Core and Millie go shopping for clothes and things get naughty. Core’s Opportunity—Chapter 12 by Zmeydros When Core wakes up next to Millie, he blushes. Her back is pressed against his front, and her voluptuous ass is against his humongous morning wood. Instincts are clearer than his thoughts when he's this groggy and before he really thinks about it, his left paw has found a breast. She groans as he explores her supple flesh with his paw. A shock runs through him. What is he doing? He takes his hand away. "Mmm, Mr. Fox, I could use some morning lovings. Get that hand back over here," She says. "Umm, weren't we supposed to go shopping?" he asks trying to back away so his shaft isn't pressed up against her. "With me getting wet and you sprouting a two-foot boner whenever I bend over to get something off a low shelf? That sounds fun, but more my sort of fun than yours." He's not a slut, he just had sex for the first time last night. There's no way he should be horny now. "Actually, I just really need to go." She raises an eyebrow. He dashes off to the bathroom and struggles to get his erection to cooperate. It takes a lot of deep breaths and thinking about boring stuff from his classes. Eventually, he's no longer hard and can finally empty his bladder. By the time he's out, Millie's dressed in a black and white art deco blouse with a black miniskirt. He says, "I should get my cock back to normal size." Millie nods. "Yeah, but bring your magic thing. I want to get a couple things you can wear that look even better when you're packing extra." "Okay." Part of him really likes that thought and another part shames him for liking it. As he gets his magic item, he tells himself that it's a perfectly sensible suggestion. He's had times when controlling his size wasn't guaranteed. It takes a bit of doing to get his hyper features under control, but once he does, he feels a lot less needy. He puts on a T-shirt and the pair of jeans that Millie bought him on the worst night of his life. Then heads out with Millie. They go to Morty's for breakfast before they end up at at a little store that seems to be completely full of things Millie approves of. She enjoys seeing him try on clothes and he feels awesome in the things she picks out for him. She somehow manages to find a pair of dark bluish-grey jeans that fit him perfectly without being tight. Even he notices how sexy he looks in them. A thin purple shirt with a V-neck is his other favorite piece of clothing they pick out. It just looks cool for some reason that his non-fashion designer mind can’t figure out. He likes the other three shirts and second pair of pants they buy as well. The second store they go to is a store for hyper furs. He blushes deeper and deeper as they walk in. The moment they're inside, Millie grabs a pair of jeans with lots of room for a package and leads him to the dressing room. Millie whispers into his ear. "Can I watch it grow again?" He gulps and nods before letting her come into the large dressing room with him. His hand fumbles a bit as he gets his magic item out. The fact that she's already getting wet is clear from her scent and he hasn't even pulled his pants down yet. "Can you hold this?" He holds out the magic item. She takes it and examines it closely as he gets out of his pants and boxers. When she hands it back to him, he guides the magic until he pops an erection and feels that amazing pressure he always gets as his flesh expands. She kisses him to help muffle his moans and he presses into the kiss loving the feeling of being touched as he transforms. Each throb, each stretching pulse, fills him with lust. The fur of his balls tickles his thighs as they hang lower and lower. He feels his cock slide up under Millie's shirt and across the scales of her tummy until the tip bumps the bottom of her breasts. Shifting her stance, she gets the tip of his member to slide up into her cleavage. As pre starts to dribble from the tip, she pulls off her blouse and bra. He can smell how wet she is, he can feel her warm scales slide against his prick. Breaking the kiss, she says, "Lets get you off." Sex again, already? Maybe he is a slut. He's so hard it hurts and there's no way he's going to be able to get this thing to soften now. Not with Millie here offering to go at it again. Wait, they're going to do it here, in the dressing room? He can't believe this is happening. Trying to snap himself out of it, he looks away as she pulls off her skirt and panties. But, her wonderful spicy scent makes him even more desperate and his eyes wander over her curves. She gets on her hands and knees on the bench and raises her tail. "I bet you're dying to try doggy style." Having a plush wet pussy presented under a raised tail is like a siren to his most base instincts. He growls as he rushes forward and drives his member in. Her belly rounds out at the sheer size of his prick. Before he realizes it, he's balls deep inside her. This is the perfect position for thrusting and he finds he can drive it into her hard enough that she squeals. He'd worry about other