Alex woke up feeling refreshed and energized. He was a bit surprised by how far his feet had to travel down to the floor, “Did I change more last night? Wh-” Alex was taken aback by his voice, he was completely unprepared to hear it.

Alex’s breath picked up, and his chest heaved up and down as he panicked. His nipples rubbed against the rough fabric of his pajamas, causing them to get hard as his arousal built up. Soon Alex was ripping off the oversized tee shirt he’d worn to bed, exhilarated by the raging hormones within him.

The odd feeling of his free-swinging breasts brought Alex back to reality, and he stopped his hand before it plunged deep into his folds. Alex rushed to the bathroom, desperate to relieve himself without looking in the mirror.

He kept his eyes down through washing his hands, and managed to make his way back to bed without looking at his reflection once. As he passed the nightstand, his fingers brushed against something familiar feeling. He heard it drop to the floor softly before getting on his knees to look for it.

Alex smiled as he reached under the nightstand, pulling out a perfectly rolled joint and bringing it straight to his nose to smell. The scent that filled his nostrils overpowered his thoughts, and next thing he knew he was smoking the joint.

The familiar smoke gave Alex a sudden flashback, and he threw the joint as far as he could. The same feeling from the day before filled Alex, and he threw himself into his bed in a desperate attempt to control and stop the changes that were about to occur.

“Why is my bed wet?? Did I cum in my sleep?” Alex realized that must’ve been why he woke up so different; he must’ve had a bunch of orgasms too, cuz the orgasmic changes were much less intense than from smoking.

Then the same sensation as yesterday filled Alex, and he forgot all about the orgasms. Alex felt his ass inflate behind him, face down in his own girly cum. Tingling sensations began to run up his legs, pooling in his womanhood. His hourglass figure accentuated as he inhaled more cum, and soon Alex felt an intense urge to pleasure herself.

Alex lost all control, his body had completely given in. It was almost like being tossed around by another person, squeals and giggles escaped his lips as he switched positions and masturbated.

As Alex continued to masturbate he felt an urge for more smoke, and was soon on his knees looking for the joint he had thrown.

The internal struggle intensified when Alex found the barely smoked joint, but the female side was too powerful. He tried reasoning with himself, but his body responded and he knew it was over.

“You’ll learn to love the new you. Our body’s gonna be sooo sexy when I’m done with this joint, I hope we could finish the whole thing!!”

Alex was already weak, but now he’d lost all hope.

On the other side of town, Rod had just finished basketball practice. A text came in from Alex as he picked up his phone, “Oh shit, he’s up…”

Rod opened the text and raised an eyebrow, what picture could Alex be sending him?

He almost dropped his phone when the picture finally loaded, Alex looked a hundred times more feminine than when he had left him yesterday!!

He tried peeling his eyes away from the phone screen, but was mesmerized by the massive cleavage using up most of his pixels.

Rod felt a bulge developing in his pants, and ran to his car to not be seen with an erection at the gym. Once in the car he called Alex, and almost came right there when Alex answered.

“Hey big Rod…” Alex whispered into the phone erotically.

“You sound so different, Alex! What happened?” Rod shouted into the phone.

“Ooooo… You’re turning me on Rod!” Alex cooed back, audibly shivering from arousal. “I like, need you to come over and help me out, Rod!”

“Help with what?? Are you hurt???” Rod asked, now much more worried than turned on.

Silence from the other line. Rod assumed the worst and headed for Alex’s house, ignoring all the speed limit signs and red lights on his way.

“ALEX!! I’M HERE!!! I-” Rod stopped screaming when his eyes acclimated to the light inside, and he saw nobody there.

He looked all over the apartment, but couldn’t find Alex. Then he heard a sound from outside, and dashed to the back patio. He was relieved to see Alex was safe, but realized things had taken a turn for the worst since he had left.

“Rod!” Alex squealed.

Before he could say anything, Alex lifted up her short skirt to reveal what her hands were doing. She squirted everywhere while she moaned orgasmically, unable to speak as waves of euphoria pulsed through her.

“What’s going on?? Why are you outside, Alex?” Rod asked, wiping cum off his arm as he did.

