Character Creation Chapter Nine – Modify Memory The memory is a fickle thing. Countless studies have demonstrated its fallibility, the way faces can be transposed, details transmuted, dates and places muddled and whole events forgotten or invented entirely, all without even meaning to. Yet paradoxically, we rely on our memories for so many of our interactions. Though we may not remember a reference, we mirror the speakers’ facial expression as though we do. Juries may rely on eye-witness testimony to condemn the accused, because to doubt that they remember matters rightly means to acknowledge that the jurors’ own memories may be flawed as well. Good DMs will use recaps to highlight past events in the way they should be thought of in the session ahead, and will try to include highly memorable details and experiences that have a better chance at lasting in players’ minds. And sometimes, a particularly clever DM may be so bold as to attempt to fabricate a memory of event that transpired very differently indeed… “Could you use it in a sentence?” “Certainly,” the emcee responded. “I trusted the hairdresser to manage my perm after seeing the cymotrichous style of her own.” “Country of origin?” “Greece.” He went through it in his head. It wouldn’t start with an s, not in Greek. Was it sim or sem? “Could you repeat it, please?” “Yes. The word is… cymotrichous.” He concentrated hard on that first syllable. It was a sim>, he was sure of it. The emcee had just enough of New Englander in her accent that he’d leave that vague, as he’d noticed when that poor contestant had embarrassed herself on “verisimilitude” earlier. He took a deep breath. “Cymotrichous. C-Y-M-O-T-R-I-C-H-O-U-S. Cymotrichous.” The stage lights shining in his face made it impossible to gauge anyone’s reaction, or to tell if the murmur in the crowd was one of excitement or disappointment. He held his breath until finally, the emcee responded. “Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this year’s National Spelling Bee is Mr. Charlie Davenport.” The crowd went wild, at least in the quiet way that spelling bee crowds do. Charlie beamed at them, wishing he could see his parents’ faces through those infernal lights. He shook hands with the second place student, then posed for a few photos as they handed him the trophy. Then his mother and father were allowed to join him on stage, and he hugged them fiercely and thanked them for all their encouragement and support. Then there was some paperwork to be signed for the scholarship he’d be receiving amidst occasional congratulations from the other competitors. Before he went out to get in the car with her parents, he asked for a few minutes alone. Even after years of studying morphology, the nuances of spelling conventions of dozens of world languages, poring over spelling dictionaries until he’d surely damaged his eyesight, Charlie had never truly believed this moment would come. He was sitting in a stairwell alone crying tears of joy when he heard a man clearing his throat to get Charlie’s attention. “Excellently played, Mr. Davenport.” He was an elderly man, easily his grandfather’s age, and dressed in a fashion neither antiquated nor in vogue anywhere he’d ever heard of. “Thanks,” he said. “I worked really hard at it. This is maybe the best day of my life.” The man smiled. “A lot of memorization, was it? I know how that goes – trying to recall the formula for bonus spells by primary casting ability score, or whether it’s the sickened or shaken condition that penalizes attack damage…” “Um, right. That sounds like quite a task,” he said, trying to be polite. Poor old guy had no idea what planet he was on. “The mind is a fragile thing, though,” the man went on. “Be glad yours seems to be made of such strong stuff – you may find that the memories of others are not so resilient. In fact, here. Why don’t you take this – put that talent for memorization to use.” The old man held out an old-looking leather-bound book, a funny little symbol stitched onto the front cover. “Uh, right.” He accepted it cordially. Poor guy, obviously senile. “Well, I need to be going. My parents’ are waiting on me.” “That they are – gods speed, gods speed!” He waved at Charlie’s backside as he hustled away. Old people were so weird. The next morning, all those funny squiggles and patterns in the book suddenly made sense. Charlie couldn’t even have said why he opened it again; he just woke up feeling like he could understand it. And, to his surprise, he could. The symbols were words, words that called upon some kind of power that could affect the human mind! He just needed to study them, commit them to memory, then at a later time just say the last couple syllables and POW. Charlie studied it until he was sure the pattern was locked in and he could feel his brain filling with the unlocked potential. He studied it again to keep it locked in, his own brain struggling to contain the power. With concentration, he even managed a third. That one was hard. Three times was all he’d be able to manage, for now. Now to find someone to test it on. It was a Sunday, so his parents were both home. His dad was making breakfast, and peering out his bedroom window, he saw his mom tending her garden. Then, above the fence, through the world’s most auspiciously placed bedroom window, he saw Kristi Dawson. Kristi’s family had moved in when they were just little kids, her eight and him seven. They’d been good friends, then – she used to sneak over into his room at night for sleepovers, braving the jump down from the roof of the bay window beneath her bedroom, then climbing up the sturdy trellis into his. That was a long time ago, though. Then puberty had hit and she’d turned into a beauty and been sucked into the In crowd. He couldn’t blame them for wanting her. She was the perfect girl next door – literally. Long auburn hair, angelic dimples, just the right amount of baby fat in just the right places. Not too much, not too little. She was a year ahead of him in school, and he dreaded the day she left for college. Her bedroom window faced his, really only a couple dozen feet apart, and once in a while he let himself peer out and daydream about her. Kristi was a genuinely nice girl, and they were still on friendly terms even if they weren’t friends. For all his bookwormish ways, Charlie wasn’t an outcast, but he knew full well girls like Kristi Dawson didn’t go out with boys like him. So he’d dated girls in his league, and she’d dated boys in hers. It had been eleven years since she’d moved in, and he still smiled at the thought of her. Sure would be nice to at least give her a thrill thinking about me for once, though. He cast the spell. Kristi considered herself a chaste girl – not a slut, not even a tease. When she dated a guy, she was a good girlfriend and was no cold fish, but she was only eighteen years old, and much too young to go all the way. She never forgot the one time she’d been a little bit of a tease though… Her next door neighbor Charlie’s bedroom window faced hers. He was a sweet guy, kinda nerdy, but they’d always gotten along really well. Sure, she knew he had his little crush on her, but he’d never been ungentlemanly about it, and she appreciated it. One night, she’d come home from a party and had a few drinks in her, and seen him hitting the books at his desk. He saw her light turn on and looked over; she gave him a flirty