was. Once Pam had taken Emma's order, she left the table. "You're not going to have anything other than tea?" Emma asked. "Pam will bring my breakfast," I replied. "I've eaten the same thing every time I've been here since we first came here in July 1987. Pam knows my order, and those of the regulars in our group of around thirty guys. Only new people or irregular attendees actually have to order. Actually, I do need to correct myself — I swapped the potatoes for fruit when the docs determined my susceptibility to syncopal events when I ate complex carbohydrates." "You never change?" "No. I do come here for dinner, and then I have a varied menu, usually something Alex Saunders whips up for my party." "I guess after sixteen years, you'd know the chef!" "Yes." "OK to change topics?" "Sure." "When do you teach karate?" "I have a regular class for my personal students on Saturday afternoon and sometimes teach the daily classes at the dojo. We don't hold classes during the week between Christmas and New Year's." "You have other instructors under you?" "I don't run the dojo," I replied. "I'm the most senior instructor, though." "But you have your own students?" "Yes. I have my own specialized teaching system that is more challenging that simple physical fitness. It's also spiritual and intellectual." "Separate from the philosophy discussions you mentioned?" "Yes. If you're interested in a sample, we're having an impromptu meeting on Tuesday. And if you aren't doing anything for New Year's, you're welcome to come to our New Year's Eve party. You'd have a chance to meet my wives and kids." "Do your kids know about your lifestyle?" "I have three wives and two girlfriends who live in the house, plus I have kids with four women. What do YOU think?" Emma laughed, "Good point!" 🎤 Birgit "Are you OK hanging out with Albert, Nicholas, Peter, and Julie today?" I asked Kjell as we snuggled in bed when we woke up on Saturday morning. "Sure. What are we going to do?" "Lunch at Giordano's, the Museum of Science and Industry, Chinese for dinner, then see _Catch Me if You Can_, a thriller about the FBI chasing a guy who pretended to be a Pan Am pilot, a doctor, and conned people out of millions. It's based on a true story." "That sounds good. Jesse and Scarlett aren't coming?" "No. He's having a party for his hockey team and the girls' softball team. Matthew is in Ohio with Chelsea, and my sisters are having their own thing at Amber's house next door, but it's girls only. And Michael is hanging out with his friend Andi, her dad, and Eduardo. Tomorrow we're hanging out with Jesse and Scarlett and some of his friends." "Cool." "Do you want breakfast?" "I'm famished! Someone wore me ought last night, and I was already tired!" I giggled, "I promise to wear you out every night!" "I won't object!" We got out of bed, showered, dressed, and went downstairs to have breakfast. ————— [Cincinnati, Ohio] 🎤 Matthew "Can someone explain the complicated relationships?" I asked as we walked from the parking garage to the art museum. "Jordan's mom is my dad's sister," Rachel said. "Viktoria's dad and my biological mom were brother and sister. My mom died the day I was born, and my dad re-married. April's mom was adopted by my paternal grandparents when she was fourteen. Abi has been my best friend since I was born, and her mom and grandma are close friends of my dad, and her grandma taught my dad to play guitar. Larisa's mom is a girl my dad has known his whole life and her dad was a deacon; they actually dated for a short time. Pavel's dad is the priest of his church. Mark goes to the same church as April and Larisa." "Your mom really died the day you were born?" I asked. "Yes. She had a congenital defect of blood vessels in her brain, and according to the doctors, there was no way to detect it or fix it if they could detect it. Well, now we could detect it with an MRI, but still not fix it." "So your siblings are from your stepmom?" "Just my mom. I never knew my biological mom, so I never thought of my mom as anything other than my mom. They told me about it when I was five, though I didn't really understand until I was older. But it's more complicated because I have a half-brother who's the son of a doctor friend of my dad's." "Why does this sound like my family?" I asked with a goofy smile. Rachel laughed, "I've heard! But it's not quite like that. My brother Alexi's mom is lesbian, though they conceived artificially. And he doesn't call his mom's partner 'mom', he calls her 'Aunt Tessa'." "Your family is almost as complicated as mine," I replied. "And it gets MORE complicated," Rachel declared, "because my paternal grandpa remarried a much younger woman, and I have an uncle who is only six months older than I am!" "My mom had just turned fifteen when I was born," April interjected. "I never met my dad because he got twenty-five years for having sex with my mom when she was fourteen and he was forty." "Did you want to meet him?" Chelsea asked. "Not really, and even if I did, he's not allowed to have visitors under eighteen." "Did your mom get married?" "Yes, right after she graduated from college. I like my stepdad a lot." "I don't know if anyone told you, but my mom lives with her boyfriend," I said. "How long have they been together?" Rachel asked. "They actually dated in college, but