“Call me Lexi, you big hunk!” Lexi giggled as she slapped Rod’s bicep, blushing when her hand squeezed the large muscle involuntarily.

“I wanted to smoke the rest of my eighth outside, and like, got worked up thinking about you!”

Rod shook his head, “We smoked all the weed, Lexi. I’m not packing any bud.”

“I know what you’re like, packing baby, I could see it showing through your pants!” Lexi said as she brought Rod inside.

She grabbed his pants by the waistband and pulled down. Rod’s boxers went down with his jeans, and Lexi couldn’t close her open jaw as she stared at the eleven inch erection.

She was bent over the couch wiggling her ass before she even spoke, “Please fill my slutty ass! I totally need it hard!!”

Rod could no longer control himself, and began thrusting into the spread ass of his old best friend. Lexi’s pained screams were filled with lust, and Rod could swear he heard her laughing.

Meanwhile, the intense feeling had woken Alex from the depths of Lexi’s mind. He had full feeling, and tried fighting for control while being fucked in his new, tighter ass.  

The orgasms and thrusting were too much for Alex to handle though, and he could feel the vein in Rod’s cock begin to bulge. He slowly relinquished full control to Lexi as Rod came inside her, sealing Alex away forever.

Rod lay on the bed, relaxing after realesing the giant load he’d just filled Lexi with. “I can’t believe I came in you, Alex. We have to figure out a way to switch you back!”

“Silly Rod!! We have to get more of that weed!! I’ll be like, sooo hawt if I smoke a couple more joints of that!! I know it!!” Alex exclaimed. “But in the meantime…”

She stripped out of the clothes she’d been wearing, revealing see-through lingerie that barely fit her.

“It’s an old girlfriend’s; I think it gets the point across…”

Rod swallowed hard as his eyes darted up and down Lexi’s body, trying to ignore her hand as it stroked various parts of her.

“What are you thinking?” Rod asked, a stiff feeling returning to his crotch.

“I see the way you’re looking at these boobies!

Get me some more weed, and I’ll totally give you a titjob.” Lexi giggled as she said the last word.

“Fuck… Uh… I actually took like half the eighth back to my house, to keep you safe.

I guess I forgot about that joint…” Rod said, his vision locked on the smoked joint on the bed stand.

Lexi’s eyes grew wider than when she was getting anal, and a loud shriek came from her open mouth. She stripped naked and began sucking Rod’s erection, lubing it up before she squeezed it between her massive breasts.

Rod felt like he shouldn’t have even came over, and now he was about to cum in his best friend’s face. He felt bad, but couldn’t decide whether to bring the weed over after or not.

He thought cumming would make him think more rationally, but something about Lexi made him want more. He ran back home, cursing himself as he grabbed the cursed weed to bring back to Lexi.

She gave him a big kiss when he got back, and ground up the weed quickly before rolling it into a joint. Rod watched, open mouthed as Lexi finished the entire joint in no more than five hits. She wasn’t even coughing, but her eyes were tearing. She gave Rod one last seductive look, and then her eyes rolled. She began squealing in ecstasy, and her entire body began to ripple.


Lexi’s body exploded, inflating her curves to twice the size and stretching out her tight shirt and yoga pants. The explosion didn't stop there; it filled Lexi with waves of arousal she couldn’t handle. Her body convulsed as powerful orgasms built up inside her, bringing more pleasure to body parts she was completely unfamiliar with.

Her large bust bounced and jiggled as she came uncontrollably, her normal bra cups unable to handle the massive boobs within them.

She spilled out the front of her shirt, but could focus on nothing but her convulsing pussy. She felt a puddle form beneath her, and through an intense haze of arousal gave Rod the look he’d been waiting for.

He jumped the spasming bimbo, easily penetrating her tiny, soaking wet folds. Squeals of pleasure rang through the house, and Rod couldn’t hold back. He shot the biggest load of his life into Lexi, and felt his testes empty into the screaming woman.

Then a weird sensation ran through Rod’s cock, and he felt it pull out of Lexi and up into him. He took a deep breath and smelled the all too familiar scent of fresh magical weed, and instantly regretted the last half hour as he felt himself begin to shrink.