people hearing, but he's not thinking right now. This is more intense than last time, rougher. She cums after only ten thrusts, but he can't stop, he has to keep going, he has to breed this dragon! As he gets close to his release, something bristles inside him. He curls his lips and growls. "Yes, go feral with me. Show your teeth! Knot me!" she begs. His growl gets more fierce as he gives her three more powerful thrusts. On the last one, his knot is so big that he can't get it in all the way. He growls again as he leans down and bites her neck. Something deep in his mind stops him from breaking the skin, but that something doesn't stop him from jamming his knot inside her and filling her with another gallon of cum. As her belly gets more round, she moans louder. The stretching sensation seems to make her orgasm harder. She's such a naughty dragon! He nips and nuzzles her neck as he continues cumming inside her. She presses back against him gasping until she roars in her last, and most extreme, orgasm. After they come down from their insane peak, Core frowns in worry, "Oh no! Did I hurt you?" She looks back at him, gasping, "No, it was phenomenal." "But, I was so rough and couldn't control myself." His ears droop. Her tail give him a hug. "If I asked you to stop or cried out in pain, I know you would have been able to stop." "I don't." He looks away. "Core, look at me." He meets her eyes. "Then trust me. I can take just about anything you dish out. You can learn about this side of yourself with me and learn to trust it before you find your own special someone." He grins at her. "You just want more rough sex, don't you? Naughty dragon." "You caught me." She chuckles. His tail wags as he leans in and feels her cum-stuffed belly. He did this? He did this! So much cum... it's still unbelievable. He feels a soothing warmth radiating from where their bodies are connected. "What are we going to do? Do you think they heard us?" "Think about hyper furs and what's likely to happen when they're trying on clothes. Bigger bits rub on more things and are harder to contain when they're excited. If people couldn't get off in the dressing rooms, how would they ever try stuff on?" she asks. "Do you know other hypers?" he asks. "Well, I know Hanz and I also know a tiger that is two-thirds as big as you when you're like this. They both recommended shopping here." she says. "Oh, okay, umm, what do we do about the mess when I pull out?" She smiles. "Have you noticed anything strange about this dressing room?" If he wasn't so horny before, he would have noticed that the whole space is tiled with grey tiles, there is a shower head with a flexible hose on the wall and shelves to set clothes on. There is even a vacuum-cleaner-like hose on the wall that says, "hot air." After cuddling against her back for a few minutes, his knot is small enough to pull out. When he does so, cum floods out of her and falls to the floor. He blushes seeing the mess he made. Did he really produce that much last night too? Washing up and drying is easy and soon he's able to try on the pants they picked out. "I think my bulge stands out too much in these." She shakes her head. "You worked hard to get that big, didn't you? Why not show off the hard work?" "Because it's lewd?" he offers. "Nonsense. Stretchy jeans are extremely comfortable. I bet you'll grow to love them. And, if you show off at work, you'll get a lot of admirers." "Admirers? I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet." "Okay, okay, we'll get a couple pairs that don't show it off quite as much, but we'll keep this one for when you're ready, or for when you want to show off to a special someone." He takes the jeans off. "I'm not sure I'll wear them unless I'm horny and waiting for you to come home, though." "Or you can just wear them so you can admire yourself." "Admire myself?" he tilts his head. She nods. "It's something you'll do more of once you feel better about yourself. I wasn't good at it until my late twenties." "With a body like that, it took you that long?" She nods. "And I was dancing in front of people who paid me money to show my body to them. Body image has less to do with what you look like and more to do with how you feel about yourself. I didn't feel completely at home with myself until I was a businesswoman." "I never would have guessed." He struggles to process what she said. How can she have felt down about herself at all? "Self worth is a funny thing." She puts her clothes on. No response comes to mind as he gets dressed. It's hard to imagine that he'd ever be as confident as her. As they walk around the store, Core stares at some of the other bulges furs have. A nine-foot-tall female antelope has breasts that could smother a small army. He feels really short when she gives him a wink. Core silently wonders if Millie has asked this antelope to be one of her dancers. She does wave at her, but other than that, she seems more interested in finding him clothes. After trying on a few pairs of shorts and a couple pairs of slacks, they find one of each that works