The scene is a seedy club, similar in design to dives such as Purgatory or After-Life. Two Vorcha are standing at odds with each other, clearly have a disagreement: they are snarling and shoving each other. Without the camera angle moving, the focal plane adjusts to reveal Jack sitting at the far end of a rectangular bar island, watching the Vorcha conflict idly, shot glass in hand. The camera cuts to an angle behind Jack, looking over and focusing on her shoulder, the Vorcha conflict heavily out of focus. Liara's voice comes from Jack's left, the voice hesitant. LIARA (offscreen, awkwardly quiet): "E-excuse me?" Jack doesn't so much as recognize the voice. Instead, she idly takes a sip from her glass, before putting it back down on the bar. Her gaze never strays from the out-of-focus Vorcha conflict. The camera pans to the left, to reveal Liara standing behind and to Jack's side, hands fidgeting idly in her lap. She is clearly uncomfortable in the given situation. She continues, her voice more confident, but still shaking slightly. LIARA (more confidently, voice still shaking slightly): "Are you the one they call, 'Jack'?" The camera cuts to a face-on view of Jack, situated behind the counter. Jack doesn't move, but she does speak. Her voice is unimpressed, almost deadpan: she doesn't want to be bothered while she's having a drink and watching the show. JACK (bored, slightly annoyed): "Why do you care?" Liara, still standing behind Jack, looks off toward the Vorcha fight, avoiding looking at Jack as she speaks. Her voice is firm now: she has found her confidence and determination. LIARA (firmly): "I am looking for someone. You may have heard of her: Commander Shepard, of the Alliance." For the first time, Jack physically reacts to the conversation: she gives a single, head-bobbing chuckle. She continues on, a smile on her face - though the smile is to herself, as she is still turned away from Liara, watching the Vorcha fight. She moves her hand up her shot glass as she speaks, tenting her fingers along the edges of the glass. JACK (mildly amused): "Heh. Commander, eh? Listen, kid: Government and I don't exactly get along." The camera cuts in to focus on Jack's fingers on the glass, as she continues to speak. JACK: "Not lawyers, not police, and definitely not military." Camera cuts to a close of Liara's hand by her side actively curling into a tight ball, squeezing as she tries to keep her frustration in check. Jack continues. JACK: "In short: Not interested." A close-up of Liara, scowling at the back of Jack's head. When she speaks, her voice is still as soft as it always is, but it has a defined hard edge to it: she is nearing the edge of her patience, and is a thin ice sheet away from barking. LIARA (tensely, trying to remain calm but failing): "As a mercenary, it isn't your concern who or what the target is." A return to the original camera angle, where the two Vorcha were fighting. One Vorcha is kneeling on the ground, grabbing its side as if wounded, and the other is hovering over him menacingly. Liara and Jack are out of focus. Liara continues. LIARA: "Your only concern is getting paid to do a job. I have a job, and I am willing to pay for it." A close-up of the bar surface where Jack is sitting. Her hands are absent, but the glass is there. Her hands slam down against the surface, causing the glass to bounce and skitter gently. Jack's speech is very clearly annoyed, her voice beginning to stress. JACK (clearly annoyed, voice beginning to stress): "Alright. Apparently I wasn't clear enough for you." Close-up of Jack from the rear, focusing on her shoulder, as she begins to turn around to the left, to confront Liara face-to-face. She is cut off as her eyes focus on Liara. JACK: "I don't give a single god da-" Camera close-up on Liara's large breasts. Jack finishes her sentences, with all the fight deflated out of her voice. JACK (quietly and demurely): "-mn about finding this Commander..." Liara scowling down at Jack, arms crossed. Jack is frozen in her turn-around state, staring open-mouthed at Liara's breasts. She glances up at Liara, before returning her gaze to the breasts. After a long pause, she looks up at Liara again. Close-up of Jack speaking, still facing Liara's breasts but looking up at her face, a sly smile on her face and in her voice. JACK (slyly): "Of course, I'd be willing to haggle payment. That might make me give a damn." Close-up of Liara still scowling at Jack as