little smile and a wave. When that made him blush beet red… she just couldn’t help herself. Kristi went and closed her curtains like she always did before she changed. She suspected sometimes he could see her silhouette, but that was no big deal. Tonight though… She closed them 90% of the way. Positioning herself carefully in the path of the thin beam of extra light projecting in from the lamp in Charlie’s room, Kristi slowly, achingly slowly, started to undress. The boy’s gaze was palpable on her bare skin. She wondered how her young body was affecting him. Was she the first girl he’d ever seen in a bra? Would he brag about it to his friends? Did he have a good view of her panties, or was he right now desperately wishing her bed were a little shorter? Did her bare breasts look the way he’d imagined they would? Had he guessed what color, what size her nipples were? Was he grossed out by her unshaved bush, or did it turn him on? For how many long would he touch himself thinking of the night he caught a glimpse of Kristi Dawson’s naked body? Weeks? Years? Forever? She looked up, pretending to be surprised to see her curtains were open, expecting to see a wide-eyed Charlie diving for cover bashfully. Instead… he was standing there. As naked as she was. Stroking his cock with a confidence she’d never imagined he had in him. His cock was massive – she could hardly believe Charlie of all people was packing a dick like that. She found it was her own jaw that dropped in surprise, but her neighbor didn’t even flinch. It was a message, telling her he’d seen her, and that he wanted her to know he’d liked seeing her. That he was comfortable letting her see him too. She threw the curtains shut. He wouldn’t be able to see how wet she was. It felt like Charlie saw right through her. Charlie watched as Kristi suddenly stiffened as his carefully woven memory settled in, as it became a part of her experiences. There had actually been a night when she’d left her curtains a tiny slit open, enough that his raging teenage libido wouldn’t let him look away but so little that he got little more than a glimpse of her in a bra and panties for a fraction of a second as she walked past. In actuality, she’d noticed the slit and closed it, and when she caught him peeping, she’d glared as she did so. Now… for her, it had happened very differently. Presently, she looked across the way at his room, the new memory presumably center stage in her mind as it settled in. Her eyes widen and her cheeks flushed as she looked over at his window, then forced an awkward smile and looked away. She glanced back a few times, but that was it. Well, what did you think was gonna happen, Chuck. Ah well. It was still fun just to toy with her. In fact… oh, what the hell. Kristi thought about that night often. How turned on she’d been. In fact, the second she’d closed those curtains, she’d collapsed onto her bed and slid a narrow finger into her pussy. Oh fuck. Fuck that was good. She’d finally found out how it felt to tease a boy, and it was so hot. She’d been so fucking slutty. One finger wasn’t enough. She slid in a second. It was then she remembered her parents weren’t home, and she let herself moan. Oh yeah, that was right. Let it out. She hadn’t gotten off in what felt like ages. Time to really let go. Just like Charlie was in his bedroom right now. Charlie and his leviathan of a cock. Thinking of her, her naked body. That she’d showed him like some kind of cheap hussy. Why had she done that? Kristi couldn’t imagine what came over her. Then again, if she’d known it would feel this sexy, she would have done this ages ago. She pictured Charlie, still looking at her window. Could he see her silhouette from the lamplight? Could he see her toying with her pussy like a little slut? That made her moan louder – a wail, really. Fuck it, she was alone. She could howl, if she felt like it. She thought about him standing there, watching a dark Kristi-shape toying with her sopping wet cunt. Cunt? She’d never used that word in her life. Tonight it felt right though. It felt hot. She was a woman, women had cunts. Hers was being filled for once. How long had she neglected it? When she could have it fucked any time she wanted. Charlie would, if she let him. God, she could go over there right now and let him. Was he still standing there, his gigantic dick in his hand, watching her? Two fingers wasn’t enough. She pressed in a third, moaning. That was more like it. That was more how Charlie’s cock would feel inside her. She pawed at her tits – tits, another word she normally didn’t like that was suddenly apt – as she thought about how it would feel being filled by her neighbor. If she could even take it all. Her mind was adrift in bliss, twisting her hard nipples, thumbing at her clit between thrusts of her finger, hips bucking up and down as her sweat soaked into the sheets on the warm summer nights. She was dizzy with lust. When her eyes closed, she could see stars, hear birds singing. She sang along with them, a sensual note of pure pleasure that echoed around the walls of her room. Wait, no. Those were actual birds singing. Why were they so loud? Oh SHIT. She’d left her window open. But that meant… That meant Charlie had heard every whorish sound her mouth had made. She came harder than she ever had before in her life. Charlie grinned as he saw his pretty neighbor fanning herself as his lurid memory settled into her. She was more than a little flushed. He wondered how it felt to her, if it felt unnatural and out-of-place, or if she just accepted it unquestioningly. After all, people behaved strangely sometimes. He had a third lingering use of his new power in his mind… he could see if he could use it to trick his parents (“you know how you said you’d give me $200 if I won the bee?”). But… oh, hey. Teasing Kristi was pretty fun. Even if it never really happened, it was fun to know she had fond memories of getting off while she thought about him. One more couldn’t hurt. The next day had been so embarrassing. Kristi walked over to the Davenports’ back yard when she saw Charlie out back pulling weeds, trying to keep her chin up confidently. “Heya, Charlie.” He stood up and looked her right in the eye. Had he always been so confident? “Hi, Kristi. You look great, by the way.” “Thanks.” She smiled in spite of herself. “Could we talk about last night?” “Sure. Do you mean the stripping, or the masturbating?” Her “geek” neighbor didn’t even flinch to bring it up. Meanwhile, here she was stuttering like a middle schooler. “Um, yeah. Those things. Both, I guess.” Charlie took a step closer to her, eyes still fixed on hers. She blinked first, only then she found herself staring down at his crotch. Damn it had been fucking huge. “Well sure, Kristi. Let’s talk about it.” She bit her lower lip nervously as she tried to form thoughts. “Um, yeah. I guess, like, I just wanted to apologize… well, no, that’s not quite right…” “Good. I don’t want you to apologize.” He said it like he had a perfect right to tell her what he wanted from her. “Right, right. Um, so anyway, I just… I don’t know what came over me, and I’m not normally like that, you know, and I can’t believe I… well, I didn’t know the curtains were open, see…” “Sure you did. It’s all right, Kristi. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. If I upset you, I’m sorry – that was never my intention. But I liked looking at you, and it seemed like you liked being looked at.” Fuck, why did he have to be so… so… Mmmmmm. His eyes never left her face, but it was like she was naked again, stripped bare before that intense gaze. Charlie cupped her chin, and she found herself bashfully looking up at– Wait, wasn’t she a couple inches taller than him? –bashfully looking down at him. She’d never understood that phrase “putty in his hands” before now, but wow did she ever get it now. Her mouth was too dry to form words. Charlie just stayed silent – then he kissed her. Her toes literally curled in her sandals as her neighbor’s tongue met her own. Without waiting for an invitation, he put one hand on her butt and the other on the back of her head. Kristi couldn’t say how long they stood there making out, but it was definitely he who decided when it was over. She blinked a few times, a little unsteady on her feet. “I… I… um, it… I can’t…” She took a deep breath. “I just came over to say it won’t happen again.” Charlie’s firm grip slid – slowly, at his pace, not hers – off her hips. “Of course not. Not until you want it to.” Kristi giggled. “Right. And – and I don’t,” she said, totally unconvincingly. When Kristi stood up, Charlie couldn’t help but notice her hardened nipples tenting out the front of her t-shirt. With a momentary glance in his direction, she fled from her bedroom. Ah, well, it had been fun while it lasted. The power was pretty impressive, he had to say. It was fun to imagine himself as that confident, unflinching guy. That guy wasn’t afraid to talk to pretty girls. He expected them to be scared to talk to him. The spell didn’t seem especially useful, but hey, it was plenty amusing. The remainder of the day was no different than usual, and he could feel that full-ness in his head fading as the day went on. Hopefully by tomorrow he’d have room for a few more uses of his spell. The next day was Monday and he had a big test in pre-calculus, so Charlie turned in early to be well-rested. If he’d stayed up just a little later, he might have caught sight of Kristi Dawson peering out her window to see if she’d have an audience, a little pout on her face. Charlie’s homeroom class sat by the next morning, bored as usual by the monotone recitation of the daily announcements, most of them just chattering right over it. Charlie was idly cramming for his precal test when he perked up upon hearing his name. This past weekend was the national spelling bee; let’s congratulate our own Charlie Davenport for taking first place and becoming this year’s national champion. The student reading the announcement didn’t even inflect the tiniest shred of excitement, but still, it was cool to hear his name read. His homeroom teacher Mr. Stringer smiled at him, as did the others in the room who knew him. Which turned out not to be everyone. “Charlie Davenport? I’ve never even heard that name before. Does he go to this school?” said a voice a couple rows over. Dana Spectre. Charlie had been in class with her since third grade, but of course, a wallflower and a mental jock like him didn’t register on the radar of a girl like that. She was rich, beautiful, and popular – but unlike Kristi, she made no effort to be approachable to her lessers. The question was directed to her friend Lindsey, who was only just behind her in looks, money, and local notoriety. “I think so? Isn’t he that kid in the wheelchair?” “No, that’s Chad. I think. Damn, I know that name from somewhere…” “One of the geeks who does your homework?” Lindsey teased, giggling. Charlie was friends with some of those geeks, actually. With a little glare on their behalf, Charlie cast the spell, glad for the general din of the room to conceal it. That bad been one wild party, a couple months back at Javier’s parents’ house. Dana had drank like a fish, danced like a fiend, and finally wound up waiting in the closet for her friend Lindsey to send in her catch of the day. She’d had her sights set on this guy Micah, a year behind them but a total hunk and a star basketball player. The party was to celebrate the team’s victory at semi-state, and she’d volunteered to be the prize for the team’s best player (with her own selfish reasons, of course). The closet door opened a few minutes later. Half-blinded by the sudden light, she only saw his silhouette, but wasted not a second before grabbing him by his shirt collar and drawing him in for a kiss. Dana wished there was more light in there; she was slaying in this dress, a slutty little thing her parents would kill her for wearing if they ever found out, her boobs popping out of the neckline and her ass threatening to creep out the bottom. The boy had a reputation for being a little shy, so with Micah unable to see how hot she was, she made sure he felt it. Dana shoved his hand right down her dress and guided the other around the back. Shyness, however, just wasn’t in it. “I want to fuck you, girl,” said a soft voice in her ear. Oh fuck, he was so direct. She’d been psyching herself up to seduce him, she wanted to tell him yes, yes, she’d fuck him, she’d wanted to fuck him ever since she saw him make the winning shot against West Side High. Before she could make a sound though, he’d grasped her thigh and hooked her leg up over his shoulder. Dana wasn’t sure if she tore her panties off in her haste, if he did. All she knew was that if he beat her to it, it wasn’t by much. He slammed her up against the wall and pinned her there. Holy shit was he aggressive. Some girls would be scared by it but not her. “Do it,” she said as she heard him undoing his pants. “Fuck me. Fuck my little pussy.” “You’re sure you’re ready?” “Oh yeah, baby, I’m so fucking wet for you,” she moaned as he firmly squashed her left breast in a powerful hand. “That’s not what I meant,” he said as he slid her dress straps to the side, her big braless tits springing free. “What did you me-heeeEEEEEEEEEEAN!!!” she howled as he slid into her. She got now what he meant. His cock was fucking enormous. He had to go in slowly so she could stretch to accommodate it, and even then… she’d never felt so full in her life. She didn’t know she could feel this full. Then he began to fuck her. Things got pretty blurry after that. Between the alcohol, her incredibly stuffed pussy, and what seemed like an endless tide of orgasms, she could only follow it in phases. Nearly doing the vertical splits, gripping the bar between the hanging jackets for dear life as he drilled her. Pinned with her back up against the wall, her legs wrapped around his waist, holding herself up with arms around his neck. Shoved face first against the closet door, trying and no doubt failing not to let her moans be audible to anyone nearby. Grabbing her ankles, two strong male hands holding her up by her hips as she was nailed from behind. What was that sound? Sharp, clipped, repeated…? Oh, he was spanking her. Which was so fucking hot. Dana had had sex before, plenty of times, but she’d never just been out and out fucked. Not like this. Somewhere in the middle of it her alcohol-fogged brain realized it wasn’t Micah – she never could’ve gotten her leg over his shoulder – but by then she didn’t care. She just needed to get her pussy fucked. The man came inside her, not even asking. He could’ve gotten her pregnant, but didn’t even care. He did what he wanted, didn’t back down. God, that was hot. “Who… who are you?” she panted, on