well. As Millie pays, Core expects a comment from the cashier, but the tall meerkat acts like everything's normal. Core sighs as embarrassment about what they did in the dressing room dissipates. When they get back to Millie's place, she goes off to work and he goes off to school. He's so relaxed during his classes that everything feels easy. Once he's home, he studies until Millie gets back. She stands in front of the couch and holds out her arms for a hug. He gets up and wraps his arms around her. She says, "Want to do something until we go to bed?" He blushes at the feeling of her hips and breasts against him. “I, uh, don’t know, were you thinking of something specific?” “Sex.” She giggles when he straightens and then shakes her head slightly. “Gotcha!” “Heh, I believed you.” Relaxing a bit, he puts his paws on her hands. Letting him go, she says, “Want to play NBA Jam?” “Sure.” He follows her to the couch. Millie's amazing at blocking and he eventually gets good at getting rebounds and stealing. An hour and a half later, after a really tough game where they had to fight to win in double overtime, he sets the controller down and says, “Whew, I’m getting tired.” Millie looks at him with puppy eyes. “One more game, please?” He laughs at her expression. “Okay.” They win the game by twenty-two points and both cheer when Millie’s player gets a three point shot on the final buzzer. He hugs her and says, “Great shot!” They make out a bit before Millie says, "I'm gonna take a quick shower and then lounge around in my housecoat." "I think I'll do the same, but in pajamas," he says while he follows her to the shower. In the shower, something odd happens. For the first time since he met her, he can look at her body just from the aspect of beauty. Did having sex yesterday and today quiet his mind somehow? He's able to touch her and be touched by her without losing his cool. And it's awesome, because he can pay more attention to the smooth texture of her scales against his paw pads and how her fingers feel as they glide across the fur of his chest. She does this thing where she kisses him here and there as she massages him and cleans him. He tries to do the same to her and by the time he's done, his sheath is starting to stir. This body appreciation thing has limits. For both of them, he can smell her getting excited as well. But they're both done with the somewhat quick shower by the time this happens, so they just dry off and go on with the rest of their evening. Core works on his laptop to write a paper for one of his classes. The nearly-broken state of his machine only causes him a couple small problems. Millie offers to proofread his paper and comes up with some good edits. In the position she’s sitting in while she reads his paper, her housecoat is hanging open enough for him to see one of her breasts quite clearly. A little tingle of arousal causes him to blush a bit, but he looks away and thinks about something else. He’s going to give himself a bit of time before he has sex again. After she's done going through his paper, he makes the changes and sends it in. He starts on another paper that’s not due till next week so that he is sure he has time to work for Millie. A while later, he leans back in his chair and sighs. How many times must he retype this sentence? It just never comes out right. He’s only a page away from the end... It’s time to stop. Looking at the time, his eyes widen. It’s almost midnight. At least he doesn’t have to get up early tomorrow. He heads to the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed. With his teeth brushed, he yawns and stumbles toward Millie's bed. He lays on his side and stares at the wall blankly as he realizes it won't be long until he's having his first day at his new job. Until he gets to hang out with Victoria. The memory of Victoria’s tender, caring embrace fills his mind. Joy envelops him like a thick blanket. She’s such a warm person. Working with her will probably be great. Well, he doesn’t know what he’s going to be doing yet, but he trusts Millie. It’s going to be odd if he has to help Victoria with her wardrobe. If he ends up touching her naked fur and those three pairs of breasts. Blood flows to his cheeks as he imagines fucking her against a wall in her dressing room to help her get "ready." His arousal builds--she probably wouldn’t mind him losing his professionalism... As his penis throbs to life, he tries to think of something else. He’s supposed to be tired. He’s had a long week. How is he going to describe 1920's animation in the paper? Thinking about his paper is like taking sleeping pills. He tries to make some headway thinking about it, but each time he gets an idea, his body feels heavier. Like his mind would rather turn off than try to figure it out. His head settles into his pillow a couple minutes later and his breaths become more slow. Just as he's falling asleep, Millie climbs into bed and wraps her arms around him. She says, "Sleep well, Mr. Sexy Fox." He murmurs something that could be gibberish for all he knows and falls asleep.