she speaks. Her voice is hard and impatient. LIARA (impatient and unamused): "All right. Name your price." Close-up of Jack slowly licking her lips, staring square at Liara's breasts, before looking up at Liara and stating her demand firmly. JACK (confident and sly): "I want to make those big blue titties bounce." Close-up of Liara recoiling, confused and put off by the statement. LIARA (stammering, returning to her original awkwardness from the beginning of the conversation): "I-I beg your pardon?" Close-up of Jack dismounting the stool she's sitting on, to stand in front of Liara. JACK (slyly): "Yeah." Jack standing in front of Liara, looking at her square in the eye. Jack is looking extremely confident, borderline predatory. Liara is still looking a bit confused. JACK: "I have a room rented in the back. Why don't we head back..." Close-up of Jack trailing a hand up and around one of Liara's breasts. JACK: "Pop these bad girls out, rub uglies a bit..." Close-up of Liara's ass, as Jack's other hand idly gropes it. JACK: "Maybe bury my tongue in this big blue butt of yours..." Waist-up shot of Liara and Jack. As Jack is speaking, she runs her hand up from Liara's breast to hold the back of Liara's neck. JACK: "And then we can talk about credits." Jack pulls Liara's head forward and kisses her squarely on the lips. Liara gives a soft, startled squawk as Jack pulls her forward. Close-up as their lips smack twice. As Liara slowly pulls back, Jack sucks on Liara's tongue for a long moment, before letting go. Close-up of Jack looking smugly at Liara. JACK: "Well? What do you say?" Close-up of Liara looking heady and fanning her face, slightly blushed, with her hand. Jack speaks during the fanning. JACK: "I'll take that as a yes." Waist-up shot of Liara still fanning herself, Jack no longer on the scene. After a moment, Jack's arm reaches out from screen left and grabs Liara's arm, tugging her forward. As she tugs, Jack speaks, annoyed with Liara's slowness to respond. JACK (slightly annoyed): "Come on, Blueberry." Fade to black And then they bang Fade to black. Both Jack and Liara are wearing pants but are topless. Jack is laying back on the bed, idly holding a smoking cigarette in one hand. Liara is sitting on the side of the bed, ready to get up. Liara speaks softly, her voice timid but solid. LIARA (soft but without hesitation): "Do we have a deal then?" Close-up of Jack as she dismissively waves her free hand. She is slightly annoyed as she speaks. JACK (slightly annoyed): "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry your little head off, sweet-tits." Close-up of Liara's back, as she looks down at the floor in thought. JACK: "I'll find your Commander Shepard, or I'll turn over half the galaxy till I find her corpse." Liara speaks without moving, still looking down at the floor. She is talking more to herself than to Jack. LIARA (quietly): "She isn't dead. She can't... she just isn't. I know she isn't." A shot of both of them in their positions. Neither moves, and neither makes a sound. A long silence that lasts just slightly too long. A hip close-up as Liara stands up off the bed. Her voice is her casual speaking voice, the first time it's been fully utilized so far. LIARA: "If there's nothing more, I have a fellow information broker to track down." Close-up of Liara speaking, with Jack visible behind her. She is idly watching Liara, still lounging in the bed, cigarette smoking in hand. Liara is fussing with her collar, which has now appeared, implying she is getting dressed. LIARA: "He is being particularly... unforthcoming with his supposed information on Shepard." Shot from the far side of Jack on the bed. Liara, standing in front of the bed, fully clothed, looking over her shoulder at Jack. LIARA: "Please keep me informed on your hunt. You know how to contact me." Close-up of Jack lounging on the bed. Her voice is bored and unamused, now that the fun part is done. JACK: "Yeah, yeah. If I learn anything, you'll be the first to know. Hey, sugar-tits..." Pulled back shot, to reveal only Jack left in the room. Camera hangs on this for a few seconds, to let it sink in that Liara left without letting Jack speak. Close-up of Jack looking slightly annoyed and being ditched. She gives a single derisive burst of air out of her nose, her head recoiling slightly at the motion. She then dons a small, sly smile, as she speaks fondly to herself. JACK: "Guess it's time to go steal a ship." END