her knees, her tiny little dress bunched up around her waist. She could hear him doing up his pants behind her, getting ready to leave. Of course – he’d gotten what he’d wanted, and he was moving on. He wasn’t a boy who want to take her out to some shitty movie, ask her how her day was, kiss her daddy’s ass. This was a man. “Davenport,” he said. Then he left her, satisfied and dripping with his cum. “God, I swear I know that name from somewhere!” Dana insisted. Oh, of course, he’d left her too drunk in her own memory; she probably couldn’t remember it all. Well, just for a little boost… Charlie looked at her friend Lindsey, and cast again. Lindsey watched in horror as that asshole Dylan shoved some kid into the closet with Dana, laughing the stupid, knuckle-dragging laugh of his bully tribesmen. Shit! She was waiting for Micah to come by so she could guide him in. Oh well, Dana would surely notice the difference between the muscular 6’4” basketball player and this lean 5’8” nerd. Only… then the door didn’t open. Why wasn’t she kicking him out? Was she that drunk? Lindsey slinked over to the closet door to break this up. “Oh SHIT your cock is big!” she heard Dana moan. Whoa. “Yes, yes FUCK ME, YES,” Dana hissed. Lindsey, intrigued, put her ear to the door, where she could just make out the sound of her friend panting raggedly over the pounding music from the party. Lindsey listened hard; this was hot as hell. Her friend couldn’t stop moaning as this stranger plowed her. She’d always been a strange mix of jealous and attracted where Dana was concerned – not that she’d ever tell her. The girl had too much of an ego as it was. Still, she’d never heard someone make blissed out noises like that, at least not outside of actual pornography. Nobody was around – nobody too likely to come by this little nook – so Lindsey eased a hand under her dress, slid her panties to the side, and teased at her swollen little clitty. She felt a thud as the mystery man pushed Dana up against the door, could feel it shaking with each thrust into her friend’s pussy. There faces were inches apart, just separated by the thin door. It was almost like they were fucking this guy together. The door almost hit her in the face when the stranger emerged. Behind him, she caught a glimpse of Dana lying on the floor, rubbing her bare tits with one hand and teasing out another orgasm out her cum-dripping pussy with the other. Lindsey pulled her finger out of her pussy like she was burned, hoping he didn’t notice. In fact, he didn’t even look at her, just strode right past like fucking one of the hottest girls in school while her friend listened on was par for the course. “Who are you…?” she asked in wonderment. He turned and looked her over. She felt naked before those eyes. If it felt as good as Dana had made it sound, she wished she was. He took a few steps toward her, and she bumped against the wall. He followed her, pressing his chest against hers. She could feel her nipples pressing into him. She would have let him fuck her right there in the hallway. Instead, he leaned into her ear and whispered the answer to her question, then walked away. “No no no – holy SHIT, I remember!” Lindsey exclaimed, suddenly coloring. She suddenly leaned into her friend and whispered in her ear. Dana colored as well, and this gave way to the two girls engaging in a feverish whispering session. It was several minutes before the girls noticed that the object of their discussion was sitting not ten feet away from them. Charlie did his best to sit up straight, look nonchalant. The bell rang, and he ignored the girls staring after him as he left. It was a pretty boring day, all things considered. His precal test wound up easier than he’d expected, or at least he’d studied enough to have an easy time at a hard test. Charlie even passed by Kristi in the hallway at one point. None of her popular friends were around, so he said hi. Kristi just blushed and hurried by. Maybe she was more self-conscious of her social standing than he’d thought. Ah well. He knew how things were. After all, he knew how his friends would geek out if they saw him with her. Not the same thing, quite, but still embarrassing and worth avoiding. Speaking of embarrassing, it was time for gym with Miss Roper. Miss Roper was young and distractingly hot; moreover, ever since the rumors started that she’d slept with Garrett Elfmann, it was hard not to fantasize about getting a little piece of the same. What did Garrett have that he didn’t, after all? (Though he heard good things about the guy – people seemed to really like him.) So with one more spell memorized for the day, while she was taking attendance as the class did their warm-up routine, he found himself looking too hard at those toned athletic legs and… oh, why not. Not like he needed to save them. The day was over, the students had gone home, and Julie Roper had nowhere to be until track practice started in twenty minutes. Plenty of time for her favorite diversion – fucking the living daylights out of that Elfmann kid. There was just something about him, after all. He wasn’t a student; he was a friend. Getting fucked by him wasn’t like it was with a boyfriend or even a casual hookup… it was like… a favor? That made her sound like such a slut, but hey, it felt right. He was just such a good guy and she liked him so much, she’d be a pretty shitty friend if she withheld something that didn’t even cost her anything. By now, it was their routine, and she sort of enjoyed the game of it. Garrett would show up to class and she’d find herself wondering what the hell she ever saw in the twerp. He was nothing special – just another acne-prone kid who looked dorky in a school gym uniform. Then he’d show up to her office after school and, he’d mutter that silly kid-slang she didn’t understand and she’d just melt with the realization of how special he really was to her. At first, he showed up with some kind of pretense about wanting help with his tennis swing, asking what sport they were going to do after their softball unit… but soon enough they both just accepted that when he came in, it was to fuck her brains out. She knew it, and she loved it. Which was why she was in her office with her shorts and panties around her ankles, bent over her desktop and waiting for her buddy to come drill her. This was much more brazen than her usual, waiting for him to talk her into things, but she wanted to be quick about it. Besides, why wait. No matter how disinterested she felt now, her pussy knew she was going to change her mind (again). In fact, she was already wet just thinking about it. Happily, the door opened promptly. “Hey, babe,” she said, wagging her ass enticingly for him. Her tight little ass was indubitably her best feature. Sometimes she’d turned around abruptly just to see how many men were staring at it. Usually, it was most of them. She heard an appreciative whistle. “You mind closing the door?” she said, rolling her eyes. A moment later, the door closed. “Good. Now, I don’t like to rush you or anything, but… I got practice in 20 minutes, and I don’t want to go in all cummy.” Better than wasting time responding, he got right to it. The petite blonde grinned in anticipation as she heard his clothes coming off. She never even had to go the extra mile to get him hard – a kid his age was always ready to go. When she dated older guys, there was all