then he went back to Spain. When he moved to the US, they got together again." "My mom's husband isn't my dad," Larisa said. "My biological dad is a complete fanatic." "I don't think anyone except Pavel and Jordan has a traditional family," Chelsea said. "Mark's parents are divorced and remarried." "You do," I said. "I mean, sure, your mom was married to the soldier who died in Vietnam, but your mom and dad were married when you were born and are still married." "True." "And honestly," I said, "what truly matters is we all have parents who care for us." ————— [Chicago, Illinois] 🎤 Steve "You know," I said as we walked through the door of the NIKA apartment, "you never did tell me your superpower." "You're right, I didn't!" Emma replied. "And I said I didn't reveal it to just anyone!" "I'm not 'just anyone'!" "You never told me yours, either!" Emma countered. "But I suspect you're about to show me." I smiled, took her hand, and led her to the second bedroom, which was right across from the bathroom. "I suppose it's time for a proper kiss," Emma said with a smile. I held out my arms, and she melted into them, her firm body pressed against mine. Our lips touched, then parted, and our tongues began a gentle dance. Remembering what Emma had said, I moved my hands to cup her butt and gave it a squeeze, and Emma broke the kiss. "Told ya' you could find it!" she declared. "Any requests?" "Make me feel really, really good!" "I can do that! I hate to be crass, but STI test?" Emma smiled, "Fortunately my gynecologist's office was open yesterday and could fax it to me." She handed it to me and I handed it back, then, as was my practice, I showed her my card. "What would have happened if I couldn't get it?" she asked. "I trust you, but I'd have had to say 'no'. I'm glad it worked out!" "Me, too! Now, make me feel good!" Three minutes later we were both naked, and I took in her gorgeous, lithe body — small, firm breasts capped with light brown nipples, a flat stomach, graceful legs, a smoothly shaved mons, and plump labia, already slick with her juices. I pulled down the comforter, then took Emma's hand and led her to the bed. She got in, turned on her side, and I go in next to her, lying on my side facing her. We French kissed for a bit, then I gently pushed Emma onto her back and lowered my mouth to her breast. I spent about five minutes on her breasts before I kissed my way down to her bare mons, breathing deeply and taking in her wonderful scent. I planted several kisses on the inside of Emma's thighs, then several more along her plump labia. After those kisses, I pressed my tongue into her, coating it with her spicy juices. Emma moaned softly as I swirled my tongue and breathed in sharply when I ran it over her clit. I closed my mouth and sucked hard, causing Emma to groan, and she began slowly rolling her hips as I pleasured her to her first orgasm. Knowing we had all day, and I could keep my promise of hours of oral sex later, I moved up, grasped my shaft, rubbed my glans along Emma's slick labia, then slowly entered her. She was so wet that I had no problem sliding in until my pubic hair was pressed against her mons. I bent down, we exchanged a French kiss, and I began fucking her with slow gentle thrusts. Emma wrapped her arms and legs around me and we began moving in sync. About every five strokes I ground against her for several seconds before resuming our movements. About four minutes after we started, Emma shuddered and moaned into my mouth as her pussy spasmed around my dick as she had her first of four orgasms. Her fourth one was the strongest and brought me to the point of no return. I pushed deep into her tight, spasming tunnel, groaned and fired jet after jet of cum into her. When my orgasm had run its course, I withdrew, slid down, and used my tongue to bring her to her sixth orgasm of the day. My goal achieved, I moved up and Emma and I exchanged a fierce French kiss. "My turn," she said, breathing hard. She gently nudged me to my back and then, following the pattern I'd used earlier, sucked on both my nipples, then kissed her way down to my groin. She grasped my semi-flaccid shaft, licked it clean, then took my glans into her mouth, sucking and swirling her tongue. It didn't take long before I was erect, at which point Emma released me, threw her leg over me to straddle me and impaled herself on my rock-hard dick. She leaned down, and we kissed as she moved gently back and forth, rubbing her clit against me while squeezing and releasing her muscles, providing intense pleasure. A few minutes later, she shuddered as she had the first of another four orgasms, following which she began moving up and down, bringing me off, pushing herself hard against me as I pumped cum into her. Emma stayed on top of me and we exchanged kisses until I softened and slipped from her. She gave me one more kiss, then turned, straddling my face and planting her labia on my lips. She lowered her head and once again began pleasuring me with her mouth. This time, though, she took it to completion, and after having three good orgasms from my tongue, I had my release, cum spurting into Emma's soft mouth. After the last spurt, she turned, we exchanged a deep French kiss, and then she moved from on top of me and snuggled close, one leg and one arm draped over me. We lay quietly for