that sucking and rubbing to get ready, when honestly all she really wanted was to fuck. (For a good friend like Garrett, sure, she sucked his cock on the regular, but that was just being cool to her friend, not a mature relationshippy thing.) Then he was inside her. She groaned at the fullness she felt. She usually tried to be quiet, just in case, but DAMN he was hard today. Her sweet little cunt was plugged good and tight, and it felt like he was still growing inside her as he started to thrust. Her hands found a stack of forms on her desk, crumpling them up as her hands involuntarily clenched into fists. “Oh shit, you’re really excited today, aren’t you?” His only reply was some grunting as he kept plugging her. “You’re right, don’t talk, just fucking fuck me, babe,” she moaned. Her favorite student was only too happy to comply. Damn, she’d underestimated how much better things felt with a bigger cock. Maybe size mattered more than she’d thought. Fuck, how did he get so much fucking bigger since two days ago? Then he was smacking her ass and she lost her train of thought. He always liked to give her butt a little spanking before he stuck it in there. Oh shit! “No!” she said quickly. “No, you’re too fucking big, babe – can you settle for my pussy? Please, just for today? You can fuck my ass again tomorrow.” Wow, she usually couldn’t say no to him. Maybe she wasn’t as crazy over him as she’d worried. He seemed to grudgingly accept, chuckling a little (at who knew what) and sticking to her cunt. And boy, did he ever stick it to her cunt. It was fucking glorious. Bent over with her back arched, his cock was just raking along her pleasure center, grazing her g-spot over and over, and with how fucking big his cock was, she could really feel it. She came so many times that when he finally pulled out and spurted what felt like a bucket of his jizz on her bare ass, she was barely even aware of it. The young gym teacher could hear him getting dressed behind her, but she was too blissed to move just yet. That had been the fucking of a lifetime – and so goddamn hot about it, too, just coming in and fucking her, certain his bitch was ready and not bothering to ask or warm her up. She hadn’t needed either. He stroked her hips, gave one of the few dry spots on her ass an affectionate pat. “Thanks for that, Garrett. You can fuck my ass tomorrow if you want, but you gotta be gentle.” “Well I look forward to it, Miss Roper,” said another student’s voice from behind her, “but I’m not Garrett.” She whirled around to look at him so fast that flecks of jizz flew off her ass and all over her desk and office walls. “Charlie?! What are you doing in here?! Did you…? Did you just…?!” He grinned. “I sure did.” “How dare you!” “You asked me to when I walked in. Do you always fuck anybody who walks into your office, or is Garrett just the lucky one?” “He’s not… I don’t…” She blushed. He was staring right at her, not cowed in the least. She was a naked woman to him, not an exasperated authority figure. He really had made her his bitch, and she wasn’t doing anything to dissuade him of it. “Look, just… please don’t tell anyone, OK? I could– we could both get into a lot of trouble. Understand?” “You don’t need to worry, Miss Roper.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Charlie. I… geez, I don’t know what to say.” “Well why don’t you think it over, and I’ll stop by after school on Monday and you can say it to me? Or, since you seemed so keen on the idea, I could just fuck your ass. Either way.” “I… Yes. We’ll talk. Monday.” Charlie stepped forward and kissed her, brazenly taking one small breast in one hand and slipping a finger into her sopping wet cunt with the other. God help her, she kissed back. She was even disappointed when he stopped. “Have fun at track practice.” “Yeah. I will. Talk to you, um, Monday.” God, she was turned on. She could fuck him again right now. Not that she was going to be yet another student’s fuck buddy. Just Garrett’s. But what would that cock feel like in her ass? Charlie smiled to himself as he saw her stiffen, and made eye contact with her when she looked in his direction. Had it worked? If she wasn’t really sleeping with Garrett, that whole thing would seem insane, him coming in and fucking her last Friday. With the class surrounding him and in the middle of doing exercise, his concentration hadn’t been top notch; he could only control the basic gist of it. Her waiting naked, realizing who he was, having gotten off good and hard – but her brain could fill in a million different details on its own. This he already knew from his psych class, and the magic just served to confirm it. If she was pissed, she might call the police. Not that there was any evidence, of course. Still, he made a mental note not to take risks unless he was in a position to fix memories that might cause problems. He thought Miss Roper was looking at him a little much during class, but it could just be his imagination. She never actually spoke to him or anything, though, so he relaxed soon enough. Until the end of class, when the final school bell rang and she planted herself right in his path. Around him, his peers rushed by without noticing, all relieved to be done with the daily grind. “Going somewhere?” she asked him. He tried to read her face, but if they’d been playing poker, she’d have cleaned him out. “Um, home?” he said cluelessly. Suave, Chuck, real suave. “Not yet you’re not. My office. NOW.” She about-faced and headed into the girl’s locker room, where her office was located. Even knowing there was nobody else in there and that a partition blocked her door from the locker area, he was still nervous stepping in. She let him in and followed after, closing the door behind them. “Can I ask what this is about?” Oh shit, he was going to jail. Or at least get kicked out of school. He’d never even gotten a detention before. Once in second grade he’d gotten his name put on the board for talking during class. (He’d just been helping the kid next to him with a math problem, but he hadn’t wanted to be rude and talk back.) “I think you know what this is about.” She folded her arms across her chest. “About… the other day?” he said. It was crazy, having a conversation with someone about something that hadn’t actually happened. “Ya think?” she said, rolling her eyes. Shit shit shit! His mind raced as panic set in. All he had to do was make her not bust him here and now. Then he could come back tomorrow, delete the memory, no harm done. But if she told the principal, or his parents, or the police… “Look, I can explain…” “Save it. I don’t want to hear an explanation.” “I… apologize?” “Damn right you should apologize!” she got right up in his face and poked him hard in the chest. Holy shit, maybe she was just going to kick his ass. He took a deep breath. “You come into my office and give me the best fucking I’ve ever had, make me wait around horny and unfulfilled all weekend, then try to duck out on me without even saying a word?” He let the breath out. What the… Miss Roper whipped off her shirt. Holy FUCK. Miss ROPER just whipped off her SHIRT! He gaped at the sight of her bare tits. He’d always wondered if she went braless or her outfits just masked it well. Now he knew. Her breasts were amazing. They weren’t big, but standing there with them exposed for his viewing pleasure, every notion of insisting on a big bust flew right out of his head. With those puffy pink nipples stiffening before his eyes, he was entranced – so much so he didn’t even notice her frown. “Geez, the other day you were all confidence – now I make the first move, and suddenly you’re tongue-tied? Where’s my Take-Charge Charlie?” Confidence? Right, he’d been projecting this macho boldness in his implanted memories. How could he be that confident? He thought of one of his spelling heroes, the great John Capehart, who hadn’t flinched when the emcee threw “smaragdine” in his path. Capehart knocked that shit out of the park. He kicked ass and took perfectly spelled names. “Just waiting for you to lose the rest,” he said, injecting every ounce of self-assuredness he could muster. To his shock and delight, her displeasure faded and she gave him a sensual little grin. “You mean you don’t wanna do the honors?” Be like Capehart. “I didn’t come in here to play games, Julie,” he said, happy he remembered her first name. “You’re not some little girl who wants to play games, are you? I thought you were a grown woman, who knew how to take care of a man.” Her jaw dropped, but in the next breath she was turning around and shaking her butt side to side as she lowered her shorts. “You bet I am.” Charlie allowed himself a moment to gape in awe as the object of his lust was suddenly, impossibly, revealed to him. Her panties followed right behind, and he could see the moisture already gathering on her pussy lips. She swiveled to face him and dropped to her knees, pawing at his crotch, where his cock was already rock hard. “Come on, Charlie… don’t make me beg for it…” He almost started undoing his belt, but remembered Capehart. “Go ahead, Teach,” he said. She grinned at his permission and tore into his pants like they’d insulted her mother. Before he knew it, he was completely naked, and she was staring in delight at his cock, still on her knees. “Oh god, it’s just as big as it felt…” He grinned at the flattery. Charlie had considered embellishing it in the false memories, but that was one thing he always had felt confident about, so he hadn’t bothered. “Your mouth big enough for it?” “Well, I guess I’m gonna have to get it good and wet if we’re going to get this monster into my ass, aren’t I?” Into her…?! Damn, that must’ve been one hell of a memory! “Sounds like you better start sucking, Miss Roper.” She evidently agreed. An hour later, Charlie was still trying to figure out how what happened. He’d missed the bus while he was busy fucking Miss Roper’s ass. Julie’s ass, he supposed. She wanted him to call her Julie when they were alone. Which she intimated that she hoped would be often. On his walk home, head swimming with fresh real memories of his gym teacher’s tight butt impaled on his dick, none other than Dana Spectre had pulled over beside him and offered him a ride home. It was a good three miles, so even though he trusted her about as far as he could throw her and her convertible together, he went ahead and got in. Perhaps he was just too dazed from the incident after school, but he’d really been expecting her to try some cheesy bully tactic and drop him off in the middle of nowhere or something. Instead, she stuck to the directions he gave her. Now Charlie didn’t know much about girls, but when one of the hottest girls in school asks you if your parents are home (they weren’t) and follows it up by asking if she can come hang out for a while, he was still with-it enough to say Yes. (And just cognizant enough of the need to be the cool guy from her fantasies not to squeak a Yes Please.) He handed her one of his dad’s beers, and she seemed suitably impressed by the unsolicited alcohol. He helped himself to one, too, even though he hated the taste. His dad would probably notice, but whatever consequence befell him was worth a shot at Dana. Then, just as he was about to try making awkward chit-chat (“do you play any esports” was the best he’d come up with), she hopped up on the kitchen counter and leaned down close. He could see right down her shirt. Eye contact, damnit! Don’t blow this! But she smirked when she caught him looking, and then went ahead with her question. “So are you the one who’s been fucking Miss Roper?” He barely turned his head in time to avoid spraying beer all over her. Dana just laughed. “C’mon, you can tell me. Are you sticking it to the gym teacher?” “Why do you ask?” he responded guardedly, wiping his mouth with a dish towel. “Because I know you are, but I want to hear you say it.” “How do you know? Not that there’s, um, anything to know.” “I was going to talk to you after school today. I saw her drag you into her office. Then you made me wait, you bad boy you, but what I heard… only one activity makes a woman make that sound, and it’s not one on one dodge ball.” He almost tried a pun about how she’d done rather the opposite of dodging his balls, but stopped himself. Save that for his guy friends. “Well if you heard, then why did you ask?” She shrugged and took a sip of her beer. “I wanted to hear you say it. I’d heard the rumor she was banging a student, but honestly, I figured it was Garrett Elfmann. I mean, who could say no to that guy?” A perplexing statement; Elfmann was a nobody, as far as he knew. Though he’d heard more and more people say they thought he was a nice guy lately. “Wait a second… why were you waiting for me after school?” She playfully kicked him in the thigh. “To smack you around, you big dick. I’ve been trying to remember who I fucked at that party after semi-state for a while now – I was drunk out of my mind. I just remembered bits and pieces, really. And you take three months without ever once approaching me about it.” Dana poked him in the chest – right where Miss Roper had, actually. It smarted – what was it with girls and that finger jab? “Look, Dana – I should apologize,” he began, unsure how to proceed. He was apologizing for something he’d never done, something he would never even try normally. “I guess I didn’t, uh, realize you were drunk. If I took advantage…” “Took advantage? Charlie… I didn’t remember much, but I remember a cock that blew my fucking mind. Then you took it away.” Dana hooked her feet behind his ass and pulled him up close. “That was awfully, awfully selfish of you.” He blinked. This could not be happening again. “Dana, are you saying you want to…?” She sucked his earlobe into her mouth and teased it with her tongue. “We could do it in the closet again, but I think a bed would more comfortable,” she whispered. It didn’t take a full minute for the two of them to wind up half-naked in his bedroom. Trying to summon the confidence he’d inserted into her false memory, he dove right in. He got the bra off, and his jaw just dropped at the perfect orbs in front of him. Dana smirked. “You like? They were a sweet sixteen present from Daddy.” They felt as good as they looked. She just giggled as he voraciously sucked on her nipples. “If you like those, wait until you see what he got me for my eighteenth…” Charlie didn’t have the heart to tell her Miss Roper still had her beat in the ass department. But it was damn close. He only fondled briefly before flipping her back over and diving face-first between her thighs. Not two hours ago he’d lost his virginity – and then his ass-fucking virginity. If he’d been any good, it was good genetics combined with dumb luck. This, however… this, he had some experience