about fifteen minutes, and I savored the experience I'd just had, and looked forward to another fourteen hours with Emma. "Did you come up with a nickname?" she asked. "You didn't like any of the ones I suggested," I replied. "Why don't you pick one?" "Well, she said," an hour ago 'Virgo' would have worked, but not now!" An interesting revelation, and one that both did and didn't surprise me. Virginity did not imply ignorance, and Bethany's book described things in sufficient detail that even an inexperienced girl would know what to do. Given Emma's obvious intelligence, and her «joie de vivre» everything lined up, and I had no doubt the implication was true, and I shouldn't have been even slightly surprised. "No comment?" Emma asked about ten seconds later, as I'd failed to respond due to contemplating the situation. "Sorry," I replied. "I didn't expect that particular revelation." "Does it make a difference?" "As a young woman once explained, virginity is simply a state of being, not a thing in and of itself. There are many things we do for the first time, and they are not special because they are the first time, or the tenth time, or the hundredth time, but because they are special things to do. Sex is always special, whether the first time or after a lifetime. "Another way to look at it is that it's a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. Having sex for the first time is a ceremony recognizing that transition, a symbol if you will, not the transition. In your case, the transition occurred in the terminal at the airport in San Francisco, and we just confirmed it with a ritual." "I hadn't thought of it that way," Emma replied. "To me, it was simply time, but I can see how what you're saying actually fits." "Out of curiosity, what caused the change in thinking?" "I've made out a lot, and I've felt turned on, but never enough to want to go further than kissing. I thought about it, obviously, because the guys wanted more, but I just didn't feel it. With you, the second I sat down next to you and a voice screamed in my brain 'This is THE guy!' and 'You _have_ to fuck him!'. I can't explain it, really." That was Kara's experience when she sat down next to me in Mrs. Brewer's chemistry class just over twenty-two years in the past. "And was it what you expected? Please be honest; you can't possibly hurt my feelings." "Weirdly, I believe you." "Why is it weird?" "The impression I have from my friends is that guys are really touchy about that subject." "I'm not." "You have nothing to worry about! It was everything I'd hoped it would be. And from your reaction, I was knowledgeable enough that you couldn't tell." "The biggest 'tell' is nervousness or tentativeness. You showed neither. There are no physiological signs for most girls over age fifteen, especially if they're physically active. And there is more than enough information available in books and online that anyone can now the correct techniques for oral sex. Screwing is pretty simple, when you think about it. "In/Out/Repeat?" Emma teased. "Pretty much! Sure, there are positions and variations and techniques, but it's simple enough for an inexperienced girl to not give it away if she doesn't want to, so long as she's not nervous or tentative. The old wives' tales about blood and painful intercourse are just that, at least for the most part. "Younger teens who don't play sports might have an intact hymen, but it's typically very thin and if there's pain, it's more like an injection, and goes away quickly. Painful intercourse is nearly always due to lack of lubrication, which is why foreplay is important. And yes, it's entire possible to be _virgo intacta_ at an older age, but that's rare." "You seem very well informed for a guy." "I'm going to give good odds you've read _Smart Teens; Smart Choices_." "My mom gave me a copy when I turned twelve, right before I had my first period." "Doctor Bethany Krajick and I met in Junior High and we're still friends. Her son and my daughter are very close, well, they will be again once he gets past the whole 'cooties' thing." Emma laughed, "How old?" "He's thirteen; she's twelve. They were basically a couple from the time they were little, but puberty is an awkward time. They'll figure it out and get back together." "And you're OK with that, of course." "Of course. My kids are independent individuals who have to make their own decisions." "And if your underage daughter were doing what we're doing?" "My underage daughter is allowed to have her boyfriends spend the night at the house. You do seem to like using that word!" Emma laughed softly, "Because I figured you got off on the idea of being with an underage girl. And thinking about it, I should have told you I was a virgin to give you an even bigger thrill!" "Actually, no, you shouldn't have. I'd have behaved differently." "Why?" "I have a habit of overthinking things and talking girls to death to make sure they're really ready to do what they've implied or said they want to do. And that would have been true of you, even though it was obvious to me what you wanted and that you were mature enough to make that decision." "But the thrill?" "Works after the fact, too," I chuckled. "What would you like to do next?" "I believe you promised to use your mouth on my until I couldn't stand it!" "I did!" I agreed.