with. “What… what are you doing? G-guys… oh, shit oh SHIT oh SHIT!... guys usually, mmm, just wanna fuh-fuh-HUCK me,” she stammered as he started on her clit. “I owe you, for not doing this sooner. So just lie back and keep your legs spread, OK Dana?” She just nodded, chewing on her lower lip as her hands roved over her tits. Good thing his parents weren’t home – she was a screamer. And he gave her plenty of cause to scream. That night as Charlie got ready for bed, he felt like a million bucks. He’d fucked Miss Roper twice over, then made Dana Spectre howl his name in bliss. He hadn’t even let her fuck him – she’d been eager to, jacking him off and demanding he stuff his cock in her wet cunt. Charlie was too aware his parents could come home at any minute though, and besides, leaving her wanting more felt kind of awesome. And she did want more; she’d said so. So had his teacher. His imagination spent the evening busily envisioning all the ways he could use this spell to get more pussy (in case he bored of Dana and Julie, who were both plenty eager for another go at him). Charlie’s imagination was so busy, in fact, that he didn’t even think of who else he’d already started working on – at least not until he came back from brushing his teeth and saw Kristi Dawson standing in her bedroom window looking right at him, wearing a skimpy tank top so sheer her nipples were showing, and a pair of little white cotton panties. Charlie literally pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He wasn’t. “Hi Kristi,” he said. There windows were only a thirty or forty feet apart, and both of them open. “Hi, Charlie.” “You look good.” “You too. Just like I remember.” He just looked at her. She was beautiful. Maybe Dana was hotter, in a porn-starry kind of way, but Kristi was just too lovely not to stare. “Was that Dana you had over this afternoon?” she asked. He nodded. “How’d you know?” “We’re friends, sort of. Friend of a friend, anyway. I recognized her car in the driveway.” “Ah. Yeah, it’s a nice ride.” “Yeah.” It grew quiet again; if she was willing to stand there and let him look at her, he sure wasn’t going to rush things. “So, like, are you two…?” “Nah. We were just hanging out. She’s not really my type.” The corners of her lips twitched upward. “Dana Spectre… isn’t your type? I thought she was every guy’s type.” “Most guys, probably.” “But not you?” “Nah. She’s selfish, and egotistical, and… well, just kind of mean.” “Selfish? She sounded like she gave it up pretty easy to me.” “Pardon?” Kristi blushed. “Your curtains were closed, but you left your window open. Mine was too. I wasn’t eavesdropping or anything, but I couldn’t help… overhear.” He smiled. “You heard us?” “Her, mostly. You were kinda quiet. Especially considering… you know. The sex.” “We didn’t have sex. I was quiet because my mouth was busy on her pussy.” Her eyes widened. “You made her…? You mean she was that loud, from…?” He nodded. Kristi looked down bashfully. “You must be pretty talented, to get her so… you know. Loud.” “Are you loud?” Her jaw dropped for a bashful moment. “Charlie…!” “Just a question.” “Well… I… actually wouldn’t know. I’ve never had a guy… do that.” He just looked at her a moment, charmed by her shyness, her beauty. No guts, no glory. “Do you think you could still climb the trellis?” “I couldn’t! No, no way – that would be crazy…” Charlie wordlessly popped out the screen and pulled it into his room. His muscle memory still knew exactly how to do it without it banging into the window frame. He jerked his head invitingly, then went to his bed to lie down, just out of her line of sight. It had been a long day; after a few minutes passed with no sign of his comely neighbor at the window, Charlie figured it was just as well. He’d already banged two chicks today, and he’d seen Kristi Dawson in her underwear. It was already far and away the best day of his life. (Maybe the second best. That spelling bee had been pretty epic. The crowd’s reaction when he nailed “saccharine”? That’s a tough high to beat.) He was lost enough in sleep that he didn’t hear her enter. Then he felt soft lips on his cheek, and he was awake in an instant. “You used to be faster about that.” “Your mom didn’t used to have those thorny pink flowers growing in front of the trellis, either. I had to put on clothes so I didn’t get all scratched up.” It was dark enough he hadn’t noticed the sweatpants and hoodie she’d adopted. “You don’t need them any more. Take them off.” She smiled shyly and fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. “Wait,” he said, holding up a hand. “I want to see you.” Charlie flipped on his desk light, then sat in his chair and watched her. She looked even more nervous. “You’re beautiful, Kristi. You have nothing to be ashamed of.” At that, she bent down and kissed him, this time on the lips, and this time not just a peck to wake him up. Their tongues entered it, and it was as warm and wet as it had been in his imagination. Then, Kristi obeyed. It wasn’t a strip tease, yet neither was it the rote motions of a person simply taking off their clothes. Each slow motion was deliberate, an invitation to take in her supple young body. In the chill night air, her arms were covered in little goose bumps, but Charlie could tell it hadn’t dimmed her arousal by the little wet spot where her thighs met, and the way her nipples – Kristi Dawson’s bare, hard nipples – were diamond hard. Charlie stood, and they took off their underwear in unison, each staring eagerly at the other. They stared. She seemed as pleased with the sight before her as he was with his own vista. He took in every graceful line and curve of her, adjusting all his imaginations and fantasies with this, the touch of real memory. Then there was a voice from just beyond his door. “Charlie, it’s late – you have school in the morning,” his mom said reprovingly. “I’m studying, mom. It’s really important.” Kristi covered her mouth to restrain a giggle. “All right, but try not to take too long.” He didn’t reply again, because Kristi had settled a hand on his cock. “It’s just like I thought it would be.” Then, humiliatingly… he came. In spite of all the sex, in spite of how he wanted to make this last all night, in spite of spending his entire adolescence pining in vain for this moment… this gorgeous creature’s words of lust pushed him over the edge like nothing else had. Charlie turned scarlet, mortified. “Holy shit, I’m sorry, I can’t believe that happened…” Kristi tried to console him, assured him it was normal, and flattering. She couldn’t completely mask her disappointment though. Whatever his offer had been, she had come for sex. The intent had been unspoken but had been palpable. “Look, it’s late,” she said at last, beginning to don her clothes. “Your mom was right.” “About not taking too long?” he muttered sourly. “About school tomorrow,” she said, squeezing his shoulder. “We’ll do this again sometime, though, right? Do it proper?” She was silent as she finished dressing herself. This time, it was perfunctory. “Charlie… maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe this happened to stop us from making a mistake, you know?” Seeing him readying to argue, she raised her voice just slightly. “Look, things happen for a reason, right? I’m glad we did this. I’ll always remember it.” With that sentiment, Charlie caved and bid her a good night. She slipped deftly out the window and back into her own room, then her curtains closed and the room went dark. Always remember it, eh? Kristi took his cock in her hand, her mouth competing with her pussy for which could produce the most juices at the thought of taking it inside. Kristi actually rather liked sucking cock – she was a giver, and the few guys she’d done it for had appreciated it. This, though… this divine, veiny rod of manhood… this would be a gift to herself. She’d suck it gladly, because that’s what she did, but it had activated some primal part of her brain that was hard-wired directly to her pussy, and that connection was screaming at her to get fucked. She let Charlie take charge, though. His confidence was intoxicating; she felt like she’d do anything he said at this point. He’d told her to come over, and she had. He’d told her to strip, and she had. Each time, obeying him had felt good. She would chase that feeling. “Do you know how to suck a man’s cock?” Kristi just nodded. “Show me.” She sank to a crouch, treating him to a few soft kisses and licks up the length of him before taking him into her mouth. Fuck, he’s huge. I can barely get him inside me. How is this going to fit in my pussy? It was that new pussy-brain that answered her. Your pussy was made for this. You’ll take him, and he’ll stretch you and fill you and use you and fuck you and he’ll cum in you and you’ll love every single second of it. This is why we exist. That sounded right. Perverse and slutty, but… right, somehow. Was this how other girls thought all the time? That ho Dana Spectre thought this way for sure. Oh shit, am I tasting Dana’s pussy on him? Am I a little slut that sucks her friends’ pussy juices off of guys’ cocks? It didn’t matter. She was sucking him, and somewhere far away, he was telling her she was doing a good job. Her pussy-brain drank in the praise, even as it told her not to stop, to blow him better, to do all those dirty little tricks of the lips and tongue that boys loved. She was barely even aware of moving to his bed with him, being maneuvered and prodded to where he wanted her. She had a cock in her mouth, that was what mattered. Charlie’s cock. Then, without even understanding how it happened, she was sixty-nining him. His tongue was at her cunt. Cunt? Since when do I say cunt? You say it now, insisted pussy-brain. You say it because it’s hot. You say it because that’s what you have between your legs, dripping and waiting to get stuffed. You say it because you are your cunt. OK, she agreed. There was a tongue in her cunt. Ooooh, and at her clit, too. Why argue with pussy-brain when agreeing with it freed her up to soak in all this pleasure? This was what he’d done to Dana, she realized. How many pussies has he been in today? With a cock like his, it was obvious: as many as he wanted. He helpfully pushed her face down onto his cock until it completely sealed off her airway – helpful, because otherwise her squeals as her first orgasm hit would’ve woken the entire house. Maybe hers too. It was too bad there was nobody else around to know. Letting their parents find out would suck, but… she was stealing Dana Spectre’s guy. Everyone should know that she was a better at pleasing a cock than that preppy skank. It was perfect. Just as she was congratulating herself for being the best cock-sucker in school, Charlie spewed what felt like a bucket of cum right down her throat. Like a reward. The best compliment she’d ever received. Another orgasm crashed through her, and her body shook so hard that by the time it finished, she just went limp. He rolled her off of him. With a dizzy smile plastered on her face, she gazed vacantly at him. Charlie. He was nice. He made her cum. He let her suck his cock. He liked her body. He appreciated her for the cunt she was. So much so, he never even went limp. He’d fucked one of the hottest cunts in school earlier that day, and he still couldn’t stop being hard for her. They were meant to be together. Then he was fucking her. Pussy-brain had been right – her cunt stretched for him, and he was sweet enough to ease himself in until she was ready. She felt so full she could burst, but pussy-brain promised her this was how it was supposed to feel, the sensation of every tiny ripple in her cunt rubbing against every little bump along his cock. This was what her body had been made for. If they’d just explained it like this in health class – “Ladies, when a man and a woman are crazy hot for each other, the man fucks the daylights out of the woman and stuffs her with his giant cock until she cums her brains out” – she would’ve done this years ago. Whenever Charlie let her. Which, she promised herself as she bit down on a pillow to keep from screaming as they again climaxed in unison, his seed splashing into her unprotected cunt, was when she intended to fuck him from now on. Kristi blinked. Wow, what an intense flashback. She giggled to herself as she finished her eggs at the breakfast nook, forcing herself not to look out and up at Charlie’s window, wondering if he was watching her now. It was silly, she knew, to romanticize it like that, dreaming that their little rendezvous had been some slutty porno thing. Pretending that she, wholesome little Kristi Dawson, could have been this giant slut. She’d never do anything like that. But sometimes it was OK to let memories adapt to what one wanted to remember. She’d gone over to Charlie’s, given him head, let him eat her out, and had sex. “Pussy-brain,” she chuckled to herself. Still… maybe Charlie would let her do it that way next time she went over. Maybe she could sneak in and be the submissive little cock-sucker, the easy little slut that she’d fantasized about being. Maybe he’d let her do that – he’d always been a nice guy, after all. Kristi glanced at the clock. Still half an hour before she had to leave for school, and both their parents were already gone to work… Charlie must have been standing right by his door, he opened it so quickly after her knock. “Come on in, Kristi,” he said, closing the door behind her. “What do you say you and I make some memories?” She sunk to her knees, and smiled. The advent of “social skills” – Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive and the like – ushered in a new era in the role-play aspect of role-playing games. No longer were NPCs reactions left entirely to the discretion of DMs, but rather, there was some guidance that could be applied, and a number of situational modifiers that could help keep the results reasonable. Of course, some amount of judgment is still required – and how much more with spells that alter the very fabric of a person’s mind? Will a criminal confess when charmed by the sheriff, even knowing his confession will be used against him? Just how “reasonable” is a suggestion that a quick dip in a pool of acid would be refreshing? The modify memory spell takes this to new heights. How might it affect a person to implant a false memory of being abused by a loved one, even just once? What recompense might a person offer someone who saved their life? Might our enemy be our friend if they could just forget a single moment in time? Think back on the time when that certain someone took a few minutes out of their day to make all the difference in the world in yours, consider the extent of your gratitude. How much do you owe them – and could you ever be certain you really do?